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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 6: Appomattox. (search)
while, and the message goes up to my corps commander, General Griffin, leaving me mazed at the boding change. Now from the right come foaming up in cavalry fashion the two forms I had watched from away beyond. A white flag again, held strong aloft, making straight for the little group beneath our battle-flag, high borne also,--the red Maltese cross on a field of white, that had thrilled hearts long ago. I see now that it is one of our cavalry staff in lead,--indeed I recognize him, Colonel Whitaker of Custer's staff; and, hardly keeping pace with him, a Confederate staff officer. Without dismounting, without salutation, the cavalryman shouts: This is unconditional surrender! This is the end! Then he hastily introduces his companion, and adds: I am just from Gordon and Longstreet. Gordon says For God's sake, stop this infantry, or hell will be to pay! I'll go to Sheridan, he adds, and dashes away with the white flag, leaving Longstreet's aide with me. The various accounts t
een made up, attempted to desert en masse, at the instigation of Captain Cresto, their commander, in order to join another regiment in New York. They were stopped by a special patrol en route, and ordered to return to the camp, and on refusing they were fired upon by the patrol. Two men were killed on the spot and five were severely wounded. Captain Cresto and several of the men were arrested, and the affair was investigated.--N. Y. Herald, September 11. In the Senate of Kentucky, Mr. Whitaker introduced a series of resolutions declaring that the peace and neutrality of the State had been wantonly violated by the so-called Southern Confederacy, and calling upon the people to rise and repel the lawless invaders. Governor Magoffin transmitted to the Senate despatches from the confederate General Polk, in which he proposed that the national and confederate forces should be simultaneously withdrawn from Kentucky, and that both parties stipulate to observe the neutrality of the Sta
in bold relief, death's head and bare bones. These Concordians go to expel, not capture, vandal invaders of their homes and firesides, and they will make their mark.--Concordia Intelligencer, November 29. This morning the schooner Waterman, Capt. Huron, for Charleston, S. C., was wrecked off Tybee. She fell into the hands of the Yankee blockaders.--Last night the cotton and provisions on Hutchinson, Fenwick, and adjoining islands were destroyed by fire by the proprietors.--Commissary-General Whitaker, of Georgia, seized in that State, one thousand five hundred and forty sacks of salt, for which he paid as directed by Governor Brown.--The colored people of Vicksburg, Miss., advertise in the papers of that city to give a ball for the benefit of the soldiers from that State, in the Confederate service.--General Lee issued an order granting furloughs to those members of the South Carolina Legislature who were serving as soldiers in the Confederate States army, in that State, durin
onsuming and totally destroying nearly all the business portion of the city east of King St., in the direction of the Cooper River.--Richmond (Va.) Enquirer, Dec. 15. The authorities having learned that a number of rebels in the vicinity of Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky, on the line of the Louisville and Frankfort Railroad, were becoming troublesome, and had even gone so far as to compel loyal citizens to take the oath of allegiance to the Southern Confederacy, a squad of men from Col. Whitaker's regiment, at Spring Garden, near Louisville, Ky., were despatched to the neighborhood to-night, with orders to arrest the rebels. Arriving on the ground, they were proceeding to make the desired arrests, when they were fired upon from the residence of a rebel, which was occupied by about forty persons. The fire was returned by the squad of half a dozen National troops, who were finally overpowered and forced to retreat, but one of them, however, having been wounded, and he not mortal
e like people in England. They seemed to feel sure of their ground and they showed no alarm. Public opinion requires public men to attend regularly some place of worship. The favorite denominations are those with which we are here familiar as the denominations of Protestant dissent; when Mr. Dale tells us of the Baptists, not including the Free Will Baptists, Seventh Day Baptists, Six Principle Baptists, and some other minor sects, one might fancy oneself reading the list of the sects in Whitaker's Almanack. But in America this type of religion is not, as it is here, a subordinate type, it is the predominant and accepted one. Our Dissenting ministers think themselves in paradise when they visit America. In that universally religious country, the religious denomination which has by much the largest number of adherents is that, I believe, of Methodism originating in John Wesley, and which we know in this country as having for its standard of doctrine Mr. Wesley's fifty-three sermons
