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-House. The remaining two brigades, those of Trimble and Hays, the latter under Colonel Forno, divl, and proceeded up the Rappahannock, leaving Trimble's brigade near Freeman's Ford to protect his iles distant, on the road to Alexandria. General Trimble volunteered to proceed at once to that pls were relieved by the brigades of Lawton and Trimble, of Ewell's division, commanded by General Laowed on the right and left by the brigades of Trimble, under Colonel Hoke, and Early, under Colonel Virginia,Early's,Ewell's,22830 12th Georgia,Trimble's,Ewell's,73340 21st North-Carolina,Trimble'Trimble's,Ewell's, 22 15th Alabama,Trimble's,Ewell's, 33 33d North-Carolina,Branch's,A. P. Hill's,63036 Trimble's,Ewell's, 33 33d North-Carolina,Branch's,A. P. Hill's,63036 7th North-Carolina,Branch's,A. P. Hill's,112 28th North-Carolina,Branch's,A. P. Hill's,32629 37thimble's,Ewell's,38146184 20th North-Carolina,Trimble's,Ewell's,246084 15th Alabama,Trimble's,EwelTrimble's,Ewell's,2191112 12th Georgia,Trimble's,Ewell's,235 22d North-Carolina,Pender's,A. P. Hill's,65763 16[6 more...]
e in their rear. Soon after ten o'clock, General Trimble with the last of our forces had crossed triven us. At this time I had present Elzey's, Trimble's, and Stewart's brigades, short of five thouts assisted in the repulse of the enemy. General Trimble, in turn, advanced and drove the enemy moM., it being principally directed against General Trimble, and, though from their own statement thenel Posey, was the closest engaged. Brigadier-General Trimble, Seventh brigade, had the brunt of tod for twenty-four hours. The commands of General Trimble and Colonel Patton were kept in position are not here given. Very respectfully, J. R. Trimble, Brigadier-General Report of General R he had been driven by the vigorous charge of Trimble's cannoneers. The brigade, though not actual We were then placed under the command of General Trimble, and brought up the rear of our column, tushed through my line, scattering my men. General Trimble came riding up at a barn, some four hundr[23 more...]
lank, and opened the way for the remainder of Trimble's brigade, which advanced to the field beyondard night Whiting received orders to send General Trimble's brigade to the support of General D. the Louisiana brigade, and that portion of Trimble's which was on my left, now severely pressed f the field: but the line was held by part of Trimble's brigade, consisting of a portion of the Fifthune, company K--First Alabama regiment. General Trimble also furnishes the names of the followingle, Colonel Walker, and Colonel Stafford. General Trimble furnishes the diagram. On a comparison ouly 1, 1862. Seventh brigade, Brigadier--General J. R. Trimble. command.killed.wounded.missin-General Hampton. This was held in reserve. Trimble's brigade, of Ewell's division, supported my pressed hard, I received orders to direct General Trimble to move over from the left to that point,371,746 Total,      3771,746392,162 General Trimble's reports. headquarters Seventh brig[12 more...
neral Ewell, with his two remaining brigades, Trimble's and Hays's, (the latter commanded by Colonemean time General Ewell, with the brigades of Trimble and Hays, reached the north-west termination ger existing, he moved with his two brigades, Trimble's in the advance, and pressed forward under aigade, under cover of the woods, to the left, Trimble's and Forno's brigades on the right, Dement'slaughter's Mountain, with the two brigades of Trimble and Forno, and established, from a commanding, commanding Hays's brigade, (Louisiana,) General Trimble, and General Early. My losses were eight.  Killed.Wounded. Early's Brigade,16145 Trimble's Brigade,117 Forno's (Hays's) Brigade,08  ged, the brigade being held in reserve by General Trimble's command, were under fire and in range oded sent in yesterday. Report of Brigadier-General Trimble. headquarters Seventh brigade, effects of ricochet shot. Respectfully, J. R. Trimble, Brigadier-General. Killed, Wounded, an[1 more...]
he brigades of Early, Hays, (Colonel Strong,) Trimble, (Colonel Walker,) and Lawton, (Colonel Dougld, and that the brigades of Lawton, Hays, and Trimble had fallen back some distance to the rear. Fs, (A and B,) referred to above, and also General Trimble's papers of the sixth of January and tentm, as stated so circumstantially by him? General Trimble says I did not reach the place till seven particulars of the operation of Lawton's and Trimble's brigades; but I am informed that they were ad him carried to the hospital. Lawton's and Trimble's brigades lay on their arms a short distanceline of the railroad, beginning on the right, Trimble's brigade, by a cross-fire, aided in repulsininia regiment, was assigned to the command of Trimble's brigade. On the morning of the third, thaptain Feagins, with about two hundred men of Trimble's brigade, reported to me, and was posted in of the stores which had been captured by General Trimble on the preceding evening, as the captured[98 more...]