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the rebels were completely shelled out. The commander of the Rescue occupied the entire day shelling every spot where were indications of the presence of rebel troops. Subsequently a small boat was seen crossing the river with three men. The Rescue's boat was sent in pursuit, and captured the boat and two of the men, but the third managed to escape by jumping out and wading to the shore with a bag of letters.--(Docs. 132 and 138.) Five railroad bridges were burnt in East Tennessee by Unionists. Two on the Georgia state road, two on Chickamange Creek, Hamilton County, and one on the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad on Hiawassee River, Bradley County. Five minutes after the guard passed through, the whole bridge was in flames. Two bridges on the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad on Lick Creek, Green County, and another on Holstein River, were also burned. The guard at Lick Creek were unarmed. They were overwhelmed, tied, and carried away and kept during the day. The bridg
or Fulkerson, at Jamestown, last summer, upon making the strongest promises of good behavior toward the Confederate States. Those composing the little patriotic band, were R. Bird, Speed Faris, Samuel Freeman, J. W. Smith, Clint. Roe, Ples. Jones, Joe Cain, S. C. Cain, Wm. Ellison, Frank and Abel Bryant, G. W. Lyttle, S. Stanfield, Jeremiah Meadors, R. and J. Pemberton, and some others, making between twenty and thirty in number.--Frankfort Commonwealth (Ky.), Dec. 9. A party of Unionists attacked the Confederate pickets at Morristown, East Tennessee, killing a large number of them, and putting the rest to flight.--Memphis Avalanche, Dec. 2. Simon Cameron, the Secretary of War, in his report, proposed that the limits of Virginia be so altered, as to make her boundaries consist of the Blue Ridge on the east, and Pennsylvania on the north, leaving those on the south and west as at present. Thus Alleghany and Washington counties, of Maryland, would be transferred to Virg
, two hundred Government troops were immediately sent to the town from Cambridge, Md., under the command of Col. Wallace. Five of the ringleaders were arrested, but three were afterward released, Capts. Pennington and Wise only remaining in custody. The town numbers about two thousand persons, and the whole place is now under strict martial law.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, March 11. The rebel chief, Quantrel, with a party of his troops, entered Aubry, Kansas, this day, killing five Unionists, and carrying off fifteen horses.--N. Y. Times, March 11. The United States Senate this day confirmed the following as Brigadier-Generals of Volunteers: Major Laurance Graham, of Second cavalry; Eleazer Paine, of Illinois; William A. Richardson, of Illinois; Daniel Butterfield, of New York; W. T. Ward, of Kentucky; Major George Sykes, of the Thirteenth infantry; Captain David Stanley, of the Tenth cavalry; Thomas A. Davies, of New York; Col. Philip St. George Cooke, Second cavalry; Ma
ng, and will be hailed with rapture by every patriotic heart. The work of restoration progresses most cheeringly. The spell of treason is broken, and the demon of enchant ment lies powerless at the feet of our country's genius. The rebel iron-clad steamer Merrimac made her second appearance in Hampton Roads, Va., this day, in company with six smaller vessels, two of which were the Jamestown and Yorktown. After manoeuvring in the Roads, and capturing three small vessels belonging to Unionists, the rebel fleet returned to Elizabeth River.--(Doc. 130.) The Secretary of War makes public acknowledgment to the Governors of Massachusetts, Indiana, and Ohio, and the Board of Trade of Pittsburgh, Pa., for their prompt offers of assistance for the relief of the officers and soldiers wounded in the late great battle on Tennessee River. Their offers have been accepted. It is understood that similarly humane and patriotic service has been rendered by other city and State authorities
sfully launched at the Navy-Yard at Charlestown, Mass., this afternoon.--N. Y. Tribune, April 19. At Philadelphia, Pa., Parson Brownlow was received at Independence Hall by the city authorities this morning--Mr. Tregg, President of the Common Council, receiving him with words of the heartiest welcome. Mr. Brownlow replied in a characteristic address of some length, delivered from a stand erected in front of the Hall, to an immense audience. He recited the tribulations East-Tennessee Unionists had undergone.--Philadelphia Press, April 19. Wm. Gilchrist, arrested some months ago on the charge of furnishing aid and comfort to the enemy, and sent to Fort Warren, and afterward upon his release, by order of the Government, arrested by Detective Franklin, on the charge of treason, has now been discharged unconditionally, after months' imprisonment, without trial.--N. Y. Commercial, April 19. Gen. Mcclellan, before Yorktown, Va., telegraphed as follows to the War Department:
