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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
his right, and seizing the elevation which the Eleventh Corps had been driven from on Saturday, he soon had thirty pieces of artillery in position there, and playing with destructive effect upon his antagonist. With a courage bordering on desperation, his men rushed down the road toward Chancellorsville, and charged heavily upon the National line fronting westward, composed of the corps of Sickles and the divisions of Berry and French, the last two supported by the divisions of Whipple and Williams. A severe struggle ensued. The right of the Confederates pressed back the Nationals and seized the commanding position at Hazel Grove, with four pieces of cannon, which were speedily brought to bear upon the Unionists with fearful effect. At the same time Stuart's left and center pressed heavily upon Sickles, who, when his ammunition began to fail, was driven back from the first line of works, and compelled to hold his position for a time with the bayonet. Around Fairview the battle rag
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
tle on the left and left center ended, when a New line was formed by the divisions of Robinson and Doubleday, and troops from the Twelfth Corps brought up by General Williams who was in temporary command of it, Slocum having charge of the entire right wing. when the sounds of battle were dying away on the National left, they we the little vale leading from Rocky Creek to Spangler's Spring, in the rear of Culp's Hill, to strike the weakened right of the Nationals, which the divisions of Williams and Geary had occupied. A greater portion of these troops had been engaged in beating back the Confederates on the left, and only the brigade of General advance. A heavy artillery force was placed in that direction, and firing was commenced at four o'clock in the morning, under cover of which the divisions of Williams and Geary, and Shaler's brigade, moved to the attack. For four hours a desperate struggle went on, when, by a charge of Geary's division, the Confederates were
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
e by storm before aid could reach Burnside. He was now strengthened by the arrival of troops under Generals Sam. Jones, Carter, Mudwall Jackson, and Cerro Gordo Williams, and he could expect no more. For thirteen days he had been wasting strength in pressing an unsuccessful siege, and from that moment he must grow weaker. Burns poured upon their right flank. A severe struggle ensued, in which General Wright's troops participated. His command consisted of the brigades of Acting Brigadier-General Williams, composed of New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania troops, with a section of artillery; of Colonel Chatfield, composed of Connecticut and New York troops, and of Colonel Welsh, composed of Pennsylvania and New York troops, two sections of artillery, and a squadron of cavalry. To Williams's brigade were added the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment and a section of Hamilton's battery, which did good service. It was soon found that the battery, protected by a strong ab
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
unexpected, he was received with a terrible return blow, which made him recoil in great confusion, leaving, in his retreat, his killed, wounded, and many prisoners, in the hands of the Nationals. He had aimed his blow chiefly at the division of Williams, of Hooker's corps, and Hascall's brigade of Schofield's, in comparatively open ground. Those gallant troops so punished his audacity, that Sherman said he could not expect Hood to repeat his mistake after the examples of Dallas and the Kulp Ho preference was regarded by General Hooker as a disparagement of himself, and he resigned the command of the Twentieth Corps, which was assigned to General H. W. Slocum. The latter was then at Vicksburg, and the corps was ably handled by General A. S. Williams, until the arrival of his superior. General Palmer resigned the command of the Fourteenth Army Corps, August 6, 1864. and was succeeded August 22. by that true soldier and most useful officer, General Jefferson C. Davis. The latter at
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
ted of the Fourteenth Corps, commanded by General J. C. Davis, and the Twentieth, led by General A. S. Williams. The Fifteenth Corps, General Osterhaus commanding, was composed of four divisions, cions, commanded by Generals W. P. Carlin, J. D. Morgan, and A. Baird. The Twentieth Corps, General Williams, was composed of three divisions, commanded by Generals N. J. Jackson, J. W. Geary, and W. yan County, while the Seventeenth (Blair) moved along the railway. Slocum, with the Twentieth (Williams), marched in the middle road, by way of Springfield, and the Fourteenth (Davis), along the Savand 702 prisoners, making a total of 6,252. Hood lost the following general officers: Cleburne, Williams, Adams, Gist, Strahl, and Granberry, killed; Brown, Carter, Manigault, Quarles, Cocker ell, andssed the Harpeth over a long bridge, and visited Fort Granger and the place near it where young Williams and Peter, the spies, were hung. See page 120. We then returned to the village, where I dine
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 16: career of the Anglo-Confederate pirates.--closing of the Port of Mobile — political affairs. (search)
, W. D. Washburn; Rhode Island--Dixon, Jenckes; Connecticut--Brandegee, Deming, English, Hubbard; Vermont--Baxter, Morrill, Woodbridge; New York--A. W. Clark, Freeman Clark, Davis, Frank, Ganson, Griswold, Herrick, Hotchkiss, Hulburd, Kellogg, Littlejohn, Marvin, Miller, Morris, Nelson, Odell, Pomeroy, Radford, Steele, Van Valkenburg; New Jersey--Starr; Pennsylvania--Bailey, Broomall, Coffroth, Hale, Kelly, McAllister, Moorhead, A. Myers, L. Myers, O'Neill, Scofield, Stevens, Thayer, Tracy, Williams; Delaware--Smithers; Maryland--Cresswell, Davis, Thomas, Webster; West Virginia--Blair, Brown, Whaley; Kentucky--Anderson, Kendall, Smith, Yeaman; Ohio--Ashley, Eckley, Garfield, Hutchins, Schenck, Spaulding; Indiana--Colfax, Derwent. Julian, Orth; Illinois--Arnold, Farnsworth, Ingersoll, Norton, E. B. Washburne; Missouri--Blow, Boyd, King, Knox, Loan, McClurg, Rollins; Michigan--Baldwin, Beaman, Driggs, Kellogg, Longyear, Upson; Iowa--Allison, Grinnell, Hubbard, Kasson, Price, Wilson; Wis
ox, Richard, a loyal spy at Pensacola, 1.367. Wilderness, battle of the, 3.298-3.303; visit of the author to the battle-field of the, 3.811. Wilkes, Captain, Charles, his seizure of Mason and Slidell on the Trent, 2.154; his action approved by the Secretary of the Navy and by Congress, 2.156; President Lincoln's opinion, 2.156; English press on the conduct of, 2.158. William Aikin, revenue cutter, surrendered to Charleston insurgents, 1.138. Williamsburg, battle of, 2.379. Williams, Gen., killed at battle of Baton Rouge, 2.529. Wilmington, military and naval operations against, 3.473-3.480, 484-492. Wilson, Gen., his expedition through Alabama and into Georgia, 3.514-3.521. Wilson's Creek, Mo., battle of, 2.49. Winan's Steam Gun, i. 440. Winchester, skirmish at between troops of Jackson and Shields, 2.369; battle at, and Banks's retreat from, 2.393; Gen. Milroy compelled to evacuate by Ewell, 3.51; battle of, 3.365; defeat of Gen. Crook by Early near, 3.34