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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862. (search)
our soldiers. The fire of the gunboats being quite severe, Col. Jones desisted from the pursuit, and retreated, leaving the Yankees huddled together on the shore, under the guns of their steamers. The enemy now hold that position of the mainland bordering on the Coosaw River, and stretching from Chrisholm's to the ferry. They have mounted guns on our deserted batteries at the latter place, and otherwise strengthened their position. --Charleston Mercury. Another rebel account. Norfolk, January 9, 1862. We have some further and very interesting accounts of the fight which took place in the neighborhood of Port Royal Ferry on Wednesday last, the 1st inst. The narrative of the affair, as published in the Mercury of Saturday last, was in the main correct. Our forces consisted of Col. Jones's regiment, South-Carolina Volunteers, a battalion of three companies from Col. Dunovant's regiment, South-Carolina Volunteers, under Lieut.-Col. Barnes, and a detachment of mounted me
ouisiana, of Baltimore, chartered temporarily for the transportation of the Sixth New-Hampshire volunteers to this point, grounded on Tuesday, with her troops on board. The soldiers were removed to another vessel, but the steamer was not relieved. She has the appearance of being hogged --the sailor's name for breaking in the middle, indicated by a depression of both ends of the vessel. She is reported as being in this condition, to-day. The steamer has been on the line from Baltimore to Norfolk, but was in dock when chartered for the coast division. She is eight hundred tons capacity, draws eight feet water, and was built about nine years ago in Baltimore. (See Lloyds'.) Her engine was built by Reader, of Baltimore, and has a beam-engine of three hundred and fifty horse power, the cost of which was thirty-five thousand dollars. The estimated value of the vessel is about sixty-five thousand dollars. She was magnificently fitted up when running as a passenger-boat. A schooner,
ll it up, and thus cut off communication with Norfolk. Annexed please find a list of my killed aenemy. These are reasons for retiring upon Norfolk, but it would be unseemly thus to desert thisstance of the others. Gen. Hill then went to Norfolk, whence he returned on Sunday, October twenti In my first communication to the office at Norfolk, and in several subsequent ones, I made appliI spoke to him on the subject, and he went to Norfolk, saying that he would try to send down a pileupplies and medicine have been sent down from Norfolk, and every possible attention given to relieved back a month ago, to warn his superiors at Norfolk and Richmond of the indefensible condition ofto the island, and there to defend it; and at Norfolk he was told that men were not wanted. All we all was lost — the granary and the larder of Norfolk is gone — and the enemy are at the back-door of Norfolk. Upon whose shoulders the blame should fall, we cannot say. Gen. Wise is free from all [2 more...]<
d, including a new one on the stocks. Four were burned, one captured, and two made their escape — the Raleigh and Beaufort. They are in the canal which leads to Norfolk, but are not able to go through, on account of the locks having been destroyed; consequently they will be captured before this reaches you, as they can go only some few miles toward Norfolk. The log-books of the steamers, together with the signal-book of the rebel navy, and all their navy signal-colors, fell into our hands, with many other records and papers, which places us in possession of much that is valuable. The following are the names of the seven steamers which we encountered urn. Hundreds had left during the last week or two, and on the return of the rebel steamers from the action of Friday, in a crippled condition, many more fled. Capt. Hunter of the Curlew had left for Norfolk the evening previous, and the belief was general that that city would next be visited by our troops. --Cincinnati Gazette
Doc. 67.-martial law at Norfolk, Va: by the President of the Confederate States of America. A proclamation. Whereas, The Congress of the Confederate States has by law vested in the President the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in cities in danger of attack by the enemy: Now, therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, do hereby proclaim that martial law is extended over the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and the surrounding country,Norfolk and Portsmouth, and the surrounding country, to the distance of ten miles from said cities, and all civil jurisdiction, and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, are hereby declared to be suspended within the limits aforesaid. This proclamation will remain in force until otherwise ordered. In faith whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, at the city of Richmond, on this twenty-seventh day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. Jefferson Davis.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 82.-fight in Hampton roads, Va., March 8th and 9th, 1862. (search)
