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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
sfully masked Todd's Tavern. this is a view of Todd's Tavern, as it appeared when the writer sketched it, in June, 1866. it was also the Headquarters of General Warren, and other officers, when the army under Grant was in that vicinity, in the spring of 1864. the movement, for Lee, while watching the visible enemy in front council was, Shall we contract and strengthen our lines, and wait for an attack? or, Shall we assail the Confederate position in full force in the morning? General Warren, Hooker's senior engineer officer, and others, were in favor of the offensive. Hooker preferred the defensive attitude, and the latter was chosen. Preparatind several of his guns were silenced, when desperate efforts were made by the Confederates to seize the National cannon. While this struggle was going on, General G. K. Warren, with the troops sent by Hooker, just mentioned, came to Pleasanton's assistance; and soon afterward Sickles, with his two brigades (Birney's and Whipple's
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
n offensive movement by Slocum with his own and the corps of Sykes, when Sedgwick should arrive. He finally sent orders for Slocum to attack without Sedgwick, but that officer considered it not advisable, and was supported in that opinion by General Warren, the engineer-in-chief. So the hours passed by with only a little skirmishing and now and then a shot from a battery, until late in the afternoon. Lee, meanwhile, encouraged by the success of the previous day, and in view of the valuable at once, as the peril was imminent. Sykes said he would be up in time: that his men were making coffee and were tired. it was an hour before they were up, when it was too late.--Birney's testimony before the Committee on the conduct of the War. Warren had just reached its summit when Birney's line was bending and Barnes was advancing. He found the signal officers at their rocky post folding their flags for flight. He ordered them to keep their signals waving, as if a host was behind them, an
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
regg, supported by the Second Corps, under General Warren. Stuart's cavalry were pressed back to thart to break through and escape. For a moment Warren's corps appeared to be in a very critical situe of the corps. Ewell was held in check until Warren's troops had crossed the Run and resumed theirexpecting to meet Sykes's at Bristow Station. Warren was again in a critical situation. Hill quickas an effectual check upon Hill's advance, yet Warren was in great danger, for he found it unsafe tobut before the latter was ready for an attack, Warren skillfully withdrew under cover of darkness, auses of delay, kept him back until night, when Warren was so hard pressed that Meade had been compeleneral position of Lee's army along Mine Run. Warren, with his own and a part of Sedgwick's corps, and anxiously waiting to perform his part, but Warren's guns were yet silent. The mystery was solvein formidable array. Meade was satisfied that Warren had behaved prudently, and he ordered a genera[14 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
863. and gave him a stunning blow. A conflict ensued, which lasted several hours, during which Burnside's trains moved rapidly forward. The battle ceased at twilight, ending in a repulse of Longstreet, and a loss to the Nationals of about three hundred men. Among the slain was Lieutenant P. M. Holmes, son of Professor Oliver Wendell Holmes, of Charlestown, Massachusetts. On his breast he wore the badge of the Bunker's Hill Club, on which was engraved the line from Horace,,quoted by General Warren, just before his death on Bunker's Hill--Dulce et decorum est, pro patria circ;mori. --It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country. The Confederate loss was about three hundred and seventy. Taking advantage of this check, Burnside moved on to the shelter of his. intrenchments at Knoxville, the chief of which was an unfinished work on a. hill commanding the southwestern approaches to the town, and afterward called Fort Sanders. Longstreet followed as rapidly as possible. Whee
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 10: the last invasion of Missouri.--events in East Tennessee.--preparations for the advance of the Army of the Potomac. (search)
he following day, the Army of the Potomac was reorganized by consolidating and reducing the five army corps to three, named the Second, Fifth, and Sixth. These were respectively, in the order named, placed under the commands of Generals Hancock, Warren, and Sedgwick. Hancock's (Second) corps consisted of four divisions, commanded respectively by Generals F. C. Barlow, J. Gibbon, D. B. Birney. and J. B. Carr. His brigade commanders were Generals A. S. Webb, J. P. Owen, J. H. Ward, A. Hayes, and G. Mott: and Colonels N. A. Miles, T. A. Smythe, R. Frank, J. R. Brooke, S. S. Carroll, and W. R. Brewster. Colonel J. C. Tidball was chief of artillery, and Lieutenant-Colonel C. H. Morgan was chief of staff. Warren's (Fifth) corps consisted of four divisions, commanded respectively by Generals C. Griffin, J. C. Robinson, S. W. Crawford, and J. S. Wadsworth. The brigade commanders were Generals J. Barnes, J. J. Bartlett, R. B. Ayres. H. Baxter, L. Cutler, and J. C. Rice; and Colonels L