he rebel army, near Corinth, but were forcibly detained.--The rebel steamer Gov. Morton was captured. The United States Senate passed Mr. Doolittle's bill providing for the collection of taxes in the insurrectionary districts.--During a debate on the motion fixing a time of adjournment, Mr. Wilson called Mr. Davis, of Kentucky, to order for uttering treasonable sentiments. After some explanation the point of order was withdrawn, and the motion laid on the table. A Convention of Unionists was held at Nashville, Tennessee, this day. Patriotic resolutions were adopted without dissent, and eloquent addresses were made by Governor Andrew Johnson, William H. Polk, General Campbell, Wm. B. Stokes, W. H. Wisner, Edmund Cooper, and others. A committee was appointed to prepare an address to the people of the State; and the policy of Governor Johnson was cordially approved. --(Doc. 97.) The Charleston (S. C.) Courier of this date congratulates the citizens of Charleston upon th
t, and a body of rebel cavalry, numbering about two hundred men, which resulted in the complete defeat of the rebels. Yesterday a skirmish took place near the Mountain Store, about twenty miles from Houston, Missouri, between a body of Union troops under the command of Captain Bradway, Third Missouri cavalry, and a force of rebel guerrillas under Colonel Coleman, resulting in the retreat of the latter towards the Big Piney River, where they were encountered to-day by the same party of Unionists, and after a sharp fight, were completely routed. In these two skirmishes the rebels had five men killed and twelve wounded. The Union party were uninjured.--(Doc. 161.) Large and enthusiastic meetings were held in Philadelphia, Pa., and Wheeling, Va., for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army under the call of President Lincoln for more troops. In the meeting at Philadelphia, resolutions were unanimously adopted recommending the employment of all the power and means th
October 12. This day, the rebel General Stuart's cavalry, which had passed around the Union army of General McClellan, made good its escape across the Potomac at White's Ford, near the mouth of the Monocacy River. During the day, General Pleasanton, with five hundred cavalry, harassed the rebel rear, and engaged them in a sharp skirmish, but with no material loss on either side.--(Doc. 5.) Considerable excitement was created in Gainsville, Texas, by the discovery of a secret organization of Unionists, whose object was said to be that of killing the secessionists, after which, they were to remove to Missouri, taking with them whatever property they could carry, and burn the remainder. The militia were called out, and arrested twenty-nine persons supposed to belong to the organization, two of whom were immediately hanged.--Houston News.
October 26. The schooner Crenshaw of New York, Captain Nelson, from New York for Glasgow with a cargo of flour, was this day captured in latitude 40°, longitude 64°, by the rebel privateer Alabama, and burned. Indianola, Texas, surrendered to the United States gunboats Clifton and Westfield without firing a shot.-A party of Unionists attempted to land at Saint Mary's, Georgia, but were repulsed. The gunboats then shelled and completely destroyed the tow
the Second Minnesota volunteers, under the command of Sergeant L. N. Holmes, while escorting a wagon-train near Nolensville, Tenn., were attacked by a party of rebel guerrilla cavalry, numbering one hundred and thirty-five men. The small Union party stood firm, and returned the rebel fire with such effect, that in a few minutes they had killed eight, wounded twenty, and taken four of their number prisoners, beside killing eight horses and capturing four. The rest of the rebel party retreated.--Nashville Union. A fight took place at Arkadelphia, Ark., between a small party of Unionists under the command of Captain----Brown, which lasted from sunrise until noon, when the rebels were routed, with a loss of fourteen killed and twelve wounded. Captain Brown lost two killed and twelve wounded.--General Hooker issued an order to the army of the Potomac, announcing that the order of the War Department authorizing the enlistment of volunteers into the regular service had been rescinded.
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