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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Pea Ridge campaign. (search)
farther to the left with Hebert and Mcintosh, who became engaged with Davis's division — at first with the brigade of Julius White, who retired a short distance when Pattison came up and aided him in flanking McCulloch's line.-editors. the advance aaph road, with Klauss's battery before the center of the line; the second brigade (the 37th and 59th Illinois), under Colonel White, formed on the left of the road, supported by Davidson's battery. Colonel Carr, although wounded, assisted in placinle another regiment had formed on the left, the battery had taken position again and was supported by four other guns (of White's brigade), farther to the left, diverting the enemy's fire. The line stood firm, and as no hostile infantry appeared, Iwing, and the two batteries of Klauss and Davidson were brought into line with our own, while the two brigades of Colonels Julius White and Thomas Pattison held the left of the enemy's line in check until our whole line advanced. It was now a li
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Pea Ridge, Ark. (search)
Cavalry (Benton Hussars), Col. Joseph Nemett; 1st Mo. Horse Battery, Capt. G. M. Elbert; 2d Ohio Battery, Lieut. W. B. Chapman. Loss: k, 12; w, 29: m, 14 = 55. Third division, Col. Jefferson C. Davis. First Brigade, Col. Thomas Pattison: 8th Ind., Col. William P. Benton; 18th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Henry D. Washburn; 22d Ind., Lieut.-Col. John A. Hendricks (m w), Major David W. Daily, Jr.; 1st Ind. Battery, Capt. Martin Klauss. Brigade loss: k, 17; w, 88; in, 6 = 111. Second Brigade, Col. Julius White: 37th Ill., Lieut.-Col. M. S. Barnes; 59th Ill., Lieut.-Col. C. H. Frederick; Peoria Ill. Battery, Capt. P. Davidson. Brigade loss: k, 29; w, 195; in, 3 = 227. Cavalry: 1st Mo., Col. C. A. Ellis. Loss: k, 2; w, 2; m, 2 = 6. Fourth division, Col. Eugene A. Carr (w). Staff loss: w, 1. First Brigade, Col. Grenville M. Dodge: 35th Ill., Col. Gustavus A. Smith (w), Lieut.-Col. William P. Chandler (c); 4th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. John Galligan (w); 1st Iowa, Battery, Capt. Junius A. Jones (w
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first fight of iron-clads. (search)
rimac were: Flag-Officer, Franklin Buchanan; Lieutenants, Catesby ap R. Jones (executive and ordnance officer), Charles C. Simms, R. D. Minor (flag), Hunter Davidson, John Taylor Wood, J. R. Eggleston, Walter Butt; Midshipmen, Foute, Marmaduke, Littlepage, Craig, Long, and Rootes; Paymaster, James Semple; Surgeon, Dinwiddie Phillips; Assistant-Surgeon, Algernon S. Garnett; Captain of Marines, Reuben Thorn; Engineers, H. A. Ramsey, acting chief; Assistants, Tynan, Campbell, Herring, Jack, and White; Boatswain, Hasker; Gunner, Oliver; Carpenter, Lindsey; Clerk, Arthur Sinclair, Jr.; Volunteer Aides, Lieutenant Douglas Forrest, C. S. A., Captain Kevil, commanding detachment of Norfolk United Artillery; Signal Corps, Sergeant Tabb. Every one had flocked to the army, and to it we had to look for a crew. Some few seamen were found in Norfolk, who had escaped from the gun-boat flotilla in the waters of North Carolina, on their occupation by Admiral Goldsborough and General Burnside. In
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., In the monitor turret. (search)
tower was over the muzzles of the guns, which cleared the ports by only a few inches. When the guns were run in, the portholes were covered by heavy iron pendulums, pierced with small holes to allow the iron rammer and sponge handles to protrude while they were in use. To hoist these pendulums required the entire gun's crew and vastly increased the work inside the turret. The effect upon one shut up in a revolving drum is perplexing, and it is not a simple matter to keep the bearings. White marks had been placed upon the stationary deck immediately below the turret to indicate the direction of the starboard and port sides, and the bow and stern; but these marks were obliterated early in the action. I would continually ask the captain, How does the Merrimac bear? He replied, On the starboard-beam, or On the port-quarter, as the case might be. Then the difficulty was to determine the direction of the starboard-beam, or port-quarter, or any other bearing. It finally resulted, t
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
reception was tendered General Grant by the Union Veteran's Club, at McVicker's Theatre, which was decorated from pit to galleries. The meeting was called to order by General Chetlain. On the platform stood a goddess of liberty surrounded by lovely young ladies, each representing a State and bearing a placard Welcome. At the feet of the goddess sat five very small girls representing the territories. On the platform as speakers were General Logan, General Woodford, General Fuller, General Julius White, Reverend G. C. Trusdell, General R. J. Oglesby, Governor Cullom, John C. Barker, Colonel E. B. Sherman, Captain J. S. Curtiss, Colonel Mann, Emery A. Storrs, E. A. Filkins, Judge R. S. Tuthill, Mayor Harrison, Brigadier-General Pavey, Captain M. E. Ewing, J. H. Russell, and others. The old flag of the 21st Illinois Volunteers, Grant's original regiment, was brought out and three ringing cheers given. To hold aloft this tattered emblem during the war, seven color-bearers had laid do
