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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
efugees, besides 300 volunteers from the exempts going to help fight the Yankees at Columbus. All sorts of wild rumors were flying, among them one that fighting had already begun at Columbus, and that a raid had been sent out towards Eufaula. Excitement on the train was intense. At Ward's Station, a dreary-looking little place, we picked up the train wrecked yesterday, with many of the passengers still on board. They had spent the night there in the cars, having nowhere else to go. Beyond Ward's, the failure of this train to appear had given color to all sorts of wild rumors about the advance of the Yankees into South-West Georgia. The excitement was intense all along the route. At every little station crowds were gathered to hear the news, and at many places we found a report had gone out that both our train and yesterday's had been captured. The excitement increased as we approached Fort Valley, where the Muscogee road (from Columbus) joins the South-Western, and many of the p
no other sought to do so; they were a willing sacrifice. The bodies of the dead were savagely mutilated, thrown into a heap, and burned. This was the fall of the Alamo. Another calamity, more destructive still, soon after befell the unfortunate volunteers. Fannin had collected at Goliad about 500 men; from whom he detached Lieutenant King, with 14 men, to remove the families at Refugio. King sent an express to say that he was surrounded; and Fannin dispatched 120 men, under Lieutenant-Colonel Ward, to his succor. Both detachments fell into the hands of the enemy, and were savagely butchered. Fannin, having received orders from General Houston, on March 14th, to retreat, delayed until the 18th, with the generous hope that he might be able to render aid to his detachments. At last, when he left Goliad, it was too late. He was overtaken and surrounded on the open prairie by Urrea's army, 1,700 strong. Three charges of the Mexicans were repulsed, with heavy loss to the assai
of McCook, and assigns seven to Thomas at Dick Robinson, with three more near by, besides seven others at different points. This makes forty-two regiments. Nelson's command, elsewhere mentioned as containing five regiments, of which three contained 2,650 men, is probably intentionally excluded from this table. But the list contains no mention of a number of Kentucky regiments then actually or nearly completed, some of which were then doing service, such as those commanded by Garrard, Pope, Ward, Hobson, Grider, McHenry, Jackson, Burbridge, Bruce, and others. By reference to Van Horne's work, it will be found that a number of these were brigaded December 3d. Nor is any account taken of the numerous organizations of Home Guards. General Sherman estimated the Confederate force from Bowling Green to Clarksville at from 25,000 to 30,000 men-double their real numbers. Appendix B (2). General Johnston estimated the Federal force in his front at 15,000 to 20,000; in the Lower Gre
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 6: manoeuvring on the Peninsula. (search)
e; my own, now under the command of Colonel D. K. McRae, of the 5th North Carolina Regiment; the 2nd Florida Regiment, Colonel Ward; the 2nd Mississippi Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Taylor; Brigadier General Wilcox's brigade; and two regiments tempo the skirmishers the enemy had thrown up towards his front, and drove them back to the main line. Later in the day Colonel Ward, with his own regiment and the 2nd Mississippi Battalion, was thrown to the front on the right and left of Redoubt to compel a battery, which the enemy had posted at an earthwork on our left of said road, to retire precipitately. Colonel Ward, however, returned to our works on the approach of a large force of the enemy's infantry, after having set fire to th the fact that the enemy was in strong force both in front of Wynn's Mill and Redoubts 4 and 5. On the night following Ward's sortie, the 24th Virginia Regiment, under Colonel Terry, moved to the front, and cut down the peach orchard and burned t
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 7: battle of Williamsburg. (search)
and I was proceeding to the position assigned me, when one of the General's staff officers came to me with an order to send him two regiments, which I complied with by sending the 2nd Florida Regiment and the 2nd Mississippi Battalion, under Colonel Ward. With my brigade proper I moved to the point designated before this last order, and took position on the crest of a ridge in a wheat field and facing towards a piece of woods from behind which some of the enemy's guns were firing on Fort Mommanders sometimes saw the charges, after the fighting was over, but the surgeons never saw the wounds made by the bayonets, except in a few instances of mere individual conflict, or where some wounded men had been bayoneted in the field. Colonel Ward of Florida had led his command into action on the right of Fort Magruder, and he was killed soon after getting under fire. He was a most accomplished, gallant, and deserving officer, and would have risen to distinction in the army had he live
