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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Mr. Lincoln and the force bill. (search)
will be to convince our people that the policy of coercion is a foregone conclusion. The secessionists of our State convention at Richmond, though now in a minority, will be enabled thereby to carry their point, and Virginia will be forced out of the Union against her will. Well! said he, folding his arms, and leaning back in his chair, Well, what if she does go? If that is to be her course, so be it. I have contemplated the possibility of such a contingency for some time past. Governor Winslow, over there, can tell you of a talk I had with him on the subject two years ago. I said then, as I say now, that in the event of a separation of the North and South on the basis of our respective systems of labor-slave and free-I suppose we'll have to submit to it; and I have made up my mind to do so, provided we can keep up our social and commercial intercourse unrestricted between the sections. Though I have never allowed myself, said I, to look forward to such a contingency, and
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
and destroyed another, which had fled from them already through four States; or how two of Iowa's most gallant soldiers, Winslow and Noble, led by the intrepid General Upton, under the cover of darkness, broken only by the incessant flash of fifty-twas ordered, with a detachment of his division, to proceed by rail to Augusta, while the rest of the division, under General Winslow, was ordered to march by the most direct route to Atlanta, a regiment under Colonel Eggleston having been sent by ra all directions from Atlanta. General A. J. Alexander, with the Second Brigade of Upton's Division, was directed by General Winslow to scout the country to the northward as far as Dalton, or until he should meet the troops under General Steedman opr the country in that vicinity, informing me by telegraph of everything important which came under his observation. General Winslow, with the larger part of Upton's Division, occupied Atlanta, and scouted the country in all directions from that pla
and we were immediately locked up in a room entirely destitute of a bed. But still there was such a contrast between it and the old jail in which we had been immured, that we thought it very fine indeed. We lay down till morning, and when we arose, we found ourselves in company with General Prentiss and General Crittenden, togegether with two hundred and sixteen other officers of various grades. Here also I met with my old prison companions, Lieutenants Todd, Stokes, Hollingsworth, and Winslow-all clergymen like myself-Lieutenant-Colonel Adams, Majors Crockett, Chandler, McCormick and Studman. I soon formed an agreeable acquaintance with General Prentiss, who was taken prisoner on Sunday, April 6th, 1862, at Shiloh. It had generally been reported that the General had surrendered early in the morning; but this was false, for I now learned that he did not give up until five o'clock in the afternoon, thus holding at least five or six times his own number in check the whole of tha
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
aptures amounted to 1,464 prisoners and 104 pieces of artillery. Subordinate reports of operations against Mobile will appear in Vol. XXXIX. About the last of August, it being reported that the rebel General Price, with a force of about 10,000 men, had reached Jacksonport, on his way to invade Missouri, General A. J. Smith's command, then en route from Memphis to join Sherman, was ordered to Missouri. A cavalry force was also, at the same time, sent from Memphis, under command of Colonel Winslow. This made General Rosecrans' forces superior to those of Price, and no doubt was entertained he would be able to check Price and drive him back, while the forces under General Steele, in Arkansas, would cut off his retreat. On the 26th day of September Price attacked Pilot Knob and forced the garrison to retreat, and thence moved north to the Missouri River, and continued up that river toward Kansas. General Curtis, commanding Department of Kansas, immediately collected such forces a
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 16 (search)
joiced greatly at this triumph of our sister service the navy, and admired immensely the boldness and pluck exhibited by Winslow, the commander of the Kearsarge, in forcing the fight with the Confederate cruiser. The general was naturally delighted, for it showed that Winslow was a man after his own heart, who acted upon the commendable military maxim, When in doubt, fight. Mr. Seward was asked whether he had in contemplation any steps to take England to task for the action of the British yacupy a position during the fight near enough to render assistance under certain contingencies. It was reported that Captain Winslow asked the captain of the Deerhound to rescue the crew of the Alabama, who were drowning when that vessel was sinking; but that did not seem to be necessary, as Winslow was able with his boats to rescue all the men. It appears that many of Semmes's guns were manned by British gunners, and the wounded who were picked up were carried to England and cared for in a B
