Browsing named entities in William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. You can also browse the collection for Mount Jackson (Virginia, United States) or search for Mount Jackson (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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rg, Va. 10 Weldon Railroad, Va., June 23, ‘64 31 Place Unknown 2 On Picket, Va. 1     Present, also, at Fort Stevens, D. C.; Fisher's Hill, Va.; Mount Jackson, Va.; Sailor's Creek, Va. notes.--Organized at Brattleboro, Vt., as an infantry command, but was changed to heavy artillery December 10, 1862, while on duty iov. 9, 1862 1 Richmond Raid, Va., Mch. 1, 1864 2 Cedar Creek, Va., Nov. 12, 1864 3 Brandy Station, Va., June 9, 1863 5 New Kent C. H., Va., Mch. 3, 1864 1 Mt. Jackson, Va., Nov. 22, 1864 4 Aldie, Va., June 17, 1863 18 Craig's Church, Va., May 5, 1864 5 Ashland, Va., Mch. 15, 1865 2 Middleburg, Va., June 19, 1863 2 HanoverConfederate prisons (previously included), 10. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Kernstown, Va., March 23, 1862 5 Dallas, Ga., May 29, 1864 3 Mt. Jackson, Va., May 3, 1862 2 Pine Knob, Ga. 12 Port Republic, Va. 23 Kenesaw, Ga. 2 Cedar Mountain, Va. 13 Peach Tree Creek, Ga. 2 Chancellorsville, Va. 7 Siege o