Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Yeager or search for Yeager in all documents.

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ist of those most conspicuous for efficiency and bravery, and deserving special mention: Colonel Champion, Ninety-sixth Illinois; Colonel Moon, One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois; Colonel La Favour, Twenty-second Michigan; Colonel Carlton, Eighty-ninth Ohio; Lieutenant-Colonel Banning, One Hundred and Twentyfirst Ohio; Lieutenant-Colonel Carter Van Vleck, Seventy-eighth Illinois; Lieutenant-Colonel Warner, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio; Major Brodies, (killed,) Ninety-sixth Illinois; Major Yeager, One Hundred and Twelfth Ohio; Lieutenant-Colonel Sanburn, (wounded,) Twenty-second Michigan; Captain Urquhart, commanding Ninety-eighth Ohio, (wounded ;) Captain Thomas, who succeeded him in command, and was killed; Captain Espy, Commissary of Subsistence, (killed;) Captain Hicks, Ninetysixth Illinois; Adjutant Hamilton, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, and Captain Moe, A. A. G.; Major Smith, Lieutenant Blandin, and Captain Hays, all of General Steedman's staff. All of General Whittaker