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rly, at Kensington, Philadelphia.--Rev. Harvey E. Chapin, of Sandy Creek, Otsego County, New York, arrived in Troy, with a company of ninety-four men, most of them members of his own congregation, and at once marched up to Camp Strong, where he joined Colonel Morrison's Cavalry regiment.--N. Y. World, October 17. Secretary Seward issued a circular to the governors of States bordering on the ocean or lake coasts, stating that, in view of the attempts being made by the rebels to embroil the Federal Government with foreign nations, it is desirable that the coast and lake defences should be put into effective condition. He suggests that the work should be undertaken by the States individually, in consultation with the Federal Government, and that the expense should be ultimately refunded by the nation.--(Doc. 87.) The Forty-fourth regiment of Ohio Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Woods, left Springfield, Ohio, for the Gauley Bridge, Virginia.--Springfield News, Oct. 15.
. Secretary Stanton ordered the arrest and incarceration in Fort McHenry of one Doctor Ives, a correspondent of the New York Herald, on the charge of being a spy, and for violating the rules and regulations of the War Department. According to the order of Secretary Stanton, Ives introduced himself into the chambers of the Department, when private consultations were being held, and demanded news for publication. The Seventy-sixth regiment of Ohio Volunteers, under command of Colonel C. R. Woods, passed through Columbus on their way to Kentucky.--Cincinnati Gazette, February 11. The efficiency of United States mortar-boats was fully tested to-day by Captain Constable, U. S. N., in the Mississippi River, just below Cairo, Ill., and near Fort Holt, on the Kentucky shore. The experiments showed that thirteen-inch shells, filled with sand, could be thrown a distance of three and a half miles--the time of flight being thirty-one seconds, and the recoil of the gun-carriage ab
from the house just as the party approached. He was pursued, and so hot was the pursuit, that he dropped his blanket and sword, but reaching some thick brush, managed to escape. The party then proceeded to other parts of Andrew and Gentry Counties, and arrested some twenty men whom Edmundson had recruited for his gang. They were all carried to Saint Joseph's and confined.--St. Joseph's Journal, May 8. General Dumont, with portions of Woodford's and Smith's Kentucky cavalry, and Wynkoop's Pennsylvania cavalry, attacked eight hundred of Morgan's and Woods's rebel cavalry at Lebanon, Kentucky, and after an hour's fight completely routed them.--(Doc. 22.) D. B. Lathrop, operator on the United Stated military telegraph, died at Washington, D. C., from injuries received by the explosion of a torpedo, placed by the rebels in the deserted telegraph-office at Yorktown, Va. The rebel guerrilla, Jeff. Thompson, attacked and dispersed a company of Union cavalry near Dresden, Ky.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Hood's second sortie at Atlanta. (search)
s troops on the morning of that day, re-formed, and, with the assistance of General Woods's division and one brigade of the Sixteenth Corps, commanded by Colonel Merter detailing his orders to General Smith, and the disposition of troops by General Woods on the right, he continues: At the same time the Second Division, folloersy's brigade, advanced upon the enemy's front. The movement was successful. Woods's division striking the enemy's flank, it began to break, and soon after, the Scify the part it took, farther than to say it supported their troops; while General Woods makes no mention of it whatever. General Logan was evidently guided in his report by that of General Woods. To one not familiar with the numberless duties of an officer in General Logan's position at that time, it seems incredible that heng a board fence at right angles with the railroad, and in cooperation with General Woods to charge the enemy's line. He then left the brigade. Brevet Lieutenant
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
isions, the right wing commanded by Major-General O. O. Howard, and the left wing by Major-General H. W. Slocum. The right was composed of the Fifteenth Corps, led by General P. J. Osterhaus, and the Seventeenth, commanded by General F. P. Blair. The left consisted of the Fourteenth Corps, commanded by General J. C. Davis, and the Twentieth, led by General A. S. Williams. The Fifteenth Corps, General Osterhaus commanding, was composed of four divisions, commanded respectively, by Generals C. R. Woods, W. B. Hazen, J. M. Corse, and J. E. Smith. The Seventeenth Corps, General Blair, consisted of three divisions, commanded by Generals J. Mower, M. D. Leggett, and Giles A. Smith. The Fourteenth Corps, General Davis, consisted of three divisions, commanded by Generals W. P. Carlin, J. D. Morgan, and A. Baird. The Twentieth Corps, General Williams, was composed of three divisions, commanded by Generals N. J. Jackson, J. W. Geary, and W. T. Ward. General Kilpatrick commanded the caval