er regiments, and were warmly commended by the citizens as they passed, and by the officers and men of the other regiments who were out to witness their entrance into the city. Next to the Massachusetts men they showed the greatest capacity to endure fatigue.--(Doc. 106.)--The World, May 1. Southerners employed in the departments at Washington resigned and left for the South, refusing to take the prescribed oath of fealty to the Constitution of the United States.--(Doc. 107.) Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co., of New York, offered Governor Morton of Indiana the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of arming and equipping the quota of volunteers from Indiana.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, April 27. A number of residents of Virginia passed through Chambersburg, Pa., en route for the North. Many of them have left every thing behind, and are obliged to depend upon the charities of the people to continue their journey. All who come from as far south as Richmo
rried nearly a mile beyond the position the troops occupied. Then came a discharge of musketry. Thus surprised, the Federal troops were thrown into some disorder; but were soon rallied, and formed with the artillery in the centre, (upon the road,) and the infantry upon the right, and left partially covered in woods. In this position the enemy's fire was returned at a distance of one hundred yards. Under cover of this fire an attempt was made to carry the enemy's works by a charge, and Capts. Winslow, Bartlett, and Killpatrick of the Fifth, charged with their commands in front; Captain Denike, and Lieut. Duryea, (son of Col. Duryea,) and about two hundred of the Troy Rifles upon the right, Col. Townsend with his men to the left. The enemy were forced out of the first battery, all the forces were rapidly advancing, and every thing promised a speedy victory, when 250 of the Vermont men, with Lieut.-Col. Washburne, on the extreme left were mistaken for the enemy by Col. Townsend, who t
Several of their wounded were found in the hospital at that place. The Unionists captured quite a number of prisoners. During the evening Colonel Phillips was joined by a force of eight hundred cavalry from Vicksburgh, under the command of Colonel Winslow, of the Fourth Iowa cavalry. The result of the capture was that the Unionists came into possession of sixty-five locomotives and five hundred cars. As the enemy had destroyed the railroad bridges across the Tallabusha River before he retCentral and Mississippi and Tennessee railroads, which form a junction at that place. Probably the value of the property destroyed was not less than three millions of dollars, and the loss to the rebels is wholly irreparable. The forces of Colonel Winslow and Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips were joined together here, and proceeded northward on the line of the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, meeting with but little opposition on the route. After crossing the Tallahatchie River at Panola, the
war spirit of, D. 32 Wilmot, John G., D. 69 Wilson, Andrew, Doc. 328 Wilson, Colonel, Second Regiment, Ohio troops, D. 77; Doc. 272 Wilson, William, Colonel, Sixth Regt. N. Y.S. V., D. 102; Doc. 366; speech at the departure of his regiment, Doc. 367 Wilson's Zouaves leave N. Y., D. 102 Winans' steam-gun, described, P. 98 Winans, Ross, his steam-gun captured, D. 66; arrested, D. 59, 70 Winans, Thomas, notice of, P. 59 Winser, Lieut, D. 79 Winslow, Lanier & Co., of New York, D. 47 Winthrot, Theodore, Major, anecdote of, D. 105; at Bethel, Doc. 361 Winthrot, B. R., D. 46 Winthrop, R. C., anecdote of, P. 21 Wiscassett, Me., Union at, D. 52 Wise, Henry A., speech at Richmond, Va., June 1, D. 90; Doc. 322; in the Virginia convention, P. 40 Withers, T. J., delegate to Montgomery Congress, D. 10 Women, patriotism of, D. 56; P. 26, 43; of Mobile, Ala., D. 58; address to the, of N. Y., Doc. 158; an inc
The vessel is on the principle of a life-boat, in the respect of the waterproof deck; and it is believed that it will live in a sea where a common vessel would swamp. It is expected to attain a speed with her of eight knots an hour. There have been only one hundred working days since the date of the contract for this battery. There has been only one establishment engaged in turning out the immense armor-plate, that of Abbott & Son, of Baltimore. If any other establishment could have been employed in this, the work might have been completed even sooner. The manufactory of Abbott & Son has been wholly given up to this work. Other portions of the plating have been made by Messrs. Corning, Winslow & Co., and Holdane & Co. Still the rapidity with which it has been completed shows what the country is capable of, if its energies were aroused. It is stated that the speed with which the work has been carried on would have been utterly impossible in England. --N. Y. World, January 31.
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