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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 26: Grant's second term (search)
hension of the average voter, and gave a notable illustration of the force which a popular refrain may exert in such a contest as this was. The public mind was greatly excited, many excellent speakers took part in the canvass, but it may well be doubted if any argument used was more effective than this in the final overthrow of Tammany. In personal and social matters the Sun was always quite as independent as it was in politics. This is well shown by its attitude in regard to the Beecher-Tilton scandal, which for a season was an absorbing topic of discussion in both religious and secular society. Beecher was one of the most eloquent men of his day. He had done great service in presenting the cause of the Union in England, and was a preacher of unusual prominence, influence, and popularity. The sympathy of the public was strongly in his favor, but when his correspondence, as brought out in the trial, was considered in connection with the lady's confession and the undisputed facts
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Index (search)
23, 225. Baltimore, 336, 337. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 337, 347. Bancroft, George, 453. Banks, General, 209, 212, 233, 301, 302, 349. Banks, N. P., Speaker, 142, 144, 147. Baraguay d'hilliers, 67. Barker, Fordyce, 177. Barlow, United States Marshal, 417. Barnard, General, 328. Barrett, James, 18-21, 25, 28-30. Bartlett, Robert, 53. Bates, Attorney-General, 162. Bayard, Secretary, 471, 475. Bayou, Pierre, 220. Bayou, Tensas, 209. Beach, Moses Y., 484-487. Beecher-Tilton scandal, 449. Belknap, General, 418, 419. Bell, Senator, 180. Bern, General, 96. Benjamin, Senator, 153, 359. Bennett, James Gordon, 128, 314, 430, 484-489. Benton, Mayor, 351. Benton, Senator, 98, 104, 144, 145, 152. Bentonville, battle at, 355. Berlin, 83-85. Bermuda Hundred, 328, 329. Big Black River, 209, 216, 220, 221, 223, 225, 230. Bingham, Lieutenant-Colonel, 242. Black Ant, children's stories, 155. Black Friday, 417, 425, 493. Black, Jeremiah I., 182. Bla