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
t, and a weaker one at the head of the bridge, on the south side. This tete-du-pont was turned by the division of General C. R. Woods, by sending Stone's brigade through a cypress swamp on the left. The Confederates fled after trying in vain to buver the Broad River, three miles above Columbia. Over that the brigade of Colonel Stone (Twenty-fifth Iowa Infantry), of Woods's division of the Fifteenth (Logan's) Corps, passed, and under its cover a pontoon bridge was laid on the morning of the s around. At dark they began to spread, and got beyond the control of the brigade on duty within the city. The whole of Woods's division was brought in, but it was found impossible to check the flames, which, by midnight, had become unmanageable, ., when, the wind subsiding, they were, got under control. I was up nearly all night, and saw Generals Howard, Logan and Woods, and others, laboring to save houses and protect families thus suddenly deprived of shelter, and of bedding and wearing a
formed the right wing of Sherman's Army as it marched through Georgia on its way to the sea, and was composed of the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps, only, that part of the Sixteenth Corps--2 divisions — which had served with the Army of the Tennessee on the Atlanta campaign having been consolidated with the two other corps. Although the three other corps in Sherman's Army marched uninterrupted to the sea, the Fifteenth had a brisk engagement at Griswoldville, in which Walcutt's Brigade, of Woods' Division, repelled a determined attack; and, again, upon reaching the sea, Hazen's Division was the one selected for the storming of Fort McAllister. Savannah was evacuated December 21, 1864, after a short siege, and on the 1st of February, Sherman's Army started on its grand, victorious march through the Carolinas. General Logan having returned, he was again in command of his corps, which now numbered 15,755, infantry and artillery. It encountered some fighting in forcing disputed cro
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 15 (search)
test ensued, which lasted more than an hour, gaining and losing ground, but never the position first obtained, from which the enemy in vain attempted to drive him. General Morgan L. Smith kept gaining ground on the left spurs of Missionary Ridge, and Colonel Loomis got abreast of the tunnel and railroad embankment on his side, drawing the enemy's fire, and to that extent relieving the assaulting party on the hill-crest. Captain Callender had four of his guns on General Ewing's hill, and Captain Woods his Napoleon battery on General Lightburn's; also, two guns of Dillon's battery were with Colonel Alexander's brigade. All directed their fire as carefully as possible, to clear the hill to our front, without endangering our own men. The fight raged furiously about 10 A. M., when General Corse received a severe wound, was brought off the field, and the command of the brigade and of the assault at that key-point devolved on that fine young, gallant officer, Colonel Walcutt, of the Forty-
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 22: campaign of the Carolinas. February and March, 1866. (search)
veral of the men were evidently in liquor, when I called General Howard's attention to it. He left me and rode toward General Woods's head of column, which was defiling through the town. On reaching the market-square, I again met Dr. Goodwin, and iildings directly opposite the burning cotton of that morning was on fire, and that it was spreading; but he had found General Woods on the ground, with plenty of men trying to put the fire out, or, at least, to prevent its extension. The fire contid to increase, and the whole heavens became lurid. I dispatched messenger after messenger to Generals Howard, Logan, and Woods, and received from them repeated assurances that all was being done that could be done, but that the high wind was spreadtrol. These general officers were on the ground all night, and Hazen's division had been brought into the city to assist Woods's division, already there. About eleven o'clock at night I went down-town myself, Colonel Dayton with me; we walked to M