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ist of those most conspicuous for efficiency and bravery, and deserving special mention: Colonel Champion, Ninety-sixth Illinois; Colonel Moon, One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois; Colonel La Favour, Twenty-second Michigan; Colonel Carlton, Eighty-ninth Ohio; Lieutenant-Colonel Banning, One Hundred and Twentyfirst Ohio; Lieutenant-Colonel Carter Van Vleck, Seventy-eighth Illinois; Lieutenant-Colonel Warner, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio; Major Brodies, (killed,) Ninety-sixth Illinois; Major Yeager, One Hundred and Twelfth Ohio; Lieutenant-Colonel Sanburn, (wounded,) Twenty-second Michigan; Captain Urquhart, commanding Ninety-eighth Ohio, (wounded ;) Captain Thomas, who succeeded him in command, and was killed; Captain Espy, Commissary of Subsistence, (killed;) Captain Hicks, Ninetysixth Illinois; Adjutant Hamilton, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, and Captain Moe, A. A. G.; Major Smith, Lieutenant Blandin, and Captain Hays, all of General Steedman's staff. All of General Whittaker
ect it against the attack threatened by the secessionists after the fall of Fort Sumter: The Washington light artillery, of Pottsville, Pennsylvania, one hundred and twenty-six men, commanded by Capt. McDonald. The Ringgold flying artillery, of Reading, Pennsylvania, one hundred and five men, commanded by Capt. McKnight. The Logan Guard, of Lewistown, Pennsylvania, eighty-six men, commanded by Capt. Selheimer. The Allen infantry, of Allen, Pennsylvania, fifty men, commanded by Capt. Yeager. Company F, Fourth artillery, Major Pemberton, sixty men, from Fort Ridgely, Minnesota. It will be observed that all these troops were Pennsylvanians, with the exception of a single artillery company of regulars. They passed through Baltimore amid the insults and jeers of the secessionists, and being mostly unarmed, having come to Washington on a sudden call, were only saved from the mob by the fact that they passed through one of the side-streets to the depot. As it was, many of
e reader can easily judge of the severity of the contest. The proportion of officers wounded in the assault is quite unusual. I have briefly collected the following, which are but a small proportion of the total number: Colonel Dan. McCook, commanding brigade, arm, severe; Colonel Harmon, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois, killed; Lieutenant-Colonel Clancey, Fifty-second Ohio, spent ball, slight; Lieutenant-Colonel Warner, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, arm fractured, severe; Major Yeager, One Hundred and Twenty-first Illinois, severe; Captain Cook, Tenth Michigan, mortal; Captain Clason, One Hundred and Twenty-first Illinois, severe; Captain Neighbor, Fifty-second Ohio, mortal; Captain Durant, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, slight; Lieutenant Walson, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, slight; Lieutenant Bentley, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, slight; Lieutenant Paul, Fifty-second Ohio, slight. The above names were obtained from staff officers of the division and brig
couraged the small Confederate force which had it in full view from the line of its intrenchments on the foot of the western slope of the Alleghany mountain, and aroused their enthusiasm as they repeatedly cheered its successful resistance. The Confederate intrenchments, which were in process of construction but as yet very incomplete, fronted the south fork of the Greenbrier, on each side of the Staunton and Parkersburg turnpike as that descends the western slope of Alleghany mountain to Yeager's, a wayside inn on the bank of the river. The center of this position was held by the brigade of Col. William B. Taliaferro, consisting of his Twenty-third Virginia, Col. William C. Scott's Forty-fourth Virginia, the Twenty-fifth Virginia battalion under Capt. John C. Higginbotham, and Shumaker's battery of four guns, one of these under Rice. At about 8 a. m., Reynolds deployed in front of this center a large body of infantry with two batteries, and opened on Taliaferro with a vigorous an
r's expedition to Beverly, western Virginia, was one of the striking episodes of the early part of the year 1865. Leaving his camp, near Swoope's, on the Virginia Central railroad, eight miles west of Staunton, on January 7th, he crossed the Big North, Shenandoah, Shaw's ridge and Bull Pasture mountains, and encamped that night at McDowell, on the Bull Pasture river. On the 8th, crossing Jackson's River mountain, passing through Monterey and crossing the Alleghany mountain, he encamped at Yeager's, on the Back Alleghany, near the old encampment of Gen. Edward Johnson during the previous winter. On the 9th, crossing Greenbrier river and the Cheat mountains and river, he encamped at Stipe's, near the western foot of Cheat mountain, not far from Huttonsville. On the 10th, marching through Huttonsville and down Tygart's valley, he attacked the Federal camp, that night, at Beverly, having proceeded from Huttonsville on byways east of the Tygart's Valley river, and thus was enabled to a
