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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Baltimore riots. (search)
h characterized his military career throughout the war. While he was encamped at the Relay House, seven miles from Baltimore, he set afloat the most absurd stories-one of them alleging that rebel sympathizers had poisoned the water in the neighborhood, and another that the Baltimore rebels had attempted to poison his men with strychnine. One of his soldiers, who was suddenly taken ill, was declared to have been poisoned, but on examination, made by a physician sent by the authorities of Baltimore city to investigate this particular case, it was found that the man was a person of intemperate habits, that he had been very imprudent in his diet, and that the symptoms were not such as ordinarily accompany poisoning by strychnia. Butler also ordered the arrest of a number of persons for seditious utterances, and actually issued a proclamation concerning one Spencer, who had been heard to express disloyal sentiments, and warning others not to imitate his example. The General seems to hav
The Provost-marshal of Baltimore, Md., this morning, before break of day, arrested Mayor Brown, Ross Winans, Charles H. Pitts, Lawrence Sangster, S. T. Wallis, and T. P. Scott, members of the Maryland Legislature, F. H. Howard, editor of the Exchange, and delivered them at Fort McHenry. He also arrested Messrs. Dennison, Quinlan, and Dr. Lynch, members of the Legislature from Baltimore County; Henry M. Warfield, Dr. J. Hansom, Thomas and John C. Brune, members of the Legislature from Baltimore City; also Thomas J. Hall, Jr., editor of the Baltimore South. All the arrests were made pursuant to orders from the United States War Department.--N. Y. Evening Post, September 13. The rebels appeared to-day in large numbers in Shepherdstown, Virginia, and commenced firing on the Unionists on the Maryland side of the Potomac. Several cannon were brought out. When the Unionists, under command of Colonel Anderson, brought two of their guns to bear upon them from Loudon Hill, opposite t
xasperation among the citizens. In the Maryland Legislature, in session at Annapolis, a resolution was introduced declaring the seat of Hon. Coleman Yellott, Senator from Baltimore, vacant, on the ground that during three successive sessions of the body he absented himself from his seat therein, without assigning any reason therefor; and whereas, it is a matter of public notoriety, established also by testimony before the Committee on Judicial Proceedings, that the said Senator from Baltimore City has gone to Virginia, and has no intention of resuming his seat in the Senate; and whereas, it is right and proper, in these times of public peril, the large and populous city of Baltimore should be represented here; and whereas, the Constitution of Maryland provides that in the event of the removal of a Senator from the county or city for which he is elected, the President of the Senate shall issue his warrant for the election of another person in his place: therefore, &c. Quite an a
were no other casualties. The Fifth Pennsylvania captured twenty-five prisoners.--the United States steamer Maumee was launched at Brooklyn, N. Y. General Neal Dow was captured by a party of rebel scouts at a private residence near Clinton, La., and sent to Richmond, Va.--the rebel blockade-runner Britannia was captured by the National gunboat Santiago de Cuba.--at Baltimore, Md., the following order was issued by the General Commanding: Until further orders, the citizens of Baltimore city and county are prohibited from keeping arms in their houses unless enrolled in volunteer companies for the defence of their homes. The dwellings of citizens were visited by the Provost-Marshal and the police, for arms, in accordance with this order. General William Jackson, with one thousand seven hundred men, and two pieces of artillery, attacked the Union troops at Beverly, Va., but was repulsed and routed with some loss. The rebels expected to make an easy prize of the garrison,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 1: the political Conventions in 1860. (search)
Chapter 1: the political Conventions in 1860. Preliminary observations, page 17. Democratic Convention at Charleston, 18. the Cincinnati platform, 21. conflicting reports on a platform of principles Secession of delegates, 22. balloting for a candidate, 28. seceders' Convention, 24. adjourned Democratic Convention in Baltimore, 25. another Secession, 26. nomination of Stephen A. Douglas for the Presidency, 27. nomination of John C. Breckinridge for the Presidency, 28. National constitutional Union Convention, 29. nomination of John Bell for the Presidency, 30. Republican Convention, 31. nomination of Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency, 32. the four parties, 33. the contest, and election of Lincoln, 34. In the spring of the year 1861, a civil war was kindled in the United States of America, which has neither a pattern in character nor a precedent in causes recorded in the history of mankind. It appears in the annals of the race as a mighty phenomenon, bu
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 17: events in and near the National Capital. (search)
on rumor and common belief, after arguments such as South Carolina vigilance committees generally used had been applied. The same. With this alleged authority, Kane and Lowe, accompanied by Mayor Brown and his brother, hastened to the office of Charles Howard, the President of the Board of Police, who was waiting for them, when that officer and the Mayor issued orders for the destruction of the bridges. Communication from the Mayor of Baltimore with the Mayor and Board of Police of Baltimore City: Document G, Maryland House of Delegates, May 10, 1861. The work was soon accomplished. A gang of lawless men hastened out to the Canton bridge, two or three miles from the city, on the Destruction of the Bridge over gunpowder Creek. this is from a sketch of the Bridge made by the author in November, 1861, from the Baltimore side of gunpowder Creek. The picture of conflagration has been added to show the relative position of the portion of the Bridge that was burnt at that time.
