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Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Introduction (search)
mselves conspicuous, but to make the troops under them capable of the best service under every exigency of war. But the officer, to whom the regiment was most indebted for the development of its brilliant individuality, was undoubtedly Colonel Emory Upton. He came to it soon after its entry into active service, a recent graduate of West Point, with a fine reputation, attained by efficient service during the previous campaign as an artillery officer. Eagerly efficient, strict, yet just in raduate of West Point, with a fine reputation, attained by efficient service during the previous campaign as an artillery officer. Eagerly efficient, strict, yet just in discipline, wise in administration, cool and fearless in danger, he was able to win and hold the respect and admiration of the men under him, and to mold them into the model fighting regiment that they became. To the present day, every survivor of the regiment is proud to have served under the command of General Emory Upton.
m runs as high as ever. We are glad to learn and hear something of our comrades of the 5th Maine to-day. Their representative assures us that we are not forgotten. Conditions with them are about the same as with us. At their annual reunions they speak of us, as we do of them to-night. How well we remember the old days, and how pleasant to recall the many thrilling incidents which connected us so closely! With our two regiments on the front line facing the enemy, led by the gallant Colonels Upton and Edwards, we had that feeling that the Japs must have had when facing the Russians in the present Eastern war, that we can whip everything before us, and we generally did it, too. We do not forget the life and services of the faithful Chaplain, John R. Adams, who remained with us after the return home of the 5th Maine. The death of this honored officer only increases our affection for them all. We love to let our memories run back to those days and call up in our minds those stron
n of their general officers. Very respectfully, (Signed) Jos. J. Bartlett, Colonel Commanding Brigade. The losses of the 16th N. Y. in this engagement, was twenty enlisted men killed and one officer, and forty enlisted men wounded. The unusual percentage of the killed to the wounded no doubt resulted from the fact that the enemy fired from above and their bullets took effect in the head and upper part of the body of any one who was hit. It is worthy of note that in this battle, General Upton (then Captain) was in command of the artillery of the division. At the close of the battle the 121st was brought to the front and the task assigned them of hunting up straggling Rebels and guard duty. What the task of gathering up the wounded means, is vividly described in General N. M. Curtis' History of the 16th N. Y. in connection with this battle. Lieut. Wilson Hopkins was in command of the ambulance corps of the Division and this was his first service in that capacity. He wrote
Colonel Franchott succeeded by Colonel Upton Upton's previous service and character forward movement under McClellan Upton's discipline Burnside Succeeds McClellan reorganization by Burnside anchot, and the appointment in his place of Emory Upton. Colonel Franchot had shown ability in there doing so, he used his influence to have Captain Upton appointed Colonel of the 121st, and for thratitude of every member of the regiment. Colonel Upton was commissioned on September 25th, and betive warfare. After taking formal command Colonel Upton obtained a leave of absence for a few dayseliable of the organizations of the Army. Colonel Upton was a young man, twenty-two years of age,ed for three days. Here for the first time Colonel Upton's strict discipline began to be felt. He wonder that the regiment soon became known as Upton's regulars, and that General Meade on a subseqke was in command of the Brigade, and when Colonel Upton asked permission to take his regiment back[5 more...]
