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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 303 289 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 60 60 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 41 41 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 31 29 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 11 11 Browse Search
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds) 10 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 6 2 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 6 4 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 4 0 Browse Search
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Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), EDITOR'S PREFACE. (search)
y where, even in the bosom of letters, where many are capable of understanding such gifts; but a new country furnishes few competent judges of high literary acquirements. I had been with him about three months, when he communicated to me his long-cherished intention of writing the life of Washington in Latin, for the use of schools. He, after this time, often adverted to the subject, with an earnestness I shall never forget. By parcels, I got something of his history. He was educated in Philadelphia, and spent the earlier part of his life in that city and vicinity, in literary pursuits. He often mentioned the name of Professor Ross, and said something of having assisted him in the compilation of his Latin Grammar. While acting as an instructor in the interior of Pennsylvania, he contracted an unfortunate marriage, in a state, as he said, of partial insanity; no wonder he thought so, when he found himself surrounded by evils which his imprudence had brought upon him. Glass tried to ma
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT OCTAVUM. (search)
ommander (of the forces,) who should take charge of (to preside over) the defences and ramparts, that were to be made from the Schuylkill as far as the river Delaware. dux Americanus, interea, munitionibus aggeribusque à Schuylkill ad Delawarum usque flumen faciendis qui præesset, à Washingtonio imperatore missus est. Parva munimenta, ad vada custodienda, temerè Temere, “ at random, ” “ hastily. ” extructa: et oppidulum Germanicum, Germanicum, “ Germantown, ” distant about five miles from Philadelphia. This was selected by Washington as a suitable place of rendezvous, in the event of the ability of the British to cross the river, and gain possession of the American encampment. haud procul à Philadelphiâ situm, locus copiis ad conveniendum maxime idoneus, si hostes flumen transissent, Americanosque castris exuissent, à Washingtonio edicebatur. Hicce per Cæsaream Novam receptus, Americanos difficultates omnes, et varia pericula, subire coegit. Rebus adversis undique premebat
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT NONUM. (search)
h. quæ coloniis tantum metûs malorumque sæpenumero intulerant, aut occisis aut captis, omnis urbis primariæ amittendæ metus procul à colonis Colonis, “ colonists; ” it is here taken in its primary original meaning; it has, however, other acceptations. amotus. Nec deerant, qui hunc tam insperatum successum Deo optimo maximo, qui sæpè humiles tollit, insignesque deprimit, tribuere dubitarent. Flumen Delaware Washingtonius iterùm trajecit, reditusque in urbem, Urbem, “ into the city, ” i. e. Philadelphia. cum tam multis captivis, gaudium ingens per omnes ordines excivit. Tantam veteranorum manum de improviso opprimere, suisque in tentoriis contuberniisqueContuberniis, “ soldiers' quarters; ” in which sense it is taken by Cæsar, “ Depositis in contubernio armis, vallum relinquebant. ” clade ingenti afficere, miraculi portentique instarInstar, “ like, ” or “ as large as. ” This word, erroneously called by some an adverb, is, in reality, a noun substantive indec
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT UNDECIMUM. (search)
venisse et accidisse aiebant. QuiQui, &c., “ a periphrasis for the Pennsylvania legislature. ” leges apud Pennsylvanos, tune temporis, potestatem ferendi habebant, (eò, quòd, forsitan urbis primariæ captæ Urbis, &c., “ their chief city, ” viz. Philadelphia, “ taken ” by the enemy. pigebat,) ut Ut, “ when (as soon as) it was heard. ” Washingtonium in hiberna ire, et exercitum sub pellibus, Pellibus, “ hides ” or skins; put here for tents; for although the moderns do not construct their tents of ham Howe. Britannus, imperio militari sese abdicavit, Britanniamque est reversus. Henricus Clintonius, eques quoque Britannus, qui ei successerat, vixVix &c., “ had scarcely set about the performance of his duty, when he was ordered to evacuate Philadelphia. ” ad munia obeunda sese accinxit, cum Philadelphiam vacuefacere jussus fuit. Quâ vacuefactâ, plurimisque levibus pugnis hostibus attritis vexatisque, exercitum Washingtonius, Cæsareâ Novâ, haud longè à mari ali
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
hey returned an equal number of mine, man for man. I reported this to the War Department, and received for answer that they would place at my command all the prisoners at the South if the proposition was accepted. I heard nothing more on the subject. The following private letter to a friend and relative was never intended for the public eye, but may be accepted as his full conviction on this subject: Lexington, Va., April 17, 1867. Dr. Charles Carter, No. 1632 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.: My Dear Dr. Carter--I have received your letter of the 9th inst., inclosing one to you from Mr. J. Francis Fisher, in relation to certain information which he had received from Bishop Wilmer. My respect for Mr. Fisher's wishes would induce me to reply fully to all his questions, but I have not time to do so satisfactorily; and, for reasons which I am sure you both will appreciate, I have a great repugnance to being brought before the public in any manner. Sufficient information h
