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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for George H. Thomas or search for George H. Thomas in all documents.

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the capture of the force thus isolated. General Thomas ordered Brannan with two brigades to recong them to be moved further to the left. General Thomas's troops were in the position indicated, e were despatched to General Negley to join General Thomas, and to General McCook to relieve Negley. onel McCook's position. Apprised of this, General Thomas directed Reynolds to move his division frowithout attempting to renew the combat. General Thomas, considering the excessive labors of the t none but myself to mention them. To Major-General Thomas, the true soldier, the prudent and undaneral Rosecrans. It was my desire to join General Thomas by the Mountain road, via Stephens's Gap; s way, and be ready to start reenforcements to Thomas at a moment's warning. J. A. Garfield, Brigad no advantage of ground lay with either side. Thomas's left divisions (Brannan's, Baird's, and Johnidge half a mile behind Reynolds's right. General Thomas was also at this position. It was mostly [97 more...]
sideration the names of those officers especially mentioned by them for gallant and meritorious conduct. The skilful execution by General Smith of the work assigned him, and the promptness with which General Hooker with his troops met and repulsed the enemy on the night of the twentyeighth, reflects the greatest credit on both of these officers and their entire commands. I herewith annex consolidated returns of casualties. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Thomas, Major-General U. S. V., Commanding. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General U. S. A., Washington. Major-General Hooker's command. Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total. Eleventh Corps,8814814200 Second Division, 12th Corps,841748216 Brig.-Gen. Smith's command,417--21 Total,437 Report of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the followin
and at the brilliant success you gained over your old adversary (Longstreet) on the night of the twentyeighth ultimo. The bayonet charge of Howard's troops made up the side of a steep and difficult hill over two hundred feet high, completely routing the enemy from his barricades on its top, and the repulse by Geary's division of greatly superior numbers, who attempted to surprise him, will rank among the most distinguished feats of arms of this war. Very respectfully, etc., (Signed) George H. Thomas, Major-General Commanding. By command of Major-General Hooker. (Signed) H. W. Perkins, A. A. G. Official. (Signed) F. A. Meysenbery, A. A. G. Official. Fred. W. Stone, Capt. and A. A. G. headquarters Second brigade, November 5, 1863. Official. Benj, F. Stone, Capt. and A. A. A. G. Cincinnati Gazette account. Chattanooga, October 29. Last night, a little before one o'clock, we were startled, though not surprised, to hear volleys of musketry, interspersed with the booming of c
wing, was thrown forward to threaten Rome, and the corps of Major-General Thomas was put in motion over Lookout Mountain, in the direction ofe hazard of quick and certain destruction. The centre corps, under Thomas, being in McLemore's Cove, immediately opposite Lafayette, at and n of the limited scale on which it was planned. The movement upon Thomas, in McLemore's Cove, having failed, he having effected his escape uouts, recalled McCook into Will's Valley, and ordered him to follow Thomas, who was again put in motion over the mountain into the cove. The s thrown forward as a supporting force to guard Polk's left against Thomas and McCook, in the cove. Crittenden finding himself confronted, de The attack was made simultaneously on front and flank by a part of Thomas's corps and Palmer's division of Crittenden's corps. In meeting thf great desperation, being sustained by the enemy with the whole of Thomas's corps. The strength of his force being great enough to outflank