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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 4 (search)
or the army. In a short time I discovered that the accumulation was too large, and reported the fact to you, and by your direction I telegraphed, on the 4th of January, 1862, to the Commissary-General, that you desired all stores sent from Richmond stopped at Culpepper Court-House. At this place I had, by your orders, established a reserve depot. Supplies continued to come from Richmond, Lynchburg, Staunton, and Fredericksburg. I requested the commissary-general by telegraph, on the 16th of January, to have the shipments to Manassas stopped. On the 29th I repeated the request, indicating that the amount at Manassas was nearly double that required. .. . The gross weight of supplies at Manassas was three million two hundred and forty thousand three hundred and fifty-four pounds. In addition, there was, in the packing-establishment at Thoroughfare, the rise of two million, mostly of salt meat; the gross weight of provision necessary for the army was one million five hundred and
necessary articles can be procured. He was somewhat incredulous, and thought I was unnecessarily moved. I told him it would do no harm to equip our soldiers properly, and also to ascertain their readiness and willingness to march, as it might do great harm not to have them in full readiness, since it was the firm belief of many in the South that a portion of our soldiers would not fight. I had several interviews with Governor Andrew upon these topics at his suggestion, and on the 16th of January General Order No. 4 was issued in the words following:-- headquarters, Boston, January 16, 1861. General Order No. 4. Events which have recently occurred, and are now in progress, require that Massachusetts should be at all times ready to furnish her quota of troops upon any requisition of the President of the United States to aid in the maintenance of the laws and the peace of the Union. His excellency the commander-in-chief therefore orders: That the commanding officer of
me very many and great obstacles; and his efforts have contributed greatly to the success of the expedition and the health and comfort of my command. In a subsequent report I will communicate some facts relative to my command, and also in regard to the situation of the country through which the enemy has been operating. Very truly your obedient servant, J. A. Garfield, Colonel Commanding Brigade. W. H. Clapp, Lieut. and Acting A. A. G. Cleveland Herald account. Cleveland, O., Jan. 16. Capt. Willard, of Company F, Forty-second Regiment, arrived here last night on his way home to Ravenna. He was not in the Prestonburg fight, being detained by sickness a few miles back of Paintsville, but obtained many incidents of the battle from those who were in it. Prestonburg is about twelve miles beyond Paintsville. After the cavalry skirmish at the latter place, Col. Garfield pushed on with the advance of his brigade for Prestonburg. Before reaching that place, he found the
rning through the inlet, the boat was upset, and himself and the Surgeon were drowned. The sailors clung to the boat until assistance arrived. It is supposed, that the Colonel and the Surgeon, being encumbered with overcoats, swords and top-boots, went down immediately. I have not yet heard of the recovery of the bodies. A sketch of the life of Col. Allen has already been published in the Commercial Advertiser, in connection with the organization of the coast division. Hatteras Inlet, January 16, 8 P. M. The day has been too windy for small boats to be out, and consequently but very little intercourse between the vessels of the fleet has taken place. The anchorage within the inlet is of the worst character, giving but little room for vessels to swing with the tide. Our craft, the Cossack, in addition to being aground twice to-day, yesterday swung round on the jib-boom of a brigantine, which ground to powder four or five of the after state-rooms. The fine steamer Louisiana,
nd Mr. Ely and a crowd of fellow-prisoners captured at Bull Run. Amongst them was Lieut. Morrill, of the Engineers. After some weeks passed in close confinement, Capt. Hunt, Lieut. Morrill, and another of the prisoners formed a plan of escape, but the night appointed for their escape found the Captain too ill and weak to make the attempt; but, after a delay of three weeks, finding that his health was becoming still worse, Capt. Hunt urged his friends to make the attempt without him. Unfortunately, after travelling some twenty-five miles from Richmond, Lieut. Morrill and his friend were retaken. Since then he is treated with more harshness. His friends believe that he will not be selected by the rebels for exchange, and that he will be apt to remain a prisoner for a long period, unless the Government gives special attention to his case. Since his release, Capt. Hunt's health is rapidly improving, and he will soon be able to rejoin his regiment. National Intelligencer, Jan. 16.
he hill was cleared, and soon the reserve of the brigade came in at a double-quick. As soon as he saw them, Col. Garfield pulled off his coat, and flung it up in the air, where it lodged in a tree out of reach. The men threw up their caps with a wild shout, and rushed at the enemy, Col. Garfield, in his shirt-sleeves, leading the way. As the Federal troops reached the top of the hill, a rebel officer shouted in surprise: Why, how many of you are there? Twenty-five thousand men, d — n you, yelled a Kentucky Union officer, rushing at the rebel. In an instant the rebels broke and ran in utter confusion. Several instances of personal daring and coolness are related. A member of Capt. Bushnell's company in the Forty-second, was about to bite a cartridge when a musket — ball struck the cartridge from his fingers. Coolly facing the direction from which the shot came, he took out another cartridge and exclaimed: You can't do that again, old fellow. Cleveland Herald, January 16
A Loyal Town.--The town of Claremont, in the good old Granite State, has done her full share in putting down this most unnatural rebellion, if the number of men furnished to the Union armies be taken as a criterion. Since the war commenced, the town has sent the following men to do service for their country: Eighty-four men for the three months service; fifty-five men for the Second regiment, who were at Bull Run; thirty-eight men for the Third regiment, now at Beaufort; a full company, one hundred and one men, for the Fifth regiment on the Potomac; seventeen men for the Seventh regiment, now at Manchester, and thirty-three men for the cavalry regiment, now at Providence. This makes a total of three hundred and twenty-eight men gone, out of a voting population of about one thousand. National Intelligencer, Jan. 16.
John K. Lincoln, one of the rebel prisoners at St. Louis, is a cousin of the President, and a wealthy citizen of Clinton County, Mo. He is charged with having permitted the rebels to secrete ammunition in his cellar, inducing young men to join the rebel army, assisting in the robbery of the Liberty arsenal, and otherwise giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Ohio Statesman, January 16.
Jan. 14.--Twenty-four wagons, designed for the conveyance of the baggage of Gen. McClellan and staff, have been prepared. They all have matched horses, and the words, Commander United States army, are painted on the canvas of the wagons. N. Y. Commercial, January 16.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Massacre of the Germans in Texas. (search)
it, cleared it from the wild beasts and Indians; they had saved it to civilization through more than one period of pestilence and famine; secured as borderers their present persecutors, the slaveholders, against the invasion of Indians, and done the best service as volunteers in the Mexican war and the wars on the frontier. They placed the arts and sciences in Texas as well as they could be found anywhere among the American Germans. They furnished the proof that they could cultivate sugar and cotton without the least danger to health, and increased the riches of the country millions of dollars. The above related events are their reward for it. Hundreds who succeeded in making their escape rove about the woods, having lost every thing, some even their families. Hundreds are now chased like wild beasts through the wilderness of North-western Texas, and succumb because of the most horrid tortures, their fate never being known to their fellow-men.--St. Louis Republican, January 16.
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