chase and burnt the privateer, but not until the crew had benched her and escaped. The Union then recaptured the Baker, and her crew. Isham G. Harris issued an order to the clerks of the county courts of Tennessee, requesting them to search the residences of the people for arms of every description, and to forward such arms to the military authorities at Nashville, Memphis, or Knoxville.--(Doc. 175 1/2.) Between the hours of six and seven this evening eighty mounted men, led by Capt. White and a refugee named Talbot, attacked a smaller number of Home Guards at Potosi, Missouri, and were repulsed with a loss of two killed and three wounded. One man of the Home Guards was killed.--St. Louis Democrat, August 12. Prof. La Mountain made two successful balloon ascensions at Fortress Monroe, having attained an altitude of three thousand feet. He found the encampment of the Confederate forces to be about three miles beyond Newmarket Bridge, Va. There were no traces of the rebe
e the city, and now holds a subordinate position in the Treasury Department of the so-called Confederate Government at Richmond. His treason has availed him but little. Considerable excitement was created at Kansas City, Mo., to-day, by the appearance of rebel scouts. A company of twenty mounted men was sent over from Kansas City in the morning, who discovered a rebel camp of from two hundred to three hundred men, some six miles distant from the Missouri River. An additional force was detailed in the afternoon, who killed seven of the rebels and took six prisoners, with the same number of horses, and destroyed their barracks. Only one of the Union men was wounded.--N. Y. Herald, September 21. A detachment of Col. Young's Cavalry, under Captain White, arrested three spies, today, near Port Tobacco, Maryland, and brought them to Washington, D. C. On their persons was found topographic and other information designed for transmission to the enemy.--N. Y. Times, September 16.
, and upon these representations obtained a commission in the army. His unaccountable conduct in Western Virginia, exciting the suspicion of Governor Wise, he was, at the command of the latter, arrested as a spy. Upon hearing of his arrest, he attempted to commit suicide through mortification, it is said, inflicting a serious gash upon his throat, from the effects of which he is now suffering.--Richmond Enquirer, Oct. 19. One hundred and fifty men of the First Missouri Scouts, under Major White, surprised the rebel garrison, at Lexington, Missouri, and recaptured the place and all the sick and wounded, together with a quantity of guns, pistols, and other articles which the rebels threw away in their flight. Two pieces of cannon, which were in the fort, were also captured. The rebel garrison numbered three hundred. The condition of Lexington was deplorable. Portions of the town had been stripped of every thing, and many of the inhabitants were actually suffering for the neces
take possession of all the crops on the island — cotton, corn, rice, etc.--on military account, and ship the cotton, and such other crops as were not wanted for the army, to New York, to be sold there for account of the United States; also, to use negro slaves to gather and secure the crops of cotton and corn, and to erect his defences at Port Royal and other places on the island.--Washington Republican, Nov. 30. A band of rebels, under the notorious Sy. Gordon, captured Capt. Robb, Capt. White, and Lieutenant Moonlight, three United States officers, from the railroad train, at Weston, Missouri.--The Sixty-third New York regiment (third regiment, Irish Brigade) left New York for Washington. Col. Mulligan, the commander of the Irish Brigade at the siege of Lexington, Mo., had a reception at Detroit, Mich., and in response to a speech of welcome made an address, rehearsing some interesting particulars of the siege.--(Doc. 203.) The Annual Thanksgiving festival of the Fre
February 2. Lieutenant-Colonel White's cavalry encountered a force of Lincoln's infantry in Morgan County, Tenn., on the mountain side. The Lincoln force was estimated at from one hundred to three hundred. White charged upon the enemy. Captain Duncan rallied his men twice, when he was shot through the head and killed by J. Roberts, a lad fifteen years old. The Kentucky Unionists were then completely routed and fled in confusion, leaving seven of their dead upon the field.--Norfolk Day White charged upon the enemy. Captain Duncan rallied his men twice, when he was shot through the head and killed by J. Roberts, a lad fifteen years old. The Kentucky Unionists were then completely routed and fled in confusion, leaving seven of their dead upon the field.--Norfolk Day Book, February 6. The bark Trinity left Boston, Mass., to-day, for Fortress Monroe, Va., with three hundred and eighty-six rank and file, and eleven officers, from Fort Warren, in Boston harbor, to be exchanged for an equal number of National soldiers in the hands of the rebels.--N. Y. Herald, February 3.
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