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und, practical ideas were the inspiration. His true manliness, honest and just methods, together with the warm-hearted interest he took in all that pertained to matters of duty to his Government, could not have produced other than the best results, in what position soever he might have been placed. As all the lovable traits of his character were constantly manifested, I became most deeply attached to him, and until the day of his death in 1864, on the battle-field of Opequan, in front of Winchester, while gallantly leading his division under my command, my esteem and affection were sustained and intensified by the same strong bonds that drew me to him in these early days in Oregon. After the events Just narrated I continued on duty at the post of Yamhill, experiencing the usual routine of garrison life without any incidents of much interest, down to the breaking out of the war of the rebellion in April, 1861. The news of the firing on Fort Sumter brought us an excitement which
s, blankets, pistols, and shotguns, in a quantity which amply repaid for the surprise of the morning, but did not excuse the delinquent commander of our picket-guard, who a few days later was brought to a realizing sense of his duty by a court-martial. Shortly after this affair Captain Archibald P. Campbell, of the Second Michigan Cavalry, presented me with the black horse called Rienzi, since made historical from having been ridden by me in many battles, conspicuously in the ride from Winchester to Cedar Creek, which has been celebrated in the poem by T. Buchanan Read. This horse was of Morgan stock, and then about three years old. He was jet black, excepting three white feet, sixteen hands high, and strongly built, with great powers of endurance. He was so active that he could cover with ease five miles an hour at his natural walking gait. The gelding had been ridden very seldom; in fact, Campbell had been unaccustomed to riding till the war broke out, and, I think, felt some
. When they were across I turned the column down the left bank of Elk River, and driving the enemy from some slight works near Estelle Springs, regained the Winchester road. By this time it was clear that Bragg intended to fall back behind the Tennessee River, and our only chance of accomplishing anything of importance was to smash up his rear-guard before it crossed the Cumberland Mountains, and in pursuance of this idea I was directed to attack such of his force as was holding on to Winchester. At 4 o'clock on the morning of July 2 I moved on that town, and when we got close to it directed my mounted troops to charge a small force of Confederate cavalry that was picketing their front. The Confederates resisted but little, and our men went with them in a disorderly chase through the village to Boiling Fork, a small stream about half a mile beyond. Here the fleeing pickets, rallying behind a stronger force, made a stand, and I was directed by McCook to delay till I ascertained
come by celerity of movement. By rapid marching Early reached Winchester on the 2d of July, and on the 4th occupied Martinsburg, driving GBaltimore and Ohio railroad. From Leesburg Early retired through Winchester toward Strasburg, but when the head of his column reached this plorce tempting Early to resume the offensive, he attacked Crook at Kernstown, and succeeded in administering such a check as to necessitate thntemplated raid into Maryland, which his success against Crook at Kernstown had prompted him to project, and otherwise disposing himself for out sixty miles broad, and on an east and west line drawn through Winchester about forty-five, while at Strasburg it narrows down to about twe by premature activity, for I thought that if I could beat him at Winchester, or north of it, there would be far greater chances of weighty rep the valley the day that I moved out from Halltown, and consequently was able to place himself south of Winchester before I could get there.
rritt's division up the Millwood pike toward Winchester, attack any force he might run against, and ecuring the fords was to further my march on Winchester from the southeast, since, from all the infoillwood pike west of the Opequon, off toward Kernstown, he found that their infantry and artillery in his retreat, Lowell following up through Winchester, on the Valley pike; Crook was turned to the3:30 P. M., 1864. Major-General Sheridan, Winchester, Va.: If you can possibly spare a division nd the same morning Crook and Wright reached Winchester, having started from Cedar Creek the day befd from this last point around to the west of Winchester. During all these operations the enemy hFront Royal, and the two columns joined near Winchester the morning of the 18th. That day I movend Ohio railroad, and at the same time cover Winchester. The same day I was moving my infantry tch the worst of it that they withdrew toward Winchester. When General Early received word of this e[13 more...]
me in the way of getting news conveyed from Winchester. They had learned that just outside of my lit from the Confederate commander to go into Winchester and return three times a week, for the purpos feasible, provided there could be found in Winchester some reliable person who would be willing to was acquainted with Miss Rebecca Wright, of Winchester, he replied that he knew her well. Thereupothe Berryville pike about two miles east of Winchester, between Abraham's Creek and Red Bud Run, so confusion along the Martinsburg pike toward Winchester; at the same time I directed him to attack trt began to drive this opposing force toward Winchester the moment he struck it near Stephenson's der period of the war, immediately in front of Winchester. Here Early tried hard to stem the tide, stragglers, seeking escape into and through Winchester. When this second break occurred, the Sianwhile Torbert passed around to the west of Winchester to join Wilson, but was unable to do so till[9 more...]
eet Stanton Longstreet's message return to Winchester the ride to Cedar Creek the retreating Armn to Martinsburg, and thence by horseback to Winchester and Cedar Creek, and had ordered three hundrg mounted and started up the Valley pike for Winchester, leaving Captain Sheridan behind to conduct k Colonel Alexander out on the heights about Winchester, in order that he might overlook the country, Captain John Harper. Third brigade:[At Winchester, Va., and not engaged in the battle.] Colonel s. Twenty-third Illinois (battalion),[At Winchester, Va., and not engaged in the battle.] Captain eard from his line on the heights outside of Winchester, was still going on. I asked him if it soundo Colonel Edwards, commanding the brigade in Winchester, to stretch his troops across the valley, neought was to stop the army in the suburbs of Winchester as it came back, form a new line, and fight iddletown ever since the time I arrived from Winchester, fell to the rear for the purpose of getting[7 more...]
Cedar Creek, my army having meanwhile withdrawn to Kernstown, where it had been finally decided that a defensivd the cavalry was put into winter cantonment near Winchester. The distribution of my infantry to Petersburg an West Virginia, about ninety miles southwest of Winchester, where, under the guise of a camp-meeting, a gathand and the Confederacy was carried a prisoner to Winchester, whence he was sent to Fort Warren. The captun them. On the 16th of February they returned to Winchester, and reported their failure, telling so many liesCarolina wherever he might be found, or return to Winchester, but as to joining Sherman I was to be governed bin having fallen almost incessantly since we left Winchester, but notwithstanding the down-pour the column pusy. The prisoners and artillery were sent back to Winchester next morning, under a guard of 1,500 men, commanddhere to my alternative instructions to return to Winchester, I now decided to destroy still more thoroughly t
he ordinary meeting was over, he usually waited for his visitor to open the conversation, so on this occasion I began by giving him the details of my march from Winchester, any reasons for not joining Sherman, as contemplated in my instructions, and the motives which had influenced me to march to the White House. The other provision of my orders on setting out from Winchester — the alternative return to that place-was not touched upon, for the wisdom of having ignored that was fully apparent. Commenting on this recital of my doings, the General referred only to the tortuous course of my march from Waynesboroa down, our sore trials, and the valuable servier, Colonels Wells, Capehart, and Pennington being the brigade commanders. These two divisions united were commanded by Merritt, as they had been since leaving Winchester. Crook headed the Second Division, his brigades being under General Davies and Colonels John I. Gregg and Smith. the Appomattox campaign. organization of t