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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,606 0 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 462 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 416 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 286 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition. 260 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 254 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 242 0 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 230 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 218 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 166 0 Browse Search
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ke of Newcastle. His advancement by Sir Robert Walpole, who shunned men of talents as latent rivals, was owing to his rank, wealth, influence over boroughs, and personal imbecility. For nearly four-and-twenty years he remained minister for British America; yet to the last, the statesman, who was deeply versed in chap. I.} 1748. the statistics of elections, knew little of the continent of which he was the guardian. He addressed letters, it used to be confidently said, to the island of New England, James Otis on the Rights of the Colonies. Ms. Letter of J. Q. Adams. and could not tell but that Jamaica was in the Mediterranean. Walpole's Memoires of the last ten years of the reign of George II. Heaps of colonial memorials and letters remained unread in his office; and a paper was almost sure of neglect, unless some agent remained with him to see it opened. Memoires, &c., i. 343. Gov. Clinton, of New-York, to the Earl of Lincoln, April, 1748. His frivolous nature could neve
posed, might be obliged to contribute in a just proportion towards the expense of protecting the inland territories of New England and New York. Memorial of Oliver, Hutchinson and Choate, through Clinton and Shirley. We, Aug. subjoined Clinton an and the mother country. But nowhere did popular power seem to the royalists so deeply or dangerously seated as in New England, where every village was a little self-constituted democracy, whose organization had received the sanction of law and n 22 Geo. II., c. XXX. were attracted by the promise of exemption from oaths and military service. The goodwill of New England was encouraged by care for its fisheries; and American whalemen, stimulated by the promise of enjoying an equal bountyinst its liberty. In April, 1749, its Assembly, which always held that Nova Scotia included all the continent east of New England, represented to the king the insolent intrusions of France on their territory, advised that the neighboring provinces
rinciples which had crept into New York and New Jersey, and which were believed to prevail in New England and Pennsylvania. Drink Lord Halifax in a bumper, were the words of Clinton, as he read his lring of purest ancestors, nurtured by the ocean's-side, sanctified from childhood, a pupil of New England's Cambridge. Instructed in youth, thus he spoke of himself, in the doctrines of civil libertpublic incendiary. Cornwallis to Lieutenant-Governor Phips at Boston, 3 May, 1750. The New England colonies received the news without any disposition to undertake dislodging the French. In En pretensions to the crest of the Green Mountains; while Wentworth, the only royal governor in New England, began to convey the soil between the Connecticut and Lake Champlain by grants under the sealg the Wyandots, and crossing at White Woman's Creek, where had long stood the home of a weary New England captive, the agent of Virginia reached the last town of the Delawares, five miles above the m
required sixty shillings; compared with sterling money, the depreciation was as ten and a half or eleven to one. This was pleaded as the justification of the Board of Trade, who, in March, 1751, presented a bill to restrain bills of credit in New England, with an additional clause giving the authority of law to the king's instructions on that subject. Journal of the Commons, XXVI. 65, 119, 120, 187, 206, 265. In the dan- chap. IV.} 1751. gerous precedent, Bollan, the agent for Massachusetace planted, which was to be ever green as the laurel on the Alleghanies, and to spread its branches till its shadow should reach from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Thus was South Carolina first included in the same bright chain with New England. When would they meet in council again? Thus did the Indians, in alliance with England, plight faith fo one another, and propose measures of mutual protection. To anticipate or prevent the consummation of these designs remained the earnes
, 1754. was Benjamin Franklin. He encountered a great deal of disputation about it; almost every article being contested by one or another. Ms. Letter from Benjamin Franklin, of 21 July, 1754. His warmest supporters were the delegates from New England; yet Connecticut feared the negative power of the governor-general. On the royalist side none opposed but Delancey. He would have reserved to the colonial governors a negative on all elections to the grand council; but it was answered, that, Ms. Letter of Franklin. and copies were ordered, that every member might lay the plan of union before his constituents for consideration; a copy was also to be transmitted to the governor of each colony not represented in the congress. New England colonies in their infancy had given birth to a confederacy. William Penn, in 1697, had proposed an annual congress of all the provinces on the continent of America, with power to regulate commerce. Franklin revived the great idea, and breath
nd thirty-three thousand in Connecticut; in New England, therefore, four hundred and twenty-five thfriendship with them and their allies, that New England, and all the Central States but New Jersey,nder large patents of lands to individuals; New England under grants to towns; and the institution t there could not be found a person born in New England unable to write and read. He that will unddained from the beginning of the world; but New England, which had no hereditary caste to beat downtion or general benevolence. But as to the New England mind God included universal being, to lovecountless fragments, the greatest number in New England held that every volition, even of the humbln eternity. Yet while the common mind of New England was inspired by the great thought of the soerns, the most momentous. The Calvinist of New England, who longed to be morally good and excellenc, right, and lovely will, was the ideal of New England. It rejected the asceticism of entire spir[5 more...]