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 5: the battle of Fredericksburg (search)
ht I think, moved among the gunners giving orders and directions. Our Colonel, Upton, went up to the guns and had some talk with the officer in command. All the whwas killed, and one of Company G named Wilson, was killed. Shortly after Colonel Upton rode along the line and ordered some of the men and one officer up to the lsite for the camp of the 121st at White Oak Church was not satisfactory to Colonel Upton. Being in the middle of a dense wood it did not give opportunity for instre gone with them had we been permitted. But that was out of the question. Colonel Upton had instituted a rigid school of instruction, and subjected the officers to results became so noticeable to the older regiments that they began to call us Upton's regulars and we soon became the best disciplined and best drilled regiment incrush the enemy was soon to be undertaken. It is needless to write that Colonel Upton exerted himself to the utmost to provide the regiment with every advantage
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 6: the Chancellorsville campaign (search)
began to communicate itself to us. Our officers were eagerly scanning the point of danger. Colonel Upton among the guns of the battery giving directions and advice, seemed to be very much concernedy inured to army life in all its phases. They made a sturdy fight against their detention. Colonel Upton called them up, explained to them their position and the position of the government, and hisar! The general rose up, and grasping me by the hand, said, Why, bless my soul, were you one of Upton's men? I said, Yes, General! He said, Why I didn't know that any of you got away but Upton, anUpton, and he was as brave a man as I ever saw. Why, he rode through our line and back, and though we emptied a hundred rifles at him he escaped unhurt. We killed his horse and his men. Why we covered the grederal army that could have driven my men off, finely posted and sheltered as they were. But if Upton had had another line coming up fifty or a hundred paces in the rear I think we must have yielded
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 8: Meade and Lee's game of strategy (search)
without success. In one of these expeditions Moseby's home was visited, located on the side of the mountain between Thoroughfare Gap and the New Baltimore Pike; and some of his turkeys were captured, but severely settled for by Colonel 01-cott's orders. The seven weeks spent at New Baltimore were improved by daily drills and tactical exercises. It was here that Captain Wilson obtained the young puppy that afterwards became a feature of Brigade Headquarters, and attached himself to General Upton whenever he started out on any movement. On the 15th of September the army advanced beyond Culpeper to Stony Mountain, and after several days, to Cedar Mountain. Lee had retired behind the Rapidan where he remained until the beginning of October. On the 5th of October he began a movement to interpose his army between the Army of the Potomac and Washington by crossing at Germania Ford and pushing on rapidly to Centerville, the key to the old Bull Run battleground. To counteract th
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 10: the tenth of May (search)
he ordered his chief of staff to send for Colonel Upton to report to him early in the morning for selected handed it to Colonel Upton, and said, Upton what do you think of that for a command? Colom, and orders coming from headquarters to send Upton in, I rode out by prearrangement with Colonel , and at a point where I could see him and Colonel Upton, I took out my handkerchief and waved it. y galloped to General Wright and reported that Upton had got through and taken a large number of priled at other points, you had better withdraw Upton, and the order was given to him to withdraw higle and losses, without compensating results. Upton's formation, arrangement and conduct of the asnd said to him, General, you remember when Colonel Upton was selected to lead the charge it was theade out and signed. In the morning when I saw Upton, I said, Upton, you remember when I told you tUpton, you remember when I told you that you were assigned to lead the charge, and if you succeeded you were to have your stars, and if [18 more...]
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 11: the Bloody angle (search)
Chapter 11: the Bloody angle The angle described Upton's report of battle the tree cut down by bullets the appearance of field next morning The angle in the fortifications of the enand now with quickly gathered reinforcements was attempting to retake their captured works. General Upton's report of the all-day battle is as follows: May 11th the brigade made some unimportant chathe works was cut down by the bullets fired from both sides, but mostly by men of the 121st. Colonel Upton noting that the enemy kept seeking shelter behind it from which to fire upon the battery andis time that Capt. J. D. Fish of Company D, 121st, then acting as acting adjutant general to General Upton, was killed while engaged in bringing up cannister to the guns of the battery. It was also ts fierce fighting, bulldog tenacity and terrible slaughter. Just before dark we got word for Upton's men to assemble behind our rifle pits in the rear, and many went back, but I waited until afte
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 12: from the angle to Cold Harbor (search)
ir advance reaching to our front. The troops on our left gave way, and we ran back toward the river. Some of our men jumped into it to wade across, but the water was too deep and they were fished out, wetter and wiser men. Jack Schaffner was one of the waders. Moving along to the right parallel with the river, we were met by Lieutenant Redway who ordered us to rally. A shell just then bursting near us, stopped his efforts, and we continued down the river. In a short distance we met General Upton who directed us to move onto the road and down to the bridge, cross to the other side and rally on the colors which we would find in the field beyond. The Rebels in the meantime had occupied the position we had just vacated, and were throwing shells into our ambulance train, which was hurrying back out of range of their fire. Just at nightfall we moved forward and reoccupied the position under cover of our artillery and skirmishers without serious resistance. The 15th and 16th we rema