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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 64 28 Browse Search
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians 24 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 20 0 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 18 14 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 12 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 12 2 Browse Search
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 9 3 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 7 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 6 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905 4 0 Browse Search
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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxxvii. (search)
No reminiscence of the late President has been given to the public more thoroughly valuable and characteristic than a sketch which appeared in the New York Independent of September 1st, 1864, from the pen of the Rev. J. P. Gulliver, of Norwich, Connecticut:-- It was just after his controversy with Douglas, and some months before the meeting of the Chicago Convention of 1860, that Mr. Lincoln came to Norwich to make a political speech. It was in substance the famous speech delivered inNorwich to make a political speech. It was in substance the famous speech delivered in New York, commencing with the noble words: There is but one political question before the people of this country, which is this, Is slavery right, or is it wrong? and ending with the yet nobler words: Gentlemen, it has been said of the world's history hitherto that “might makes right;” it is for us and for our times to reverse the maxim, and to show that right makes might! The next morning I met him at the railroad station, where he was conversing with our Mayor, every few minutes looking
lled on the reception of the news. Patriotic speeches were made, and the city government was instructed to appropriate $10,000 to fit out volunteers, and to pay each volunteer $20 per month in addition to the Government pay.--Providence Journal. The City Council of Philadelphia, this morning, at a special meeting, appropriated $1,000,000 to equip the volunteers and support their families during their absence from home. Fourteen thousand dollars were subscribed for the same purpose at Norwich, Conn.--N. Y. Times. The Seventh Regt., N. Y. S. M., left for Washington amid the greatest enthusiasm. In every street an immense innumerable throng cheered them on their way. News of the fight in Baltimore was received before they left, and 48 rounds of ball-cartridge were served out.--(Doc. 71.) Lieut. Jones, late in command of Harper's Ferry, arrived at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., leaving made a forced march the previous night of 30 miles from Harper's Ferry to Hagerstown.--Times, A
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
e case with the battery of Parrott guns, which was too much elevated. From the position of our batteries, it was impossible for the officers in charge to see how their shots fell, but owing to the observations made by Lieutenant Wait and myself, and signaled to them from time to time, an accurate range was obtained by all the batteries, and was not lost during the day. After 12 M., every shot fired from our batteries fell in or on the fort. Lieutenant Wait (son of John T. Wait, of Norwich, Connecticut) was then only a little more than nineteen years of age. He had acquired great skill in signaling, and, for his services on this occasion, Major Myer, the chief of the Signal Department, presented him with a very beautiful battle-flag. A few months later he gave his young life to his country, while gallantly battling with his regiment (Eighth Connecticut) on the field of Antietam. The other batteries followed, and in the course of ten minutes the fort replied with a shot from Captain
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 22: prisoners.-benevolent operations during the War.--readjustment of National affairs.--conclusion. (search)
There was only a single hospital. tent on Belle Isle. The sick were laid on dirty straw, on the ground, with logs for pillows. and every precaution seems to have been taken to secure a daily diminution of the strength of the victims. As at Libby, so on Belle Isle, food and clothing sent to the captives, by friends, were withheld, and often appropriated by the Confederates. Colonel Ely, of the Eighteenth Connecticut, saw one of his men, a school-mate, and highly respectable citizen of Norwich, starving, and was permitted to throw him a ham. When the poor fellow crawled to get it, the rebel guard charged bayonets upon him, called him a damned Yankee, and took the ham themselves. This is only a single item of like testimony of a cloud of witnesses examined by the Committee of the Sanitary Commission. As the weary months drew on, hunger told its inevitable tale on them all. They grew weak and emaciated. Many found that they could not walk; when they attempted it, a dizziness and
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
Royal 360,382 61 22,566 50 337,816 11 Philadelphia Oct. 13, 1865 Unadilla, Augusta, Housatonic, America, G. W. Blunt ($10,000 decreed to Memphis and Quaker City).   Rice, 103 casks of 3,510 34 896 33 2,614 01 New York May 28, 1863 Albatross, Norwich.   Rice, 1,253 bags of 4,134 92 1,098 87 3,036 35 do Jan. 23, 1863 Albatross. Schooner Revere 3,335 73 1,744 87 1,590 86 do Sept. 15, 1863 Monticello, Maratanza, Mahaska. Schooner Reindeer 10,147 90 1,644 70 8,503 20 do Jan. 11, 1864 Ar 86 1,275 91 8,938 95 do Oct. 17, 1862 Dale. Steamer Salvor 38,250 94 To claimants.3,029 19 31,842 57 do Jan. 14, 1863 Keystone State. 3,379 18 Schooner Sarah 21,454 10 1,671 22 19,782 88 do Nov. 26, 1863 Keystone State, Seneca, Norwich, Alabama, James Adger, Shepherd Knapp, Roebuck. Schooner Susan Jane 12,558 35 2,763 66 9,794 69 do April 23, 1864 Pawnee. Schooner Sally Mears 2,800 00 1,427 45 1,372 55 Washington Oct. 19, 1863 Quaker City. Sloop S. W. Green 232 50 109 55 1
The editor of the Norwich (Ct.) Bulletin, sent Jefferson Davis, the President of the Six nations, a pen-holder made from a rafter of the house in which Benedict Arnold was born. In closing his letter of presentation the editor says: I have taken occasion to present you this pen-holder, as a relic whose associations are linked most closely to the movement of which you are the head. Let it lie upon your desk for use in your official duties. In the eternal fitness of things, let that be its appropriate place. It links 1780 with 1861. Through it, West Point speaks to Montgomery. And if we may believe that spirits do ever return and haunt this mundane sphere, we may reckon with what delight Benedict Arnold's immortal part will follow this fragment of his paternal roof-tree to the hands in which is being consummated the work which he began.