n the lost territory. Coxe's Life of Horace Waxpole, II. 67. Charles Townshend would have sent three thousand regulars with three hundred thousand pounds, to New England, to train its inhabitants in war, and, through them, to conquer Canada. After assuming the hero, and breathing nothing but war, the administration confessed itmself ready to sacrifice for peace all but honor and the protection due to his subjects; Instructions to Varin, N. Y. Paris Documents, XI. 2. consenting that New England should reach on the east to the Penobscot, and be divided from Canada on the north by the crest of the intervening highlands. Secret Instructions to Vandreuireign, like that of New York in the former year, was disdainfully rejected. Petitions for reimbursements and aids were received with displeasure; the people of New England were treated as Swiss ready to sell their services, desiring to be paid for protecting themselves. The reimbursement of Massachusetts for taking Louisburg was
ed the covenant of peace, obtained a cession of lands, and was invited to erect Fort Prince George near the villages of Conasatchee and Keowee. At the North, New England was extending British dominion. Massachusetts cheerfully levied about seven thousand nine hundred men, or nearly one-fifth of the able-bodied men in the colonyrations. It was the oldest French colony in North America. There the Bretons had built their dwellings sixteen years before the Pilgrims reached the shores of New England. With the progress of the respective settlements, sectional jealousies and religious bigotry had renewed their warfare; the off- chap. VIII.} 1755. spring of by the side of the rivers of Babylon for their own temple and land, escaped to sea in boats, and went coasting from harbor to harbor; but when they had reached New England, just as they would have set sail for their native fields, they were stopped by orders from Nova Scotia. Gov. Lyttleton of S. C. to Fox, 16 June, 1756. Gov.
ch Johnson was to reduce Crown Point consisted of New England militia, chiefly from Connecticut and Massachusetnister, 13 August, 1755. Early in August, the New England men, having Phinehas Lyman for their major-generaith the wagons and baggage some protection to the New England militia, whose arms were but their fowling-piecese beginning of the action, and for five hours the New England people, under their own officers, good marksmen ae victory, which was due to the enthusiasm of the New England men. Our all, they cried, depends on the success half of the whole were on guard. Shirley and the New England provinces, and his own council of war, urged him six hundred men as a garrison, and dismissed the New England militia to their firesides. Of the enterprise f John Adams, chap. IX.} 1755 while teacher of a New England free school. Within twenty-one years he shall as years, said one, who, after a long settlement in New England, had just returned home, the colonies of America
ched and stockaded round; and men talked of certain victory and conquest. On the twelfth of July, the brave Bradstreet returned from Oswego, having thrown into the fort six months provision for five thousand men, and a great quantity of stores. He brought intelligence that a French army was in motion to attack the place; and chap. X.} 1756. Webb, with the forty-fourth regiment, was ordered to hold himself in readiness to march to its defence. But nothing was done. The regiments of New England, with the provincials from New York and New Jersey, amounted to more than seven thousand men; with the British regular regiments, to more than ten thousand men, besides the garrison at Oswego. In the previous year the road had been opened, the forts erected. Why delay? But Abercrombie was still lingering at Albany, when, on the twenty-ninth of July, the Earl of Loudoun arrived. There too the viceroy loitered with the rest, doing nothing, having ten or twelve thousand men at his dispos
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