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or naval service of the United States. Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, moved its indefinite postponement — yeas, thirteen; nays, twenty-three. On motion of Mr. Carlisle, of Virginia, it was temporarily laid on the table. The Senate, on the sixteenth of January, on motion of Mr. Wilson, took from the table and resumed the consideration of the bill to punish persons in the military and naval service, for arresting and delivering fugitive slaves. The pending question being on the amendment reportess-yeas, nine; nays, twenty-seven. Mr. Davis moved that before another draft there should be a new enrolment; but the motion was lost — yeas, eleven; nays, twenty-three. The bill was then passed without a division. In the House, on the sixteenth of January, Mr. Schenck, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to amend the several acts relating to enrolment and draft, which was read twice, and recommitted to the Committee. On the seventeenth of February, the bill which had be
revious campaign. As full supplies of forage could not be furnished them at Dalton, it was necessary to send about half of each of these arms of service far to the rear. where the country could furnish food. On that account, Brigadier-General Roddy was ordered, with about three-fourths of his troops, from Tuscumbia to Dalton, and arrived at the end of February. On the second of April, however, he was sent back to his former position by the Secretary of War. On the fifteenth and sixteenth of January, Baldwin's and Quarles' brigades returned to the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, to which they belonged. His Excellency Joseph E. Brown added to the army two regiments of State troops, which were used to guard the railroad bridges between Dalton and Atlanta. On the seventeenth of February the President ordered me, by telegraph, to detach Lieutenant-General Hardee, with the infantry of his corps, except Stevenson's division, to aid Lieutenant-General Polk against Sher
as a candidate for five sabbaths. At the close of his engagement, the parish passed the following votes :-- Jan. 8, 1827: Voted unanimously to give Mr. Caleb Stetson an invitation to settle with us as our minister in the gospel. Voted unanimously to give Mr. Stetson one thousand dollars salary. Voted to give Mr. Stetson one thousand dollars over and above his salary, to be paid on the day of his settlement with us; which sum has been raised by subscription for that purpose. Jan. 16: Mr. Stetson accepts the invitation, and on the 28th of February, 1827, was ordained. The council was composed of the following clergymen, with their delegates: Rev. Dr. Kirkland and Dr. Ware, Cambridge; Dr. Holmes, Cambridge; Dr. Lowell, Boston; Rev. Aaron Greene, Malden; Rev. Henry Ware, Boston; Rev. James Walker, Charlestown; Rev. Convers Francis, Watertown; Rev. Joseph Field, Weston; Rev. George Ripley, Boston; Rev. Samuel Ripley, Waltham; Dr. Fiske, West Cambridge; Rev. Charles Brooks
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.35 (search)
ly refuses to do so. January 12th I received a package of paper and stamped envelopes by express from Baltimore to-day. This is a timely and welcome present. January 13th This is my birthday, and I am twenty-one years old. This is an important epoch in a man's life, when he becomes of age, a free man, and enjoys the privilege of voting. Its arrival, however, does not bring freedom to me. January 14th and 15th A sermon on Sunday from a Minnesota Methodist preacher. January 16th, 17th and 18th I received letters from Mr. J. M. Coulter, enclosing $5.00 in greenbacks, and offering to send me a suit of clothes, and from Cousin Mary Louise A------, of Martinsburg, proposing to send me a box of eatables. Miss Annie R------u, of Martinsburg, now on a visit to Washington, also wrote to me. January 19th to 22d Sunday.--Lieutenant Bryde and Captain Rankin received boxes of eatables, and generously invited us all to partake of the good things. The chickens, chee
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from a Virginia lady to the Federal commander at Winchester. (search)
Writ, and therefore to be believed, but our own experience has proved its truth. With such experience, we may safely leave vengeance with Him to whom it belongeth. February 24th, 1864 This, sir, is a copy of a letter written to the officer then in command, but laid aside because, probably, our persecutions had ceased, and if so I was willing to forgive, if I could not forget, the past; but after numberless calls for food, sixty of them came with great secrecy on the night of the 16th of January. Very abruptly, one stood, with pistol pointed before the dining-room door, and inquired for menfolks. Seeing our small and unsuspecting party, however, he withdrew. The door was very naturally immediately locked, but several succeeded him in inquiring for milk and keys, with which they were furnished; notwithstanding they broke every lock to which they had access; fed their horses, and took meat from the very small quantity we now have left for our family and those who depend upon u
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Ocean Pond, Florida. (search)