my was obliged to fall back. A friend remarked that the Bragg victories never seem to do us much good. The truth is, the Western Yankees fight much better than the Eastern, and outnumber us fearfully. They claim the victory, but acknowledge the loss of 30.000 men. It must have been a most severe conflict. At Vicksburg they have made another attack, and been repulsed; and yet another misfortune for them was the sinking of their brag gun-boat Monitor. It went down off Cape Hatteras. In Philadelphia the negroes and Abolitionists celebrated the 1st of January with mad demonstrations of delight, as the day on which Lincoln's proclamation to abolish slavery would take effect. In Norfolk the negroes were deluded by the Abolitionists into great excitement. Speeches were made, encouraging them to take up arms against their masters! Hale has offered a resolution in the Northern Congress to raise two hundred regiments of negroes! The valiant knight, I hope, will be generalissimo of the
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
Orange County, Va., 120, 355-56. Owen, William Benton, 139-45, 176-79. Pegram, John, 110, 232-33. Pegram, William Johnson, 53, 57, 109-10. Pegram's Artillery Battalion, 41, 57, 110 Pelham, John, 53, 109 Pender, William Dorsey, 192, 209 Pendleton, Alexander Swift, 190 Pendleton, William Nelson, 233 Peninsula Campaign, 73-117. Pennington, William, 28 Percheron horses, 200 Petersburg Campaign, 238, 241, 258, 287, 290, 309-22. Pettigrew, James Johnston, 209 Philadelphia, Pa., 209 Pickett, George Edward, 192, 272, 274, 311 Pioneer troops, 184-87, 210, 219, 276, 301 Point Lookout, Md., 18 Poison Fields, Spotsylvania County, Va., 229-30. Port Republic, 245 Presbyterians, 25, 139, 160, 318 Preston, William Ballard, 31-32. Price, Sterling, 117 Prisoners of war, Federal, 57-58, 80-81, 174-75, 212-14, 240, 255-56, 280, 294 Promotion on the field, 336-45, 365-66. Provost guards, 82 Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 26-27. Raccoon Ford, Va.,
he latter, Senator Collamer spoke.--(Doc. 92.) The Eighth, Thirteenth, and Sixty-ninth Regiments of New York State Militia left New York for Washington.--(Doc. 93.) General B. F. Butler has taken military possession of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad in Maryland. Governor Hicks protests against the act, as it will interfere with the meeting of the Legislature. --(Doc. 93 1/2.) Sherman's celebrated battery, consisting of ninety men and eight howitzers, passed through Philadelphia, Pa., on the route to Washington. The train containing the troops stopped in Market street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, which was immediately observed by the ladies of Benton street, who rushed out and vied with each other in their attention to the weary soldiers. Bread, meat, pies, and cakes, were brought forward in goodly supplies, hundreds of girls running with hot dinners just from the ranges; bakers with baskets of bread and cakes; fruiterers with baskets of apples, oranges, &c.
he iron is hot. --(Doc. 149.) The Twelfth Regiment N. Y. S. M., under the command of Colonel Butterfield, and the Twentieth Regiment, Colonel George W. Pratt, returned to New York from the seat of war. The Eighth Regiment, Mass., reached Boston from the seat of war.--N. Y. Herald, August 2. The prize brig Herald, with a cargo of naval stores and tobacco from Beaufort, S. C., bound to Liverpool, and which was captured by the frigate St. Lawrence on the 16th of July, arrived at Philadelphia, Pa. She cleared from Boston, May 27, ostensibly for Turk's Island, but was then chartered by parties in New York for Beaufort, S. C., with the intent to try the experiment of running the blockade.--N. Y. Evening Post, August 2. Scouts returned to Cairo, Ill., from the South, and reported that the rebels at New Madrid were well-armed and drilled. They have five batteries of ten-pound field-pieces, officered by foreigners, and two regiments of cavalry well equipped. General Pillow is
additional regiments of infantry are now forming, and will be put into the service as speedily as possible. This will make thirty-three regiments raised and to be raised in Indiana--a force of about 36,000 men, including three artillery companies now about ready for active service. This is over 3,000 men for each Congressional District, or about every fortieth person in the State.--Indianapolis Journal, August 3. The United States steamer Albatross, Captain Prentiss, arrived at Philadelphia, Pa., from Hampton Roads, having in charge the schooner Enchantress, which was captured July 6th, 260 miles southeast of Sandy Hook, by the privateer Jeff. Davis, and on attempting to take her into the port of Charleston, S. C., on the 22d of July, was re-captured with five men of the privateer's crew on board, west of Cape Hatteras. The Enchantress cleared from Boston on the 29th of June, for ports in Cuba. All the crew except Garrick (negro cook) were removed to the Jeff. Davis, and a
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