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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., Governor Brooks engine company. (search)
meeting- Voted to choose A. H. Gardner, tostMaster. Voted that Mr Usher envite as meny of his friends as he thinks proper. Voted that tAt the next meeting it was voted to return a vote of thanks to Mr Usher and a five dollar Bill with it. Evidently the Governor Brooks some one had passed round the hat with an eye to making good with Mr. Usher, which was done by the tost Master. Mr. Young's white horse gobooks of record is preserved a manuscript of twenty-five pages in Mr. Usher's handwriting—the Speech that enabled them to pass off the time. r the usual amount of self-deprecation common to public speakers, Mr. Usher proceeded with a review of the life and public service of Governo These have since materialized in the modern chemical engine. Mr. Usher was then in his thirty-sixth year, and no doubt was at his best, cellent lessons of discipline and obedience to authority drawn by Mr. Usher from the life of Governor Brooks, a year had not elapsed when the
Medford artillery. ONE organization, of military character, at one time existed that has never found place in Medford annals, though its time fell just previous to the revision of Brooks' history by Mr. Usher. We refer to the Magoun Battery. In the preparation of this sketch the writer has consulted the records of the selectmen, the published annual reports of the town officers, records at the State House, and the files of Medford and Boston papers. He has also conversed with numerousl celebrations. This was attended by the Magoun Battery, which took the place assigned it in the procession, and also on June 7th it attended the centennial of Bunker Hill, in Charlestown and Boston. This last was the company's busy day, as James M. Usher and others had asked for a salute at West Medford, as well as at the center of the town, which was fired at morning and night. On June 28 some of the East Medford people asked for a share of the noise, and as the western section wanted mor
sensation on the Medford Branch today. The Branch has not been without its fatalities, one in its early days— James B. Gregg, a prominent business man in Medford, was killed on the Branch at Medford Junction April 28, 1848. Up to the nineties locomotive engines bore names and were resplendent with brass, which made the fireman's task in keeping it bright somewhat onerous. Sometimes a large, new engine would be tried out on the Branch. Such were those mentioned in the Journal, Mr. Usher saying, General Grant and General Sherman were in town last week. A large company followed them to Boston, but on arriving there were glad to get away from their terrible power, etc. Of course people hurried to their business and gladly went out of the smoke and grime of the train house. We recall that the flying switch was discontinued at terminals at the time of the strike as a safety measure, and trains since have been pulled in. Now the great shed re-echoes with puff and snort, an