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maximum of men. If they see that there is a probability of our permanently holding this part of the State, many of those who are refugees to Missouri and Kansas, will doubtless return and enter the service. A post has been established at Neosho, Missouri. Major John A. Foreman with a battalion of Indian troops, has already been ordered there. A large number of refugee Indian families are in that vicinity, and they are all to be collected at that point to remain until spring. There is an abundant supply of fine spring water at Neosho, and as it is in a wooded region plenty of fuel can be easily furnished them at a small cost during the winter. Their subsistence supplies can also perhaps be mostly drawn from that section. Last night, the 8th, the First division, with the exception of the Indian command, having received orders, struck tents and moved out quite suddenly. Some of the troops that left last night, are ordered to Springfield, Missouri, on a forced march, as General
zens after they were regularly captured, unless they were among those classed as bushwhackers, and who had committed some outrageous acts. At eight o'clock on the evening of the 22d, with a detail of fourteen men, I was directed to proceed to Neosho with dispatches for the commanding officer at that post, and for the commanding general at Springfield. As it is the intention of our division to spend the winter in this section ; and as we are not likely to commence any offensive operation until towards spring, I have permission to remain at Neosho two weeks, to see some of my relatives and friends whom I have not seen since the war commenced. I look back upon the past year with a good deal of pride, for I have not been absent from my post of duty a single day. And in the discharge of my duties, 1 believe that I have given satisfaction to those with whom I have had to deal. Though we have had a Lieutenant and Commissary with us a part of the time, being a subordinate, I have genera
Chapter 5: The Author at Neosho, Missouri, for a few days Ante-bellum times and reminiscences Description of the town- the Grand Falls and water-powered. General Marmaduke at the battle of Springfield on the 9th Flag raising at Neosho the National Flag scornfully regarded by rebels guerrillas at Granby the ricother at Fayetteville a mother's picture of a united family. We arrived at Neosho on the morning of the 23d, having marched forty-five miles in twelve hours. Ourhite handkerchief an arms length in front of us. Immediately on our arrival at Neosho I delivered the dispatches and mail to Major John A Foreman, commanding officerhas few equals in the country. At the Grand Falls, sixteen miles northwest of Neosho, it pours over a perpendicular precipice about eighteen feet high. Fine cardin. To-day, February 2d, Major Foreman had erected on the Court House Square, Neosho, a high flagstaff, and run up our National Flag, and its folds floated to the b
uch suffering. Should the present fine weather continue a few days longer, they will have reached their destination in good condition. Yesterday (15th), Colonel Phillips sent a squad of ten rebel prisoners that we recently captured, to Neosho, Missouri, to be held until there is an opportunity of sending them to Fort Scott or Leavenworth. We have four classes of the enemy to deal with in this section. First, the bushwhackers, who are unorganized and generally found singly, but, as somr to hold our own ground in this section, keep our animals in as good condition as possible. and not permit our arms to rust. We have very favorable reports from Captain A. C. Spillman of this division, who has been in command of the post at Neosho since Major Foreman left there. Captain Spillman is showing himself to be a very competent and energetic young officer. His scouting parties are active in hunting down bushwhackers, and in making that section an unsafe and an uncomfortable ret
ry endeavoring to avoid capture by our troops. Only a few weeks ago a party of a dozen or so rebels in this vicinity, sent a message to the commanding officer at Neosho that they were willing to come in and surrender and take the oath, but when a detachment of our troops came down here to receive them, they were not found. It isdiately arming the freedmen to fight the enemy, their late masters, are just beginning to be warmly discussed by officers and soldiers and citizens. We hear from Neosho and other sections of the State, that returned rebels and many democrats regard these new measures of the Government with a good deal of bitterness, and predict t dangers and hardships of the field. His wound is quite serious, though it is not thought that with careful attention, it will prove mortal. He has been sent to Neosho in an ambulance; but will probably soon be taken to Kansas to stay until he recovers. He has been an active and efficient officer during the winter, and this div