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
53, 174, 186, 194, 195, 226, 236-37, 240, 250, 253-54, 282, 284, 311, 346-47, 349, 362, 388, 397. 459, 465 Virginia & Tennessee R. R., 327, 369, 467 Wade, M. C., U. S., 30 Waite's Shop, 353 Walker, Colonel J. A., 78, 84, 95, 99, 100, 109, 111, 122. 123, 131, 133 Walker, General H. H., 326, 354 Walker, General J. A., 135, 136, 143, 149, 155, 158-59, 170-177, 179, 236, 240, 331-334, 352-53 Walker's Brigade, 356, 363 Walker's Division, 152 Wallace, General Lew (U. S. A.), 387-88, 392-93 Ward, Colonel, 60, 61, 62, 69, 73 Warren County, 366-367 Warren, General (U. S. A.), 304, 305, 347 Warrenton, 31, 109-10, 165, 285, 304, 307, 479 Warrenton Junction, 114, 115, 116, 307 Warrenton Pike, 5. 25, 26, 31-32-33, 37, 114-15, 119, 120-22-23 Warrenton Springs, 106-110 Warwick Court-House, 61 Warwick River, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65 Washington Artillery, 5, 6, 7. 8, 204 Washington College, 380 Washington, D. C., 2, 34, 40-46, 48, 51, 54, 75, 89, 104, 105, 131, 135, 157, 160-61
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
tton wagons, and three carriages belonging to Mr. Ward, were also encamped with us. We have only as he is, we get on capitally together. A Mr. Ward, with three vehicles — a rival of Mr. Sargebig mulatto slave woman, who was driving one of Ward's wagons. She told me she had been raised in Tts. We bought some butter there, and caught up Ward's wagons. The women at Oakville were most anxi without sun or wind. We hitched in at 1.15-Ward's wagons in our front, and a Frenchman's four-her in the neighborhood, Mr. Sargent, the Judge, Ward, and the Frenchman, started to explore; and whemiddle of last night, and so stole a march upon Ward. Our goat's flesh having spoiled, had to bed reached Rocky at 7.30; but before this two of Ward's horses had caved in, which completely restore; our food, also, was now entirely expended. Mr. Ward struggled up at 8.15, making a desperate effoe Selado, Mr. Sargent, being determined to beat Ward, pushed on for San Antonio; and we drew up befo[2 more...]
The General's party, headed by him, dashed back, and hid themselves in the cellar where we used to hold our prayermeetings, while we reached our own room in safety. A Tennesseean tore up a plank from our floor, and succeeded in getting one, Lieutenant Ward, up out of the cellar beneath; but, ere another could be assisted thus, the guards had captured the fugitives, and marched them out into the yard. A short time afterward, they were brought back into the room in which we were, amid the jokes and laughs of the rest of the prisoners at their non-success. A few hours after daylight, a guard of fifteen or twenty men marched in and took General Prentiss, Captain Gaddus, Major Ward, and several others into custody. Where they took them we did not know; but, a few days subsequently, I heard through Dolph, the black boy, that they were put into a common jail, and chained to the floor. From the description he gave of it, their condition must indeed have been horrible. Think of th
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
The remainder of the afternoon and the evening were devoted to burying the dead and providing for the comfort of our wounded, who, with many of those of the Federal army, who had been captured, were placed in hospitals and private residences in Williamsburg. Longstreet's and Hill's divisions slept on the field. The Confederate loss was about twelve hundred killed and wounded. The proportion of the former was unusually small; but it included Colonel Mott, Nineteenth Mississippi, and Colonel Ward, Second Florida regiment. The Confederate officers, who saw the ground upon which the dead and wounded of both parties lay, supposed that of the enemy to be from three to five times greater than ours. General Hooker, on oath before the committee on the conduct of the war, said that his division alone lost seventeen hundred men. About four hundred unwounded prisoners, ten colors, and twelve field-pieces, were taken from the enemy. We had the means of bringing off but five of these guns.
ay, a big job of fighting. He has a queer old fellow in his company named John Memherter, a crack marksman, with a big goggle, rolling eye. John would take his tree, fire, and then move on a little. At one time he was peeping over a stump taking aim when a ball struck the stump a few inches from the top at the opposite side, which knocked bark and splinters in his eyes. Bully for Jake, says John. This is now a cant phrase in the camp. Bully for Jake, can be heard at all hours. When Major Ward of the Seventeenth Ohio came over the hill with a part of the regiment, Col. Coburn took him down the hillside in front of the Kentuckians in a somewhat exposed place. Some one asked the colonel why he put him there. Well, said he, I eyed him, and he looked like an old bull-dog, so I put him down where he could wool the hounds. The major, you know, never before had a compliment paid to his homely, sturdy face, being rather hard-favored. Next day some of the boys got the joke on him by
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