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ent of negro convicts in salt works or any other company engaged in the manufacture of iron, &c. The House concurred in these amendments. The Speaker announced the following special committees. Committee to consider the extravagant prices demanded for articles of prime necessity — Messrs Anderson of Rockbridge, Miner Wayne, Priman, Flood, Laidley, Daniel, James. Committee to consider the condition of the free negro papulation of the Common wealth. Messrs. Woolfolk, Rivers, Woodhouse, Thomas, Baskerville, McCamant, Orgain. Wilson of is in of Wight, Kanman, West, Lockridge. Mr. Hunter presented a petition from the President Direction and Stockholders of the Bank of Benkelay. Referred to the Committee on Finance. The following special committee was appointed by the Speaker to procure committee accommodations--Messrs. Hass. Wayne, and Davis of Amherst The Committee appointed in pursuance of a resolution of the House "in inquire who are entitled to mats in
House of Delegates. The House met at 12 o'clock M. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Reed. Mr. Edmunds, of Halifax, in the Chair. Resolutions of inquiry. The following resolutions of inquiry were referred to the appropriate committees: By Mr. Steger: Of incorporating certain persons as "The Virginia Chemical Works," By Mr. Garrison: Of relieving the Sheriffs, Clerks, and Commissioners of the Revenue, from the penalties imposed by the laws of Virginia, for failure of duty, when such failure is occasioned by the presence of the enemy. The following 'special Committee,' on the leasing of the Salt Works, was appointed by the Speaker Messrs. Baskerville, George, Mallory, Shannon, Flood, Woodhouse and Walker. On motion the House adjourned.