Northern war contributions, D. 60 Northern debts not to be paid, D. 74; repudiated by the South, D. 94 Northmen, Come out, P. 5 Northrop, Col., rebel army, D. 84 Northrup, H. D., D. 38 Norton, Frank H., P. 3 Norwich, Conn., war spirit in, D. 84 Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin, editor of, and Jeff. Davis, P. 24 Norwalk, O., Union meeting at, D. 27 Noyes, William Curtis, speech at N. Y., April 20, Doc. 111 Number one, by H. D. Sedgewick, P. 119 Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin, editor of, and Jeff. Davis, P. 24 Norwalk, O., Union meeting at, D. 27 Noyes, William Curtis, speech at N. Y., April 20, Doc. 111 Number one, by H. D. Sedgewick, P. 119 Nurses, department of, U. S. A., D. 84 O Oath of allegiance administered at Washington, D. 22 O'Brien, Fitz-James, account of the march of the 7th Regiment, N. Y. S. M., Doc. 148; notice of, P. 17 Ocean Eagle captured by privateer, D. 71 Ode for 1861, by H. Hastings Weld, P. 133 Ode to the North and South, P. 102 O'Donnell, William, P. 56 Ogden, Judge, of N. J., definition of treason, D. 60 Ogdensburg, N. Y., Union at, D. 33; war spirit of,
r arrival. The first bridge is reckoned to be five miles across, from the Cupola House, (last night burnt by the rebels,) near Skidaway (abandoned) battery. Respectfully, etc., John P. Gillis, Commander. Flag-Officer S. F. Du Pont. New-York Commercial account U. S. Steamer Seminole, Warsaw Sound, Ga., March 25. To-day at twelve M., signal was made by the senior captain, John P. Gillis, commanding the Warsaw squadron, for the vessels in the harbor, consisting of the Wyandotte, Norwich and Seminole, to get under way. The Norwich drawing the least water, Captain Gillis boarded her and led the way in line of battle, and stood up Wilmington River to attack the batteries at Skidaway Island, which have been building for some time. All hands in the squadron were delighted at the prospect, particularly after having arrived again at Warsaw from our bloodless victory at Cumberland Sound, and the hope of a little work before us animated both officers and crew of these noble ships.
view of encouraging the negroes to flee from their masters, and accept the protection of the United States, and this was sufficient to fill the colored soldiers with carnestness and enthusiasm. On the seventh, the vessels reached Fernandina, where they were delayed for a day, until the plans of the commanders could be properly arranged, and on the morning of the ninth, they dropped anchor at the mouth of the St. John's River, under the guns of the naval steamers Uncas, Capt. Watson, and Norwich, Capt. Duncan. The sons of Mars and Neptune then consulted, and were not long in deciding to capture the town of Jacksonville, distant twenty miles up the river, which the fortunes of the war had twice before thrown into our hands, and which we had twice abandoned to the enemy, as it was not worth the holding. A necessary delay, before attempting the object they had in view, afforded an opportunity for a detachment of a dozen of Colonel Montgomery's men to go ashore on a foraging excurs
rd. The Kidder family was settled, for several centuries, at Maresfield, in the county of Sussex, some seventy miles from London. It is believed that the only persons now living of that name can be traced back to this common stock. In England, the most distinguished bearer of this name was Richard Kidder, Bishop of Bath and Wells. He was born in 1633, at East Grinstead, the birthplace of the American emigrant, whose kinsman he was. He was Rector of St. Martin's, London; Prebend of Norwich, 1681; Dean of Peterborough, 1689; and Bishop of Bath, 1691. He was killed, during the great gale of Nov. 27, 1703, by the fall of a chimney on the bishop's palace at Wells, which crushed him and his wife while at prayers. His daughter, Ann, died unmarried; and her only sister, Susanna, married Sir Richard Everard, one of the early governors of South Carolina, and has numerous descendants alive in that State. The pedigree of the American branch, in the direct line, is: Richard Kidder (
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