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August 9. A reconnoissance under Major Warden, of General Ransom's staff, to Woodville, seventy miles from Natchez, Miss., destroyed five locomotives, forty-three platform and twelve passenger cars; and burned a rebel cotton factory at Woodville, and also cotton and manufacturing goods to the value of two hundred thousand dollars. Join L. Chatfield, Colonel of the Sixth regiment of Connecticut volunteers, died at Waterbury, from wounds received in the assault on Fort Wagner, of July eighteenth.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The removal of McClellan. (search)
On the 5th the troops were in motion; on the 7th, without another word, and thus, as appears probable, overstepping the intentions of the Government, See Vol. II., p. 542, and note. This is strongly confirmed by Chase's diary, September 2 (Warden's Life of Chase, p. 549): The President repeated that the whole scope of the order was simply to direct McClellan to put the troops into the fortifications and command them for the defense of Washington. September 3d (Ibid., p. 460), the diary ston, when such active army shall take the field. ( Official Records, Vol. XIX., Part II., p. 169.) The published extracts from Chase's diary, though voluminous in the earlier stages, are silent on the subject of McClellan's final removal. In Warden's Life of Chase (p. 506) we read: Another chapter 2 offers a few words relating to our hero's responsibility for that fall, and the foot-note refers us to 2 Post Chapter LVII., but not another word is said, and Chapter LVI:, Conclusion, ends the
nd ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Carswell, commanding Forty-eighth Virginia regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel Warden, commanding Twenty-second Georgia regiment, to move cautiously forward through the almalion I held in reserve, to be used as occasion might require. Lieutenant-Colonels Carswell and Warden, moving rapidly forward, were soon engaged with a heavy force of the enemy's infantry, and the firing for a few minutes was very severe. Through this heavy fire Carswell and Warden continued to press, and their gallant commands soon cleared the woods, and reaching the edge of an open field, chaeventful week. No man ever had better or braver soldiers. The Twenty-second Georgia, Lieutenant-Colonel Warden, and the Forty-eighth Georgia, Lieutenant-Colonel Carswell, on Friday, near the iron f, and routing the Yankee infantry, under a deadly fire from the enemy's batteries. To Lieutenant-Colonel Warden, Lieutenant-Colonel Carswell, Major Ross, and Major Jones, and the skilful officers an
and of the army. On the very day on which Gen. McClellan made use of Mr. Stanton's information, and left his bed to visit the President, Mr. Chase devoted himself to concentrating the plans for bringing Mr. Stanton into the cabinet. He regarded it as a matter of the highest importance, and his account, in his private diary for that day, of his method of using Secretary Cameron and Seward to accomplish his end forms a very extraordinary intermingling of piety and politics, as follows (see Warden's Account, etc., of S. P. Chase, p. 400): January 12, 1862.--At church this morning. Wished much to join in communion, but felt myself too subject to temptation to sin. After church went to see Cameron by appointment; but being obliged to meet the President, etc., at one, could only excuse myself. At President's found Gens. McDowell, Franklin, and Meigs, and Seward and Blair. Meigs decided against dividing forces and in favor of battle in front. President said McClellan's health was m
into the field. Bragg seems to be concentrating a large force against Buell, and the latter is asking for reinforcements. When he will reach Chattanooga is a problem I am unable to solve. Note by the Editor.-In his private diary, Aug. 15 (Warden, p. 452), Mr. Secretary Chase writes: Went to War Department. Stanton said Halleck had sent Burnside to James river to act as second in command, or as adviser of McClellan — in reality to control him. Writing Sept. 2, Mr. Chase (Schuckers, p.d remonstrated against Gen. McClellan commanding. Secretary wrote and presented to Gen. H. a call for a report touching McC.'s disobedience of orders and consequent delay of support to Army of Virginia; Gen. H. promised answer to-morrow morning (Warden's Account, etc., of S. P. Chase, p. 456). On Aug. 30 Mr. Chase states that he and Mr. Stanton prepared and signed a paper expressing their judgment of McClellan (ibid. p. 456). Sept. 1 Mr. Chase states: On suggestion of Judge Bates, the r