Louisiana dismounted cavalry. James G. Wiley, Lake Providence, surgeon Harrison's Third Louisiana cavalry. Albert S. Davidson, Alexandria, La., surgeon Conner's Louisiana battery. Henry H. Key, Mt. Lebanon, La., assistant surgeon Fifth Louisiana cavalry. Charles Jones, Jr., New Orleans, medical purveyor district of Louisiana. Charles Alexander Cruikshanks, Alexandria, La., consolidated Crescent regiment infantry. May, 1865, sitting at Natchitoches: William Watt, Elysian Fields, La., surgeon Yeager's First Texas cavalry. James E. Keaten, Cheneyville, La., assistant surgeon McMahon's battery. Thomas J. Fort, Ringgold, La., assistant surgeon Norwood's Twenty-seventh Louisiana infantry. James P. Oliver, Winfield, La., assistant surgeon Vincent's regiment. William M. Gince, Winnsboro, La., assistant surgeon Eighth Louisiana dismounted cavalry. Robert L. Lockett, Alexandria, La., surgeon. James R. Percy, Tchula, Miss., surgeon Twenty-eighth Louisiana infantry. Joseph A. Lavigne, Iberv
Miscellaneous cases. --The Mayor had a very heavy docket yesterday. Besides the cases elsewhere noticed in detail, the following were disposed of: George White, charged with stealing a box of butter from E. N. Spiller. Mr. Yeager, employed at Spiller's, saw the prisoner shoulder the box, gave, chase and captured him. Remanded to be tried for petty larceny. Pleasant, an aged and infirm negro, charged with making a felonious assault upon a fellow, servant named John Jefferson, with an axe. Mr. Smith the owner of the negroes, said that John was hurt on the head, but not dangerously. It appears that Pleasant, after the difficulty, went to the watch house and surrendered himself, stating to the officers that John Jefferson made at him, and he struck him with an are. The case was continued. Marshall Bradley, free, charged with playing a banjo in the streets, and carrying deadly weapons. Bradley has been serving with the Lee Battery at Alleghany. Mountain, and fought
From Fredericksburg. We conversed yesterday with a gentleman who left Fredericksburg on Monday, at 2 P. M. We are much gratified at the statement he gives. As yet not one citizen has taken the oath, and no Union flag has been hoisted ever the town. A formal interview took place between Gen. Yeager and a committee of the Council on Saturday, in the town of Falmouth. Gen. I said he had no authority to make any terms, or to occupy the town; that his whole duty was completed when he got possession of the hills commanding the place; but that General McDowell was then landing a heavy force at Aquia week, and when he arrived the terms of surrender could be arranged. Our informant farther states that Gen. Y. told Mayor Slaughter that he had made a forced march of thirty miles, and only reached the vicinity of Fredericksburg late Thursday night, with his men completely worn down, and was greatly surprised at the feeble resistance made. When the committee went in, the General assu
ilber, do, 2d div, 12th corps; Otto Waser Act'g A D C 1st div 11th corpt; R C Shan non, Act'g Adj's-Gen, 2d brigade. 1st div, 12th corps; Ed L Yord 1st Lt, A D C to Gen Ward; Tho G Leigh, 1st Lt, A D C do; H W Farrar, 1st Lt, A D C to Gen Sedgwick; Jno W Bokels, 1st Lt and A D C to Gen Hays; Capts L Chaffic, D, 28th N Y; M Esembeaux, K, 58th N Y; Ed Wenver, C 63d Pa; H C Pardee F, 20th Conn; W W Smith, C, do; W H Sampson, K, 65th Ohio; E A Finney, K, 21st M J; Aug. Michaelic I, 45th N Y: F M Yeager, C, 118th Pa; P C Huber, G do; Wm McNell, B, do; Dyer Loomis, C, 145th Pa; Abram Feeder, H 66th N Y; N J Strickland, S, 66th S Y; R C Hopkins, H, 149th do; S T Allen C, 145th do; Samuel Suthurg, K, 107th Ohio; P Griffith, I, 46th Pa; W W Wood, K, 16th N Y; D H Chesbro, G, 46th Pa; Charles Doyle, K 5th Conn; Henry Parkllson, G, 1st Mass; Harman Stokel C. 20th N Y: Jos Honffig, K, 20th N Y; O P Chappell, K, 78th N Y; S T Sirdsall, G. 27th Conn; 1st Lieuts G S Good, I, 84th Pa; H H Jones, 2d Li
lry, reports that a detachment of thirty- five men were going to Lexington, on the 19th, for rations, when one hundred guerillas attacked them, killed eight and wounded two. A few days previous a detachment of fourteen men of the same regiment, while scouting near Holden, on the Pacific Railroad, were attacked, and twelve of the number killed. The guerillas allowed no quarter, and scalped Corporal Ireland after he was dead. The guerilla loss is not stated. They are commanded by one Col. Yeager, and wear Federal uniforms. Another from Indianapolis, Ind., says: Major Ohenowith and Captain Morgan, of John Morgan's command, who had Gen. Hobson in custody when Burbridge captured Falmouth, have arrived here under guard and are turned over to Gen. Carrington. It will be remembered that Burbridge refused to recognize the validity of the negotiations with Hobson, and ordered the latter back to duty. A decision is awaited from the War Department before further disposition ca