that the burning of the bridges was a foregone conclusion before my consent was asked-- Frederick city, Md. His Excellency, Thomas H. Hicks, Governor of Maryland-- Dear sir: We have received yours of the 23d instant, and, in reply, state that during the night of the 19th of April, ultimo, about one o'clock, Bradley T. Johnson sought and had an interview with us relative to a telegraphic despatch which he had received within an hour before from George P. Kane, Marshal of Police of Baltimore City, and which has since appeared in the public prints. In the course of that interview, Mr. Johnson, in unfolding the plans of those with whom he was cooperating, stated that they were determined to resist the passage of Federal troops through Maryland; and, as one of the means to accomplish that end, that the bridges on the railroads leading into Baltimore would be burned or destroyed. Some of us are clear in our recollection that he said the bridges would be destroyed that night. Other
en brave hearts charging, dare To fight, the Union to maintain, And death and peril share, To shield, protect it with my life, Each Star and Stripe all there; I grasped and bore it in the fight-- Where is that flag, oh! where? He raised his sinking, dying head, With wild, convulsive stare-- “O heavens! where is it? keep it safe, Preserve the flag I bear.” His pulse grew weak, his eyes grew dim; His blood fast oozing there; In agony he faintly sighed: “My flag, my colors, here they are!” And as he gasping now beheld His flag beside.him there, He died, a soldier's glorious death; “Preserve that flag!” his prayer. With the above came the following: To the Colonel of the Tenth Ohio regiment, or any officer who was a friend of Fitzgibbons, brave, noble, true-hearted color-bearer of the Tenth Ohio regiment, who fell at the battle of Carnifax Ferry, this little song is respectfully forwarded with the compliments of the author. Wm. H. Hayward, J. P., Baltimore City, Maryl
59. the Hymin of Freedom. by J. F. Weishampel, Jr. our Flag shall stay unfurled. Written in 1861. The authorities of Baltimore city had forbidden the display of the American flag, but in many instances it was kept afloat, till torn down by the police. After several weeks of trouble and anxiety, the Union people prevailed, the rebel ensigns were secreted or destroyed, and the beautiful Flag of our Nation was fling out on the breeze from a thousand windows and spires all over the city. All hail the land where Freedom dwells and lifts her starry shield! Here gaze all nations, bond and free — this is their battle-field! Humanity and Liberty throughout the struggling world, Proclaim her cause their own, and cry, Our Flag shall stay unfurled! Our Flag shall stay unfurled, Our Flag shall stay unfurled! Though Freedom's foes may plot her death, Yet while a patriot holds his breath, Our Flag shall stay unfurled! What hands dare strike that hopeful Flag, for which our fathers bled? W
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
Lane's narrative; but we give with pleasure the following letter from the gallant General Trimble, of Maryland, under whose immediate eye these brave North Carolinians fought on the third day at Gettysburg.] Letter from General Trimble. Baltimore, October 15th, 1875. S. D. Pool,--I see by your October number of Our Living and Our Dead, that you defend the reputation of the North Carolina troops as earnestly as ever, while doing full justice, as you do at all times, to those from othecharge at Gettysburg. If I have made any in respect to the troopswhich came under your command or observation, will you do me the honor and kindness to point out my error, and thus greatly oblige, Yours, with much respect, John W. Daniel. Baltimore, November 24th, 1875. Jno. W. Daniel, Esq.: Dear Sir,--Your favor of 22d received. As respects the errors made in your able address in Richmond, as to the action of Pender's division, under my command, they are not very important, but may
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