led off, and all three vessels steamed toward Norfolk. The tremendous firing of my broadside gunt of Inquiry, when the Merrimac came out from Norfolk. I immediately procured a horse, and proceed small gun-boats, was seen steaming down from Norfolk, and had approached near enough to discover hree hours this forenoon, and sent her back to Norfolk in a sinking condition. Iron-clad against irllow among the batteries of Craney Island and Norfolk. Gen. Wool, I understand, has ordered all thbel tug that had followed the Merrimac out of Norfolk then came alongside the Congress, and a youngf the Standard: The Merrimac went out from Norfolk on Saturday at two o'clock, and sunk the Fede Henry and Jamestown in tow, and proceeded to Norfolk. The Merrimac lost her enormous iron beak innt, and a practical mechanic was brought from Norfolk to aid in preparing the drawings and specificand Constructor Porter, from the navy-yard at Norfolk, to Richmond, about the twenty-third of June,
nt. The column was immediately halted, and a reconnoissance being made by Capt. Williamson, Topographical Engineer on Gen. Burnside's staff, it was found deserted. The work must have required the labor of a thousand men for a month, being constructed in the most thorough and scientific manner. A deep and wide moat extended along the front, and an abattis of felled timber had been made on both flanks. No guns had been mounted, the enemy probably thinking the division was to move first on Norfolk, and that no great haste was required in preparing the nice little thing for our reception. A mile further on, a road crossing our line of march ran down to the river. Thinking that the enemy might have a fortification on the beach, with a large supporting body of infantry, a reconnoissance was ordered by Gen. Foster, and Lieutenants Strong, Pendleton, Captain Hudson, and other of his aids riding down, found a large battery, which had been deserted in haste. They waved a white handkerc
ignominiously runs away. I sent the interesting document by telegraph, in advance of this letter. The value of captured property amounts to over a million of dollars. There are nine steamboats — the Yazoo, H. R. W. Hill, Grampus, Ohio Belle, Admiral, Champion, De Soto, Red Rover, and Mars — worth four hundred thousand dollars. The first four were scuttled and sunk, but will be raised easily. There are seventy heavy position-guns of the first class, some of them navy guns, stolen from Norfolk. There are four mortars — small affairs, nothing like our thirteen-inch fellows. There are over ten thousand pounds of powder; one single magazine contains seven thousand pounds. Why they did not destroy it is a mystery only to be solved upon the supposition that they were in too much of a hurry to save themselves. There are shot and shell in vast quantities. There are tents for seven thousand men. There is at least a warehouse full of commissary stores. The sunken steamers will be r<
rty. I have been in one ever since. We had been a long time in the Congress, waiting for the Merrimac, with the Cumberland. I claim a timber-head in both ships. I belonged to the Cumberland in the destroying of the navy-yard and the ships at Norfolk. On the eighth of March, when the Merrimac came out, we were as tickled as a boy would be with his father coming home with a new kite for him. [Loud laughter and applause.] She fired a gun at us. It went clean through the ship, and killed nobody were inside of the ship. We had no chance, and we surrendered. The rebel officers-we knowed 'em all — all old playmates, shipmates — came home in the Germantown with them — all old playmates, but rascals now. She left us, and she went toward Norfolk to get out of the way. She returned in the morning to have what I'd call a fandango with the Minnesota, and the first thing she knowed, the little bumble-bee, the Monitor, was there, and she went back. I have no more to say, people, but there i<
prevent the capture of the three vessels, if that was the purpose. The Yorktown and tug towed the prizes well up toward Norfolk, when small tugs came out and took charge of them. Upon one of the brigs they hoisted the American flag at half-mast. sionally shifts her position, but does not come further out. The Yorktown, and some of the smaller tugs, have gone up to Norfolk. Two o'clock.--The position of affairs has not changed, and there seems to be little probability of any fight to-day.fair. The capture of the three prizes was a bold affair, and we can well imagine the hurrah with which their arrival at Norfolk was greeted. Whether they might not have been saved and the rebels have been made to suffer for their temerity, is a porom capturing any prizes. As I close, at five P. M., the firing has ceased, and the Merrimac appeared to be returning to Craney Island. We look for warm work to-morrow. Half--past 5 o'clock.--All the rebel fleet are moving off toward Norfolk.
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