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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 5, line 237 (search)
ed; nor doubting mind, as though alone Indignant at the wrong, and in distrust Of those in turn distrusting. Fear in each Had fled before the boldness of the host: The crime is free where thousands bear the guilt. They hurled their menace: 'Caesar, give us leave 'To quit thy crimes; thou seek'st by land and sea 'The sword to slay us; let the fields of Gaul And far Iberia, and the world proclaim 'How for thy victories our comrades fell. 'What boots it us that by an army's blood 'The Rhine and Rhone and all the northern lands 'Thou hast subdued? Thou giv'st us civil war 'For all these battles; such the prize. When fled 'The Senate trembling, and when Rome was ours 'What homes or temples did we spoil? Our hands 'Reek with offence! Aye, but our poverty 'Proclaims our innocence! What end shall be Of arms and armies? What shall be enough 'If Rome suffice not? and what lies beyond? 'Behold these silvered locks, these nerveless hands 'And shrunken arms, once stalwart! In thy wars 'Gone is
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 119 (search)
g pitchy flame Are hurled, and shaken nod the lofty towers And threaten ruin, and the bastions groan Struck by the frequent engine, and the troops Of Magnus by triumphant eagles led Stride o'er the rampart, in their front the world. Yet now that passage which not Caesar's self Nor thousand valiant squadrons had availed To rescue from their grasp, one man in arms Steadfast till death refused them; Scaeva named This hero soldier: long he served in fight Waged 'gainst the savage on the banks of Rhone; And now centurion made, through deeds of blood, He bore the staffThe vinewood staff was the badge of the centurion's office. before the marshalled line. Prone to all wickedness, he little recked How valourous deeds in civil war may be Greatest of crimes; and when he saw how turned His comrades fron the war and sought in flight A refuge, ' Whence,' he cried, 'this impious fear Unknown to Caesar's armies? Do ye turn 'Your backs on death, and are ye not ashamed Not to be found where slaughte
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 413 (search)
heir flowing locks Vapours immense shall issue at their call; When falls the tempest seas shall rise and foam When the boisterous sea, Without a breath of wind, hath knocked the sky. Ben Jonson's 'Masque of Queens.' Moved by their spell; though powerless the breeze To raise the billows. Ships against the wind With bellying sails move onward. From the rock Hangs motionless the torrent: rivers run Uphill; the summer heat no longer swells Nile in his course; Maeander's stream is straight; Slow Rhone is quickened by the rush of Saone; Hills dip their heads and topple to the plain; Olympus sees his clouds drift overhead; And sunless Scythia's sempiternal snows Melt in mid-winter; the inflowing tides Driven onward by the moon, at that dread chant Ebb from their course; earth's axes, else unmoved, Have trembled, and the force centripetal Has tottered, and the earth's compacted frame Struck by their voice has gaped, till through the void Men saw the moving sky.The sky was supposed to move ro
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 9, line 734 (search)
moisture of his inward frame, Draining the natural juices that were spread Around his vitals; in his arid jaws Set flame upon his tongue: his wearied limbs No sweat bedewed; dried up, the fount of tears Fled from his eyelids. Tortured by the fire Nor Cato's sternness, nor of his sacred charge The honour could withhold him; but he dared To dash his standard down, and through the plains Raging, to seek for water that might slake The fatal venom thirsting at his heart. Plunge him in Tanais, in Rhone and Po, Pour on his burning tongue the flood of Nile, Yet were the fire unquenched. So fell the fang Of Dipsas in the torrid Libyan lands; In other climes less fatal. Next he seeks Amid the sands, all barren to the depths, For moisture: then returning to the shoals Laps them with greed-in vain-the briny draught Scarce quenched the thirst it made. Nor knowing yet The poison in his frame, he steels himself To rip his swollen veins and drink the gore. Cato bids lift the standard, lest his troop
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 10, line 194 (search)
us that the object of the journey was the discovery of the sources of the Nile. ' To Nile its mystery, and to furthest earth ' Sent chosen Ethiops whom the crimson zone ' Stayed in their further march, while flowed his stream ' Warm at their feet. Sesostris Sesostris, the great king, does not appear to have pushed his conquests to the west of Europe. westward far ' Reached, to the ends of earth; and necks of kings ' Bent 'neath his chariot yoke: but of the springs ' Which fill your rivers, Rhone and Po, he drank, 'Not of the fount of Nile. Cambyses king 'In madman quest led forth his host to where 'The long-lived races dwell: then famine struck, 'Ate of his dead See Herodotus, III., 17. These Ethiopian races were supposed to live to the age of 120 years, drinking milk, and eating boiled flesh. On Cambyses's march his starving troops cast lots by tens for the one man who was to be eaten. and, Nile unknown, returned. No lying rumour of thy hidden source 'Has e'er made mention; wheres
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