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
Confederates move to meet the Nationals, 296. Warren's advance attacked, 297. battle in the Wildersuspected the close proximity of the other. Warren was nearest the foe in the prescribed order of little oasis in The Wilderness. Looking from Warren's quarters, near The Wilderness Tavern, was seadvanced his corps a little. At the same time Warren and Hancock made a simultaneous attack upon thope was covered with woods. Up to this time Warren had met with no resistance, excepting from Stuild confusion back upon the main body, had not Warren appeared at their head at a timely moment. Hethe Confederates from the woods on the right. Warren's entire corps then formed a battle-line, and uced the situation we have just considered. Warren did not feel strong enough to encounter the trck and his companions struggled with Hill, and Warren and others fought with Ewell. Everywhere we smerging from The Wilderness at the point where Warren's troops did. As we rode over the high plain w[23 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 12: operations against Richmond. (search)
. The departure of the corps of Hancock and Warren (Second and Fifth), left those of Wright and Beral Brown by the collar, and dragged him into Warren's lines. Lieutenant-Colonel McCoy, on the flanhousand men made prisoners. In this encounter Warren lost three hundred and fifty men. He then procy met, and repulsed with heavy loss. And when Warren, on the right, attempted to connect with Burnsched from Hawes's store in the same direction; Warren pushed out toward Bethesda Church, and Burnsidetuous assault by Rodes, who attempted to turn Warren's left. This repulse enabled the Nationals toLee strengthened his own right, now menaced by Warren. Grant was now satisfied that he would be cn the left of the Sixth Corps, at Cool Arbor. Warren was ordered to extend his line to the left, frtirely from the front to the right and rear of Warren. These movements were nearly all accomplished making a rapid journey in another direction. Warren quickly followed the Nationals, and on the nig[15 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
rusalem plank road. This movement was made by Warren, with the Fifth Corps, on the morning of the 1e now sent a heavy force, under Hill, to drive Warren from the road, and on the following day Augus few days before. Hill hastily withdrew. Then Warren recovered the ground he had lost, re-establishvery possible effort to repossess the road. Warren's expectations were soon realized. Three daysntire movement for the possession of the road, Warren lost in killed, wounded, and missing, four thoLee's force from his right, General Meade sent Warren with two divisions of his corps, Parke with twNinth (Parke's) Corps, supported by the Fifth (Warren's) Corps, while the Second (Hancock's), accompral Meade, who informed him that a division of Warren's corps was making its way to the west of Hatcr the rest of the troops in that direction. Warren had attempted his turning movement by sending rate line, with the run between his forces and Warren's main body. The latter, finding the nature o[6 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
n done. This service was promptly performed. Warren moved Dec. 7, 1864. with his whole command ald, the flanking movement began. It was led by Warren, who marched with his own Corps, the Second, u Very little opposition was experienced until Warren, when within two miles of the Confederate workg after the storm, he was prepared to strike. Warren's Corps was then westward of the Boydton road,rallied their columns behind it, and very soon Warren was enabled to assume the offensive. He made hreys from the Second Corps, who marched in on Warren's right, and struck the Confederates on their d to charge. pursuant to Sheridan's orders, Warren formed his whole Corps in battle order before , became impatient at the seeming tardiness of Warren, and when he saw Crawford's division oblique, ecision. He at once issued an order depriving Warren of his command, and giving it to Griffin. It impressions, that he showed his confidence in Warren in appointing him, immediately after the battl[18 more...]
insurgents at Romney, 1.516; operations of in Northwestern Virginia, 1.528-1.530; important services of at the battle of Fort Donelson, 2.216; at the battle of Shiloh, 2.278; his measures for the defense of Cincinnati, 2.508; at the battle of the Monocacy, 3.343. Wallace, Gen. W. H. L., mortally wounded at the battle of Shiloh, 2.275. Wrapping's Heights, Va., battle at, 3.99. Ward, Capt., James Harman, death of, 1. 528. War Department under Buchanan, treason in, 1.120. Warren, Gen. G. K., at the battle of Chancellorsville, 3.30; at the battle of Bristow Station, 3.105; at Mine Run, 3.110. Wartrace, Tenn., Gen. Hardee at, 3.122. Washburne, Gen. C. C., surprised by Gens. Taylor and Green, 3.223. Washburne, Gov., Israel, loyal action of, 1.202. Washington City, how the news of the secession of South Carolina was received in, 1.142; the seizure of contemplated by the conspirators, 1.143; the seat of active treason, 1.176; Southern expectations of the easy captu