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he could enter the city unopposed. For when I arrived there were neither entrenchments nor troops in position on the Maryland side, and Banks's command, near Harper's Ferry, was so distant, so unorganized, demoralized, and unfit to march or fight, that it could exercise no influence on the result. Soon after my arrival I callereturn for Aug. 31, 1861, shows that, excluding Gen. Dix's command, there was an aggregate present of 76,415 of all arms. This comprised Banks's command near Harper's Ferry and above, and Stone's corps of observation at Poolesville. It included the sick, those under arrest, and all extra-duty men. Making the proper deduction on that day — in the command of the Department of the Shenandoah. On the 1st of Aug. Gen. Banks's headquarters were at Sandy Hook, in the immediate vicinity of Harper's Ferry. In consequence of the expiration of service of the three-months regiments this command was in a state of disorganization for the moment. As the geographi
en. Banks came under my command, Aug. 20, 1861, I directed him to cross to the eastern bank of the Monocacy, leaving one regiment to observe the Potomac above Harper's Ferry, and another to watch it from the latter place to the mouth of the Monocacy, and to put his main body not far from Hyattstown; thus placing him in position to oppose any attempt at crossing the river above Harper's Ferry, while his junction with the force at Washington would be secure of the enemy's crossing below the Monocacy. In his former position, at Sandy Hook, he was too far from Washington. He was ordered to move his surplus and heavy stores from Frederick to Baltimore or Wash the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Baltimore and Fort Monroe should be occupied by garrisons sufficient to retain them in our possession. The importance of Harper's Ferry and the line of the Potomac in the direction of Leesburg will be very materially diminished so soon as our force in this vicinity becomes organized, strong, a
rk sent me half a dozen pair of woollen socks — I beg pardon, I see it is from Pennsylvania, not New York. I enclose the note. Oct. 16. . . . Just received a telegram to the effect that the rebels had attacked a small force we have in Harper's Ferry, and had been handsomely repulsed with the loss of quite a number of men and one gun. . . . In front of us the enemy remain quiet, with the exception of occasional picket-firing. Oct. .--. . . I am firmly determined to force the issue ned from California, came to pay their respects. When they left I went to Com. Goldsborough, where he, Fox, Prof. Bache, and myself remained in serious consultation about naval and military movements until after midnight. Sandy Hook, near Harper's Ferry, Monday A. M., Feb. 27, 1862. . . . Here I still am. I crossed the river as soon as the bridge was finished, and watched the troops pass. It was a magnificent spectacle, one of the grandest I ever saw. As soon as my horse and escort got
pter XI Events in and around Washington Ball's Bluff Harper's Ferry Stanton's trick enemy's batteries on the Potomac. on the 9brigades of Sedgwick's division were thrown across the river at Harper's Ferry, leaving one brigade of Sedgwick's division to observe and guar Washington, either to march via Leesburg or to move by rail to Harper's Ferry, should this become necessary in carrying out the objects in vinduct of these operations: Notes. When I started for Harper's Ferry I plainly stated to the President and Secretary of War that thee Baltimore and Ohio Railroad by crossing the river in force at Harper's Ferry; that I had collected the material for making a permanent bridg if it could not I would at least occupy the ground in front of Harper's Ferry, in order to cover the rebuilding of the railroad bridge; and fplan I desired to carry out. Immediately upon my return from Harper's Ferry I called upon the secretary and handed him the memorandum refer
ward, partly with the hope that I might be able to take advantage of some accident and bring Johnston to battle under favorable circumstances, but also to break up the camps, give the troops a little experience in marching and bivouac before finally leaving the old base of supplies, to test the transportation arrangements and get rid of impedimenta, and thus prepare things for the movement to the Peninsula. It also seemed probable that this advance, in connection with the recent move on Harper's Ferry and Charleston, would tend to make Johnston more uncertain as to my real intentions. In the course of the evening I telegraphed to the Secretary of War: In the arrangements for the advance of to-morrow it is impossible to carry into effect the arrangements for the formation of army corps. I am obliged to take groups as I find them, and to move them by divisions. I respectfully ask a suspension of the order directing it until the present movement be over. To this the secretary
