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Montgomery. There being no other nomination, Mr. Preston was unanimously elected as one of the Commissioners. Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, alluding to the fact that one gentleman who had formerly been a member of the Cabinet had received an appointment, and he would place in nomination another who had filled a high position in the councils of the action-- Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, of the county of Augusta. Mr. Staples, of Patrick, nominated Hon. Robert L. Montague, of the county of Middlesex. Mr. Montague said there were three parties on this floor — the Secession party, of which he was one; the middle party, of which the gentleman from Montgomery was a representative; and another a little lower down. A voice.--"A little higher up!" Mr. Montague.--No sir, a little lower down; the extreme Union party, to which the gentleman from Augusta belongs — and he thought that each of these parties was entitled to one of the Commissioners. For his own part, while thanking