st but a few moments ahead of the; enemy. A couple of soldiers posted on a road several miles out, by the time they had halted and ascertained whether the approaching force was friend or foe, would, if the latter, have few chances of escape, if it were at night. If Livingston's men are mounted upon as good horses as they are reported to be, they could move more rapidly than an Indian guard mounted on a pony. In a few weeks the Indian soldiers and all the refugee Indian families will leave Neosho and join us in the Nation, and then it is the intention to have stationed there several companies of the Missouri State Militia, who generally have good horses, and will probably be able at least to hold their own with the guerrillas of southwest Missouri. A deserter came into our lines to-day from Colonels Carroll's Arkansas regiment, which is now stationed below Van Buren on the Arkansas river. He does not think that the enemy in that section contemplates an immediate movement northwa
nsas cavalry, a few days ago had a skirmish with Livingston's band about sixteen miles north of Neosho, and got three of his men badly wounded, but succeeded in killing and wounding seven of the enemlonel Phillips. As soon as transportation can be had to remove the Refugee Indian families from Neosho, they will leave that place to join this command in the nation. It is not likely, however, thatments of troops in the field. A party of dispatch bearers and mail carries just arrived from Neosho, state that a report came therefrom Springfield, that General Hunter has captured Charleston, S.d this side of Fort Gibson. Yesterday morning (28th) a detachment of thirty men were sent to Neosho with the mail for the North, and instructions to the commanding officer at Neosho, in regard to Neosho, in regard to removing the troops and all the refugee Indian families from there to the nation. By the time they will be able to join us, their ponies can live by grazing on the grass of the river bottoms. They
own resources to hold his station. We are unable to understand why so many of our troops are kept in the vicinity of Springfield, as we have heard of no threatened invasion of Missouri by the enemy directly south or southeast of that place. The State Militia could probably preserve order in that section if our volunteer troops should occupy a more advanced position, and prevent the invasion of the State by the organized forces of the enemy. The refugee train arrived to-day (9th) from Neosho, having been ten days en route to this place. The train, which was about a mile long, came in sight about ten o'clock. It was a lovely spring morning, the air soft and balmy, and everything looking gay and cheerful. Some of the Indian soldiers went out several miles to meet their families, but many waited until the train had approached near our camp. I watched them with a good deal of interest. Such manifestations of joy on the meeting of husbands and wives and children, I have never bef
ficer at Fort Scott, will probably furnish escorts strong enough to guard our trains to Baxter Springs or Neosho river. Should the enemy at any time throw a force between this post and either of those points, with the view of attacking a train, Colonel Phillips will reinforce the escort by troops from this division. But the main body of his troops will be required for active service in this vicinity in contending with the enemy in front and around us. This last train came down via Neosho, Missouri, but will return on the old Military road, which runs along on the west side of Grand River. Those who came down with the train from Neosho, state that a large portion of the town was recently burned. It was not definitely known whether the fire was started accidentally, or by an incendiary. It was discovered after night, and had make such progress that it could not be checked with the means the people had at hand. Two companies of the Missouri State Militia have been stationed
venth Missouri Militia cavalry, has eight hundred men and two pieces. of the Second Indian battery, stationed at Newtonia, twenty-five miles northwest of Cassville. From all accounts he is an active and energetic officer, and is doing good service for the State. There are also fortifications and a block house at Newtonia, so that the principal part of the cavalry force stationed there can be kept in the field. Two companies of the Eighth Missouri State Militia cavalry, are stationed at Neosho, under Captain Milton Burch, one of the most efficient officers in Southwest Missouri. There are also several companies stationed at Mount Vernon, thirty miles northeast of this place, and at Springfield there are probably between three and four thousand effective troops. The Missouri State troops are well armed, mounted and equipped, and should be, and I believe are, effective troops in the service of the State. They could, no doubt, maintain order in this State and suppress guerrilla
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