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The Daily Dispatch: May 12, 1863., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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state that everything is in immediate readiness for a removal of our stores, etc., from Aquia Creek if by any possible chance the fortunes of war should turn against us, and an advance be made by the rebels in that direction. Up to the present moment, Tuesday, May 5th 3 o'clock P. M., nothing is known of a definite character beyond the fact that many thousands on both sides have been killed and wounded, and that the fight has been in progress since Wednesday last. A dispatch from Washington, May 6, says since Saturday nearly 3,000 rebel prisoners have been brought to this city. Seven hundred and eighty arrived here at 2 o'clock to-day, and were, like their predecessors, marched to the Provost Marshal's office, under a strong guard. Thence they were conveyed to safe quarters. The number is already to large for convenient accommodation. Additional prisoners are to be sent up from the Rappahannock, making in all 4,000 and over certainly in our hands. The prisoners prese
Miscellaneous. --Seventeen Yankee prisoners were received at the Libby on yesterday--ten belonging to Storeman's cavalry, were captured on the Rapiden. Eight hundred from Atlanta, Ga., were expected last night from Lynchburg. Several thousand will — probably arrive to day from Guinea Station A C Garey, of Harrison co, sent to Castle Thunder as a hostage, was discharged by order of General Winder yesterday. Ransom Washington and Riddick Wilson, free negroes, have been lodges in the Military prison on the charge of guiding the Yankees during their recent around Richmond. Robert S. Parker, for assigning soldiers to desert, and Frank Livingston for being a spy, have been lodged in Castle Thunder for trial. John Orrell, a burglar, who recently escaped from the city jail, has been re-arrested and conducted to his old quarters.