Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for Wyck or search for Wyck in all documents.

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Van Dervoort, P., X., 296. Vandewater, J., X., 288. Van Dorn, E.: I, 206, 235, 245; II., 143 seq., 183, 190, 200, 204, 324, 328, 330; IV., 49; capture, 116, 133, 263; V., 70; VI, 308; VII., 28, 30, 233; X., 251, 270, 272. Van Duzen, J. C., VIII., 358 seq. Vannerson, photographer: IX., 123; X., 63. Van Norman, L. E., I., 10. Van Sant, S. R., X., 296. Van Valkenburgh, D. H., I., 295. Van Valkenbergh, T. S., VIII, 362. Van Vinson Vii, 125. Van Wyck, C. H., X., 229. Vaquin, E., VIII., 169. Varnells Station, Ga., III., 320. Varuna,, U. S. S., VI, 190, 191, 198. Varuna Landing, Va.: pontoon bridge at, IV.; 189. Vaughen, A. J., X., 299. Vaughen, J. C.: III., 322; X., 299. Vaughts Hill, Milton, Tenn. , II., 332. Veatch, J. C., X., 87. Veazy, W. G., X., 296. Venable, R. M., I, 105. Venus,, C. S. S., transport, IV., 163. Vera Cruz, Mexico, VI., 45; X., 58. Verandah Ho