ormation, that McDowell's corps would march for Fredericksburg on the following Monday (the 26th), and that he would be under my command, as indicated in my telegram of the 21st, was cheering news, and I now felt confident that we would on his arrival be sufficiently strong to overpower the large army confronting us. At a later hour on the same day I received the following: May 24, 1862 (from Washington, 4 P. M.) In consequence of Gen. Banks's critical position I have been compelled to suspend Gen. McDowell's movements to join you. The enemy are making a desperate push upon Harper's Ferry, and we are trying to throw Gen. Fremont's force and part of Gen. McDowell's in their rear. A. Lincoln, President. Maj.-Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. From which it will be seen that I could not expect Gen. McDowell to join me in time to participate in immediate operations in front of Richmond, and on the same evening I replied to the President that I would make my calculations accordingly
Stripped bare, as we are here, I will do all we can to prevent them crossing the Potomac at Harper's Ferry or above. McDowell has about 20,000 of his forces moving back to the vicinity of Front Royaed to get in the enemy's rear. One more of McDowell's brigades is ordered through here to Harper's Ferry; the rest of his forces remain for the present at Fredericksburg. We are sending such regiments and dribs from here and Baltimore as we can spare to Harper's Ferry, supplying their places in some sort, calling in militia from the adjacent States. We also have eighteen cannon on the road to Harper's Ferry, of which arm there is not a single one at that point. This is now our situation. If McDowell's force was now beyond our reach we should be entirely helpless. Apprehensions of somnemy is concentrating on Richmond I think cannot be certainly known to you or me. Saxton, at Harper's Ferry, informs us that large forces, supposed to be Jackson's and Ewell's, forced his advance from
reign powers to recognize our adversaries, and there appear to me sufficient reasons to make it my imperative duty to urge, in the strongest terms afforded by our language, that this order may be rescinded, and that, far from recalling this army, it be promptly reinforced to enable it to resume the offensive. It may be said that there are no reinforcements available. I point to Burnside's force, to that of Pope — not necessary to maintain a strict defensive in front of Washington and Harper's Ferry — to those portions of the Army of the West not required for a strict defensive there. Here, directly in front of this army, is the heart of the rebellion; it is here that all our resources should be collected to strike the blow which will determine the fate of the nation. All points of secondary importance elsewhere should be abandoned and every available man brought here; a decided victory here, and the military strength of the rebellion is crushed, it matters not what partial revers
r place Sumner's corps, as it arrives, near the guns, and particularly at the Chain bridge. The principal thing to be feared now is a cavalry raid into this city, especially in the night-time. Use Cox's and Tyler's brigades and the new troops for the same object, if you need them. Porter writes to Burnside from Bristoe, 9.30 A. M. yesterday, that Pope's forces were then moving on Manassas, and that Burnside would soon hear of them by way of Alexandria. Gen. Cullum has gone to Harper's Ferry, and I have only a single regular officer for duty in the office. Please send some of your officers to-day to see that every precaution is taken at the forts against a raid, also at the bridge. Please answer. On the 29th the following despatch was telegraphed to Gen. Halleck: Aug. 29, 10.30 A. M. Franklin's corps is in motion; started about (6) six A. M. I can give him but two squadrons of cavalry. I propose moving Gen. Cox to Upton's Hill, to hold that important point
g, and reorganizing the army on the march Harper's Ferry lost McClellan relieves it, but miles sur my opinion of the condition of affairs at Harper's Ferry, remarking that he was not at ease on the subject. Harper's Ferry was not at that time in any sense under my control, but I told Mr. Seward ttions, for the reason that its presence at Harper's Ferry would not hinder the enemy from crossing tThe President adds: Receiving nothing from Harper's Ferry or Martinsburg to-day, and positive informficers in connection with the surrender of Harper's Ferry, I find the following: The commission rts of the cannon were distinctly heard at Harper's Ferry. It was confidently expected that Col. Mipography of the country in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, why Franklin, instead of marching his colenemy. This may be two hours from now. If Harper's Ferry is fallen — and the cessation of firing maon the right of the valley looking towards Harper's Ferry. They outnumber me two to one. It of cou[20 more...]
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