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s desiring unlimited possessions;—France, to bound British enterprise by the Penobscot or the Kennebeck, Galissoniere to Col. Mascarene, 15 Jan., 1749. and the Alleghanies; England, to bring the continent under her flag, to supply the farthest wigwam from her workshops, to fill the wilderness with colonies that should trade onlyrgently claimed his attention; and with equal promptness he determined to secure the possession of Nova Scotia and the Ohio valley. 1749. The region beyond the Alleghanies had as yet no English settlement, except, perhaps, a few scattered cabins in Western Virginia. The Indians south of Lake Erie and in the Ohio valley were, inonly by Lake Erie. To secure Ohio for the English world, Lawrence Washington of Virginia, Augustus Washington, and their associates, proposed a colony beyond the Alleghanies. The country west of the great mountains is the centre of the British dominions, wrote Halifax and his colleagues, who were inflamed with the hope of recoveri
urnals of Gist, printed by Thomas Pownall, in the Appendix to Thomas Pownall's Topographical Description of North America. the bold messenger of civilization parted from the Potomac. He passed through snows over the stony and broken land of the Alleghanies; he halted among the twenty Delaware families that composed Shanoppin's town on the southeast side of the Ohio; swimming his horses across the river, he descended through the rich but narrow valley to Logstown. You are come, said the jealouill another warrior rises to boast his prowess, and scatter gifts in his turn. Thus February came to an end. On the first day of March, Gist took his leave. The Miamis, resolving never to give heed to the words of the French, sent beyond the Alleghanies this message: Our friendship shall stand like the loftiest mountain. The agent of the Ohio Company gazed with rapture on the valley of the Great Miami, the finest meadows that can be. He was told, that the land was not less fertile to th
3. the thoughts of the British ministry were so chap. IV.} 1751. engrossed by intrigues at home, as to give but little heed to the glorious country beyond the Alleghanies. Having failed in the attempt to subject all the colonies by act of parliament to all future orders of the king, the Lords of Trade sought to gain the same esion. Nor was the council dismissed, till the hatchet was buried irrecoverably deep, and a tree of peace planted, which was to be ever green as the laurel on the Alleghanies, and to spread its branches till its shadow should reach from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Thus was South Carolina first included in the same brighe, 16 June, 1753. The system they adopted gave evidence not only of the reckless zeal of the Lords of Trade to extend the jurisdiction of Great Britain beyond the Alleghanies, but also of the imbecility of the cabinet. The king in council, swayed by the representations of the Board, decided, that the valley of the Ohio was in the
19 April, 1755. after thirty of the English, and but three of the French had been killed, De Villiers himself fearing his ammunition would give out, proposed a parley. The terms of capitulation which were offered were interpreted to Washington, who did not understand French, and, as interpreted, were accepted. On the fourth day of July, the English garrison, retaining all its effects, withdrew from the basin of the Ohio. In the whole valley of the Mississippi, to its head-springs in the Alleghanies, no standard floated but that of France. Hope might dawn from Albany. There, on the nineteenth day of June, 1754, assembled the memorable congress Massachusetts Historical Collections, XXX. New York Documentary History, II. of commissioners from every colony north of the Potomac. The Virginia government, too, was represented by the presiding officer, Delancey, the lieutenant-governor of New York. They met to concert measures of defence, and to treat with the Six Nations and th
ly occupied lands that seemed without an owner. Their swine had the range of the forest; the open greenwood was the pasture of their untold herds; their young men, disciplined to frugality and patient of toil, trolled along the brooks that chap. VI.} 1754. abounded in fish, and took their pleasant sleep under the forest-tree; or trapped the beaver; or, with gun and pouch, lay in wait for the deer, as it slaked its thirst at the running stream; or, in small parties, roved the spurs of the Alleghanies, in quest of marketable skins. How could royal authority force its way into such a region? If Arthur Dobbs, the royal governor, an author of some repute, insisted on introducing the king's prerogative, the legislature did not scruple to leave the whole expense of government unprovided for. Did he attempt to establish the Anglican Church? The children of nature, free from bigotry and from sectarian prejudices, were ready to welcome the institution of public worship, if their own vestr
