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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 30, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hanover Court House (Virginia, United States) or search for Hanover Court House (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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n of the Yankee army is this side of the Pamunkey, the main force apparently making for the Peninsula, by way of Potatotamoy creek. Of this, however, there is no certainly. Burnside's corps is reported to be within three or four miles of Hanover Court House — between that place and the Pamunkey. About 11 o'clock on Saturday morning one regiment of Lomax's cavalry brigade had a skirmish with the enemy's cavalry near Hanover C. H., with no important result. It is supposed that this force Hanover C. H., with no important result. It is supposed that this force of the enemy was sent out to cover some movement in their rear. The Yankees are plundering the inhabitants on the line of their route, taking negroes, horses, and articles of subsistence. The latest. Information was received last night that the enemy, in heavy force, was advancing on Hanover Court-House. Grant's whole army, with the exception of Warren's corps, has crossed the Pamunkey at Hanover Town, and his line-of-battle extends from that point to a position some distance in
[from our own Correspondent.] Army of Northern Virginia, Slashes of Hanover, May 27, 1864. At an early hour this morning it was ascertained that Grant had withdrawn his army under cover of darkness last night to the north bank of the North Anna, and was moving down the east side of that river in the direction of West Point. As intimated in a former letter, Gen Lee's lines extended along the range of hills on the south side of the North Anna, except on his flanks, where they took en.--Grent is a hard headed man, however, as well as a hard fighter, and, like most hard headed men, he has come very near having his head broken. It remains in be seen whether he will make a demonstration towards crossing the Pamunkey at Hanover Court House, or will move up to the Chickahominy or form a junction with Butler, and seek to throw himself on the south side of Richmond across our lines of communication, as he did at Vicksburg. It only remains to be added that Gen Lee has made