istence of this letter until rumors about it came from members of Mr. Lincoln's cabinet. None of them saw it until after the general was finally relieved from command. Meantime it had been discussed thoroughly by those to whom the President showed it, and it cannot be doubted that a general inability to appreciate the sincere motives in which it was written did much to determine the future conduct of the administration towards McClellan. Mr. Chase, with startling innocence of mind, avows (Warden, p. 440) that on July 22 he urged Mr. Lincoln to remove McClellan, on the ground that I did not regard Gen. McClellan as loyal to the administration, although I did not question his general loyalty to the country. This is the confession of a motive in the conduct of a great war which is universally regarded as infamous. It is an avowal that the controlling consideration of such leaders as Mr. Chase, in the use of the blood and treasure of the people, was the supremacy of party, and not the
, told Mr. Chase that Stanton and Wadsworth had advised him to leave for New York this evening, as communication with Baltimore might be cut off before to-morrow (Warden, p. 415). Secretary Welles says Stanton and Halleck were filled with apprehensions beyond others. They gave up the capital as lost, and issued orders to empty thary Stanton of the overthrow of their plans by the recall of McClellan to command. It may here be noted that Mr. Chase was in error when, on Sept. 19, he said (Warden, p. 480) that Halleck's telegram of Aug. 31, asking McClellan to help him, announced Halleck's surrender to McClellan. While Mr. Chase was right enough in thus cmeeting forms an important part of the history of the war, and throws strong light on the story of McClellan and the Army of the Potomac. In his private diary (Warden, p. 459) Mr. Chase thus describes it: The Secretary of War came in. In answer to some inquiry the fact was stated by the President or the secretary that McCle
nd T. R. Peck. The lodge is now in a flourishing condition, and has every prospect of further success and extended usefulness under its efficient organization, which is as follows:-- Worshipful George Hervey, Master. Elisha Stetson, Senior Warden. E. G. Currell, Junior Warden. C. B. Johnson, Senior Deacon. C. E. Merrill, Junior Deacon. Hiram Southworth, Treasurer. S. C. Lawrence, Secretary. Lewis Keen, Senior Steward. S. W. Sanborn, Junior Steward. James Ford, Tyler. Warden. C. B. Johnson, Senior Deacon. C. E. Merrill, Junior Deacon. Hiram Southworth, Treasurer. S. C. Lawrence, Secretary. Lewis Keen, Senior Steward. S. W. Sanborn, Junior Steward. James Ford, Tyler. Medford salt-marsh corporation. June 21, 1803: On this day, an act of incorporation was passed by the General Court, by which the proprietors of a tract of salt marsh, in Medford, were authorized to make and maintain a dike and fence for the better security and improvement of said marsh. Its bounds are thus described:-- Situate in the easterly part of said Medford, beginning at Malden line, and running westerly by the land of Andrew Hall, Joseph Wheelwright, and Simeon Holt, to the bri
d return to its normal position. Some examples of each of these classes will be given, as illustrating the different modes proposed in order to arrive at the same result. These are arranged according to the dates of the patents. Among the first was that of F. Comtesse, April 22, 1861, who proposed to employ convex rounded shields, partially overlapping each other, attached to the sides of the vessel by loops and eyebolts, for the purpose of causing the ball to glance off upon striking. Warden's armor-plating. Warden's patent, February 25, 1862, embraces a wroughtiron lattice framing, in and upon which an iron body is cast, so that, the latter being fractured, the pieces would still maintain their places, and protect, or partially so, the side of the ship. Jones's armor-plating. Jones's Defensive Armor for Land and Water Batteries, April 15, 1862. In this invention the armor-plates have edge and intermediate flanges, and are placed in two tiers having intermediate cush
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XV: journeys (search)
standing with that useful member protruded. This was a confusion of tongues indeed; and since the tongue is clearly the banner of health it may be the very disaster which Gray's bard predicted. Such are the anxieties of the wanderer; and when I think how many opportunities I have missed of attending a prescribed worship in Dublin, N. H., I feel that I may have erred in wandering too far and must next year confine my sober wishes to Dublin. Ever faithfully, in any one dialect, Your Warden. A London letter written in August reports:— The Colonel and Margaret had a delightful afternoon with Swinburne. The house where he and Watts-Dunton live is full of Rossetti's pictures. Swinburne devoted himself to Margaret and showed her many treasures. The rest of our time was spent in the south of England. From Wells, Colonel Higginson went to Glastonbury partly to see Mrs. Clarke, John Bright's daughter, whom I saw in America, a strong reformer and Anti-Imperialist. At O
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