Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Norfolk (Virginia, United States) or search for Norfolk (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Co. Schr. Mary, Turner, down the river light. New York, March 9.--Cl'd schr. Grapeshot, Norfolk, Ar'd schr. Magnet, City Point; Julia Maine, Norfolk. Alexandria, March 9.--Ar'd schr. FleNorfolk. Alexandria, March 9.--Ar'd schr. Fleetwood, Norfolk. Charleston, March 8.--Ar'd schr. Moses Van Name, Norfolk. Passengers arrived per Steamship Yorktown, Parish, Master, from New York: Miss Hines. Geo. Whitfield. Jno. FNorfolk. Charleston, March 8.--Ar'd schr. Moses Van Name, Norfolk. Passengers arrived per Steamship Yorktown, Parish, Master, from New York: Miss Hines. Geo. Whitfield. Jno. F. Whitfield, W. J. Halsev, M. Cook, lady and child, Miss Tiers, C. B. Wolverton, Wm. Callow, Jas. Henderson, Dr. Crary, S. G. Moses, Mrs. Howell, Miss Julia Dalton, Mrs. S. W. Sprague, G. R. ArmisteaNorfolk. Passengers arrived per Steamship Yorktown, Parish, Master, from New York: Miss Hines. Geo. Whitfield. Jno. F. Whitfield, W. J. Halsev, M. Cook, lady and child, Miss Tiers, C. B. Wolverton, Wm. Callow, Jas. Henderson, Dr. Crary, S. G. Moses, Mrs. Howell, Miss Julia Dalton, Mrs. S. W. Sprague, G. R. Armistead, L. C. Day, Levi Bissell. Rev. Dr. Irving. J. Howard Kitching. E. Camp. J. Myers, H. C. Porter, M. H. Stein, M. Hess, Thos. Smith, and five in steerage. Also, from Norfolk — Wm. H. Derry, GeoC. Porter, M. H. Stein, M. Hess, Thos. Smith, and five in steerage. Also, from Norfolk — Wm. H. Derry, Geo. Finch, Jas. T. Leigh, Miss Sarah Leigh, G. R. Goodrich, W. M. McLean. Jno. Robinso
Last year the post-office at Richmond, Va., paid $2,671, and that at Norfolk $220, over expenses. Mr. Lincoln received last week from an office-seeker a petition said to be over two miles in length! Miss Prescott, the popular magazine writer is about to be married to Mr. Richard Spofford, a Boston lawyer. It is said that the copy-right of "Dixie's Land" has given to the author four thousand dollars. There were fifteen deaths in New York city of small-pox last week. Thursday, April 4, is the day appointed for prayer and fasting in Massachusetts. Mrs. President Davis held her first levee in Montgomery, on Wednesday night last. Dr. Guernsey is now the editor of Harper's Magazine.
fifteen days subsistence and wood. The question has therefore arisen with the Administration whether reinforcement shall be attempted or the fort abandoned. The latter course, it is thought, will be adopted from inevitable necessity, by the advice of General Scott. There is, however, a conflict of opinion among the Republicans on this question. No conclusion has been arrived at in Cabinet council. The Cumberland and Pocahontas have, according to official advices, left Vera Cruz for Norfolk, and the Powhatan is on her way to New York, leaving only the Macedonian at Vera Cruz. [second Dispatch.] Washington,March 11, P. M.--Reports continue to prevail respecting the contemplated evacuation of Fort Sumter. They may be true; but it is certain that the President up to eight o'clock to-night has given no such order. Prominent gentlemen, however, say they have information satisfying them that such a course will, from necessity, be pursued. The Confederate States Comm
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], The truth about "Sam Patch"--his last leap. (search)
Suicide. --F. O. Winnerquist, who committed suicide at the Atlantic Hotel, Norfolk, Va., Friday night, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol, was a German musician, formerly connected with the Crisp theatrical troupe. He was found dead Saturday morning, with the pistol in his hand. He had recently been giving music lessons at Chattanooga, Tenn.