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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore), 2. Captain Semmes, C. S. A. N. June 19, 1864. (search)
for his Gallic friend to hold. A little over prudent was he For a cavalier of high degree; And Raphael Semmes don't sound, indeed, As if it came of the purple seed; But all the blood in his veins was blue, And his clay was porcelain through and through. Heigh-ho! the Lord doth know We are but dirt, and our blood's so-so. What will the doughty Captain do With his British ship, his British crew, His gunners, trained in the “Excellent,” The guns his cousin Blakeley sent, His shot and shell at Woolwich made, What will he do with the whole parade? Up to the top of his cliffs Crapeau Had clambered to see the Sunday show; And his brother Bull, in lis fancy yacht, Stood off and on toward the fated spot; And right across the bold Captain's way The Kearsarge steamed in her war array. “Heigh-ho!” said Semmes, “Let's blow That craft to splinters before we go.” Semmes had heard, with his lip a-curl, In Cherbourg, that some Northern churl, Backed by a gang of onion-eaters, Waited the noble n