quiet on the adjacent islands (less drumming and firing of small arms) than usual, I gave Major-General Gilmer, at Savannah, immediate notification of the fact, with instructions to keep strict watch in the direction of Warsaw Sound and the Ossabaw. At the same time orders were given to the proper staff-officers to hold means of transportation by rail in readiness on the Charleston and Savannah railroad. An increase of the tents of the enemy on Tybee island was also reported. On the 16th of January, I repaired in person to Savannah, in which quarter I apprehended some operations might be looked for. I remained in the District of Georgia inspecting the troops and works until the 3d February, when, there being no indication of any movement of the enemy in that direction, I returned to Charleston, leaving with Major-General Gilmer orders to hold the Sixty-Fourth Georgia volunteers, the First Florida battallion and a light battery in readiness to be sent to Florida at short notice. O
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fisher, Fort (search)
palisades on the land front. Sailors and marines assailed the northeast bastion, and with this assault began the fierce struggle. The garrison used the huge traverses that had shielded their cannon as breastworks, and over these the combatants fired in each other's faces. The struggle was desperate and continued until nine o'clock, when the Nationals, fighting their way into the fort, gained full possession of it. All the other works near it were rendered untenable; and during the night (Jan. 16-17) the Confederates blew up Fort Caswell, on the right bank of Cape Fear River. They abandoned the other works and fled towards Wilmington. The National loss in this last attack was 681 men, of whom eighty-eight were killed. On the morning succeeding the victory, when the Nationals were pouring into the fort, its principal magazine exploded, killing 200 men and wounding 100. The fleet lost about 300 men during the action and by the explosion. The loss of the Confederates was reported
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Georgia, (search)
der, unscrupulous in methods of leadership, goaded the people on to disaster by harangues, telegraphic despatches, circulars, etc. He was then one of the most active of the conspirators in the national Congress, and worked night and day to precipitate his State into revolution. The vote at the election was from 25,000 to 30,000 less than usual, and there was a decided majority of the members elected against secession. The convention assembled at Milledgeville, the capital of the State, on Jan. 16. There were 295 members present, who chose Mr. Crawford to preside. With all the appliances brought to bear, with all the fierce, rushing, maddening events of the hour, said the writer of the day, the co-operationists had a majority, notwithstanding the falling-off of nearly 30,000, and an absolute majority of elected delegates of twenty-nine. But, upon assembling, by coaxing, bullying, and all other arts, the majority was changed. On the 18th a resolution was passed by a vote of 105
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Missouri, (search)
ey did so intelligently. They knew the value of the Union; and the great body of the people deprecated the teachings of the disloyal politicians, and determined to stand by the national government. Claiborne F. Jackson was inaugurated governor of Missouri, Jan. 4, 1861. In his message to the legislature he recommended the people to stand by their sister slave-labor States in whatever course they might pursue. He recommended the calling of a convention. This the legislature authorized (Jan. 16), but decreed that its action on the subject of secession should be submitted to the people before it should be valid. The convention assembled in Jefferson City, Feb. 28. On the second day of the session it adjourned to St. Louis, where it reassembled, March 4, with Sterling Price as president, and Samuel A. Lowe as secretary. Price professed to be a Unionist, and so obtained his election. He soon afterwards became one of the most active Confederate military leaders in that region.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tariff. (search)
at the Ebbitt House, Washington, D. C.,......July 6, 1882 Report of tariff commission submitted to Congress and referred to ways and means committee......Dec. 4, 1882 Act passed repealing section 2510 of the Revised Statutes (levying an additional duty of 10 per cent. on goods from places west of the Cape of Good Hope), May 4, and amended......Dec. 23, 1882 Senate reports a tariff bill which is called up for consideration, Jan. 10; House bill reported by ways and means committee, Jan. 16; both bills discussed and amended for several weeks; a conference committee meets, Feb. 28; after some resignations and reappointments of members, reports, March 2, accepted in the Senate, 12.30 A. M., March 3, by 32 to 31 votes, and in the House at 5.30 P. M., March 3, by 152 to 116 votes, and signed by the President before adjournment, which was after midnight......March 3, 1883 A bill to reduce import duties and war-tariff taxes, introduced by Mr. Morrison, is reported in the House, M
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