convince him that a battle was imminent and he out of place; when he returned to Rossville. Gen. Whitaker's and Col. D. McCook's brigades were next sent forward by Granger to the Chickamauga — the latter supporting Col. Minty at Reid's bridge, where he had a smart skirmish, as did Gen. Whitaker, farther down the stream; each falling back; Gen. Steedman ultimately burning Sept. 18. Reid's briad work for all his men, and could spare none to confront this new peril. Instantly forming Gen. Whitaker's and Col. Mitchell's brigades, Granger hurled them on the foe: Steedman, seizing the flag orge. Twenty minutes later, Hindman had disappeared, and our men held both gorge and ridge; but Whitaker was knocked senseless from his horse by a bullet, with two of his staff killed and two more morn formed line: Gross's brigade, with the 51st Ohio and 35th Indiana, in advance; the residue of Whitaker's brigade, closely supporting; Geary and Osterhaus advancing abreast of them; and all, at a cha
captures the Atlanta, 472-3. Weitzel, Gen. Godfrey, with Gen. Butler's expedition, 83, 91, 97; sent to Lafourche, 104-5; declines to assault Wilmington, 711; enters Richmond, 737. Wessells, Gen., wounded at Fair Oaks, 148. West Point, Va., fight at, 126-7. West Virginia, operations in, 108; 140; 598. Wharton, Gen., raids in Middle Tenn., 433. Wheeler, Gen., wounded at Lavergne, 271; his attack a failure, 272; 280; 283; raids in East Tennessee, 433; at Chickamauga, 415. Whitaker, Gen., at Chickamauga, 422. White Oak Swamp, battle of, 160-1; bridge retaken, 170. White, Gen. Julius, at Martinsburg and Harper's Ferry, 199. White, Capt., at Vicksburg, 312. Whiting, Gen., at Malvern Hill, 165. Wickliffe, Hon. C. A., enlightened by Gen. Hunter, 515. Wilcox, Gen. C. M. (Rebel), at Glendale, 163; at Hopewell Gap, 183. wild, Gen., in North Carolina, 535. Wilder, Col. J. T., surrenders to Bragg at Munfordsville, 216. Wilderness, battle of the, 567
Doc. 40. Senator Whitaker's resolutions, offered in the Kentucky Senate, Sept. 9, 1861. Resolved, That Kentucky's peace and neutrality have been wantonly violated, her soil has been invaded, the rights of her citizens have been grossly infringed by the so-called Southern Confederate forces. This has been done without cause; therefore-- Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the Governor be requested to call out the military force of the State to expel and drive out the invaders. Resolved, That the United States be invoked to give aid and assistance, that protection to invasion which is granted to each one of the States by the 4th section of the 4th article of the Constitution of the United States. Resolved, That Gen. Robert Anderson be, and he is hereby, requested to enter immediately upon the active discharge of his duties in this military district. Resolved, That we appeal to the people of Kentucky by the ties of patriotism and
In Park.--Thirteen hundred and fifty-seven thirty-two pounder solid shot; eleven hundred and forty-seven twenty-four pound solid shot; four hundred and thirty-five forty-two pound solid shot; six hundred and ninety-eight eleven-inch shell; twenty thousand and five sixty-four pounder solid shot; five hundred and eighty-five twenty-four pounder solid shot; six hundred and forty-two twelve pounder solid shot; one thirty-two pounder rifled gun and carriage--one six pounder rifled howitzer, (Whitaker and President street;) two caissons; two limber-boxes; five hundred and eighty signal rockets; seven hundred handspikes, for artillery. Inventory of ordnance and ordnance stores, taken possession of by Colonel John Flynn, Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania volunteers, commanding detachments First brigade, Second division, Twentieth army corps, at Fort Jackson, on the Savannah River: Forty-four thirty-two pounders; two ten-inch columbiads; twenty eight-inch columbiads; two rifled thirty-two po
Surgeon Cullen, were active and unremitting in the care of the wounded, and have my thanks for their humane efforts. My party of couriers were zealous, active, and brave. They are justly entitled to praise for the manly fortitude and courageous conduct shown by them in the trying scenes of the campaign. The cavalry escort, commanded by Captain Doby, have my thanks for meritorious conduct and valuable aid. Captain Doby, Lieutenants Bonny and Matthieson, Sergeants Lee and Haile, and Corporals Whitaker and Salmond, were distinguished in the active and fearless performance of their arduous duties. I am indebted to Colonel R. H. Chilton, Colonel Long, Majors Taylor, Marshall, Venable, and Talcott, and Captains Mason and Johnson, of the staff of the commanding General, for great courtesy and kindness in assisting me on the different battle-fields. I respectfully ask the attention of the commanding General to the reports of division, brigade, and other commanders, and approve their
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