h was making in Ireland. Braddock, with two regiments, was already on the way to America, when Newcastle gave assurances that defence only was intended, that the general peace should not be broken; at the same time, England on its side, returning the French proposition but with a change of epoch, proposed to leave the Ohio valley as it had been at the treaty of Utrecht. Mirepoix, in reply, was willing that both the French and English should retire from the country between the Ohio and the Alleghanies, and leave that territory neutral, which would have secured to his sovereign all the country north and west of the Ohio. England, on the contrary, demanded that France should destroy all her forts as far as the Wabash, raze Niagara and Crown Point, surrender the peninsula of Nova Scotia, with a strip of land twenty leagues wide along the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic, and leave the intermediate country to chap. VII.} 1755. the St. Lawrence a neutral desert. Proposals so unreasonable
icer in the colonies. His opinion carried great weight, and it became, henceforward, a firm persuasion among the Lords of Trade, especially Halifax, Soame Jenyns, and Rigby, as well as with all who busied themselves with schemes of government for America, that the British parliament must take upon itself the establishment and collection of an American revenue. While the officers of the Crown were thus conspiring against American liberty, the tomahawk was uplifted along the ranges of the Alleghanies. The governor of Virginia Dinwiddie to Lords of Trade, 6 September, 1755. pressed upon Washington the rank of colonel and the command of the volunteer companies which were to guard its frontier, from Cumberland, through the whole valley of the Shenandoah. Difficulties of all kinds gathered in his path. The humblest captain that held a royal commission claimed to be his superior; and, for the pur- chap. IX.} 1756. pose of a personal appeal to Shirley, Dinwiddie to Shirley, 175
his quartering troops in the principal towns at the expense of the inhabitants by the illegal authority of a military chief, was the great result of the campaign. Yet native courage flashed up in every part of the colonies. The false Delawares, thirsting for victims and secret as the night, from their village at Kittanning, within forty-five miles of Fort Duquesne, stained all the border of Pennsylvania with murder and scalping. To destroy them, three hundred Pennsylvanians crossed the Alleghanies, conducted by John Armstrong, of Cumberland County, famed as inheriting the courage of the Scottish covenanters. In the night following the seventh of September, the avenging party, having marched on that day thirty miles through the unbroken forests, were guided to the Indian village of Kittanning, by the beating of a drum and the whooping of warriors at their festival; and they lay quiet and hush till the moon was fairly set. They heard a young fellow whistling near them, as a sign
t at the coming of winter, the religious awe that mastered the savages, the grief of the son fainting at the fearful recognition of his father, the groups of soldiers sorrowing over the ghastly ruins of an army, formed a sombre scene of desolation. How is all changed! The banks of the broad and placid Monongahela smile with orchards and teeming harvests and gardens; with workshops and villas; the victories of peace have effaced the memorials of war; a railroad that sends its cars over the Alleghanies in fewer hours than the army had taken weeks for its un-resisted march, passes through the scene where the carnage was the worst; and in all that region no sounds now prevail but of life and activity and joy. Two regiments composed of Pennsylvanians, Marylanders, and Virginians, remained as a garrison, under the command of Mercer; and for Washington, who at twenty-six retired from the army after having done so much to advance the limits of his country, the next few weeks were filled
and hollow. At the ford, the army passed the river; and, protected by it on their right, and by a flankingparty on the left, treading a path sometimes so narrow that they were obliged to march in Indian file, fired upon from the rear, and twice from the front, they were not collected at Etchowee till midnight, and after a loss of twenty men, besides seventy-six wounded. Virginia Gazette, 501, 2, 1. 15 Aug., 1760. For one day, and one day only, Montgomery rested in the heart of the Alleghanies. Lieut. Gov. Bull to Montgomery, 12 July, 1760. Same to Lords of Trade, 20 July, 1760. If he had chap. XV.} 1760. advanced to relieve, the siege of Fort Loudoun, he must have abandoned his wounded men and his baggage. On the following night, deceiving the Cherokees by kindling lights at Etchowee, the army retreated, and, marching twenty-five miles, they never halted till they came to War-Woman's Creek in the valley of the Savannah. On the thirtieth, they crossed the Oconnee Mount