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, transpiring from the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, September second, 1864, to the occupation of Savannah, Georgia, December twenty-first, 1864: The regiment entered Atlanta the evening of September second, and was posted, September third, on the left of the McDonough road, removing to the right of the road on the fifth, when the regiment went into camp, doing picket, guard, and fatigue-duty on the fortifications, and all duty required of troops at garrison posts; remaining until October sixteenth, when it was ordered out on a forage expedition, under command of Colonel Robinson, commanding First brigade, First division, to the vicinity of Flat Shoals, Georgia; returning and occupying our former camp on the nineteenth, where it remained on duty until the twenty-sixth of the same month, when it was again ordered out on a similar expedition, under General John W. Geary, commanding Second division, Twentieth corps, to the vicinity of Yellow River, Georgia; returning to our previous
Oct. 14. What do you think I received as a present yesterday? Some poor woman away up in the middle of New York sent me half a dozen pair of woollen socks — I beg pardon, I see it is from Pennsylvania, not New York. I enclose the note. Oct. 16. . . . Just received a telegram to the effect that the rebels had attacked a small force we have in Harper's Ferry, and had been handsomely repulsed with the loss of quite a number of men and one gun. . . . In front of us the enemy remain quive; he endeavors to cripple me in every way; yet I see that the newspapers begin to accuse me of want of energy. He has even complained to the War Department of my making the advance of the last few days. Hereafter the truth will be shown. Oct. 16. I have just been interrupted here by the President and Secretary Seward, who had nothing very particular to say, except some stories to tell, which were, as usual, very pertinent, and some pretty good. I never in my life met any one so ful
I am using every possible exertion to get this army ready to move. It was only yesterday that a part of our shoes and clothing arrived at Hagerstown. It is being issued to the troops as rapidly as possible. To Col. Ingalls, Oct. 15. Gen. Franklin reports that there is by no means as much clothing as was called for at Hagerstown. I think, therefore, you had better have additional supplies! especially of shoes, forwarded to Harper's Ferry as soon as possible. To Col. Ingalls, Oct. 16. Gen. J. F. Reynolds just telegraphs as follows: My quartermaster reports that there are no shoes, tents, blankets, or knapsacks at Hagerstown. He was able to procure only a complete supply of overcoats and pants, with a few socks, drawers, and coats. This leaves many of the men yet without a shoe. My requisitions call for 5,255 pairs of shoes. Please push the shoes and stockings up to Harper's Ferry as fast as possible. From Gen. Sumner, Oct. 7. I have given orders upon or
g of the army, June 28, 1863. He was in chief command at Gettysburg. On August 18, 1864, he received a commission as major-general in the regular army, and served therein until his death, in Philadelphia, November 6, 1872. Army of the Tennessee The troops in the Military District of Cairo were under the command of Brigadier-General U. S. Grant from August 1, 1861, until February, 1862. The District of West Tennessee was organized February 17, 1862, and Grant was at its head until October 16th. His forces were known as the Army of West Tennessee, and were included in those of the Department of Mississippi, under Major-General Halleck. With this force, consisting of six divisions and some unassigned troops, Grant fought the battle of Shiloh. On October 16, 1862, the Department of Tennessee was created to include Cairo, western Kentucky and Tennessee, and northern Mississippi. Grant was commander until October 24, 1863, when the Military Division of the Mississippi was organi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.11 (search)
the underground railway --i. e., Mosby's men. The South has a few true and tried friends in Martinsburg, but they are greatly outnumbered by the Unionists. The former are of true Old Virginia stock, while the latter are a rather low class of people. The noted Miss Belle Boyd lives here. Miss Mary A----and Miss D----n came to the ambulance and bade me good-bye, just as we were sent to the cars, bound for Baltimore. The driver was surly, and unwilling to stop when they requested it. October 16th (Sunday) Rode all night on the floor in a rough box car, crowded with twenty-five wounded Confederates. Water was loudly called for, but none was furnished. Reached the Monumental City at 2 o'clock P. M. A crowd of people were at the depot, but the guard kept them at a distance from us. I fancied I could see some sympathetic faces as I was borne on a litter to an ambulance, and driven to West's Buildings Hospital. Was hoisted on a dumb-waiter to the third or fourth story, and assign
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lt.-General R. H. Anderson, from June 1st to October 18, 1864. (search)
Quiet. Troops occupied in strengthening their defences. October 13 Early in the morning Gary's pickets are driven in on the Charles City road. He has hastily to send for the mounted regiment he had on the Nine-Mile road. A force of the enemy presses Field's left and endeavors to turn it. The Texas and Law's brigade are thrown rapidly to the left of the Darbytown road and the others moved up to it, Hoke closing in on Field. The day passes in efforts of the enemy to feel our lines or break through them. The enemy's cavalry on the Charles City road disappears and by night everything is again quiet, the enemy having retired. Gary's two dismounted regiments were sent to him in the morning, two regiments of Bratton relieving them. At night Field has four brigades on left of Darbytown road and Bratton on the right of it, Hoke touching his right, and Colquitt's brigade of his division extending to New Market road. October 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Are all without change of note.
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter IX (search)
y to the defense of Chattanooga, rapidly to Trenton and Valley Head, seize the passes through the Lookout range, and prevent Hood's escape in that direction, presuming that Sherman would intercept his retreat down the Chattanooga valley. I sent a courier to General Sherman informing him of my purpose, and informed General Thomas by telegraph. But the latter disapproved my plan, and directed me to move to defend Caperton's Ferry. This is what General Sherman refers to in his despatch of October 16: Your first move on Trenton and Valley Head was right; the move to defend Caperton's Ferry is wrong. Notify General Thomas of these, my views. But the difference between right and wrong proved immaterial, since Hood was left free to escape down the Chattanooga valley. Why this was done, or why Sherman did not want to force the enemy east, by Spring Place, into the barren mountains, where Johnston would have been compelled to go if McPherson's move on Resaca in May had been successful, s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
, 1868 Gen. J. Reynolds appointed to command 5th Military District (Texas)......July 28, 1868 Thaddeus Stevens, born 1793, dies at Washington, D. C.......Aug. 11, 1868 Ordinance of secession declared null and void in Louisiana by Constitution, ratified by the people......Aug. 17-18, 1868 Col. George A. Forsyth engages in an eight days fight with Indians on the north fork of the Republican River, Kan......September, 1868 Second session reassembles for one day and adjourns to Oct. 16......Sept. 21, 1868 Congress meets and adjourns to Nov. 10......Oct. 16, 1868 Grant and Colfax, Republicans, elected President and Vice-President by votes of twenty-six States and a popular vote of 3,015,071; Seymour and Blair, Democrats, receive votes of eight States and a popular vote of 2,709,613......Nov. 3, 1868 Second session meets and adjourns......Nov. 10, 1868 Third session meets......Dec. 7, 1868 President proclaims unconditional pardon and amnesty to all concerned
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Missouri, (search)
provost-marshalgeneral......Aug. 30, 1861 By proclamation, Aug. 30, General Fremont manumits two slaves of Thomas L. Snead, a secessionist of St. Louis......Sept. 12, 1861 Nationals are defeated in battles at Blue Mills Landing, Sept. 17, Lexington, Sept. 20, and Papinsville......Sept. 21, 1861 State convention at Jefferson City requires each civil officer within sixty days to subscribe an oath to support the constitution......Oct. 16, 1861 Lexington reoccupied by the Nationals, Oct. 16, who are also victorious at Fredericktown, Oct. 22, and at Springfield......Oct. 26, 1861 Governor Jackson issues (Sept. 26) a proclamation from Lexington, convening the legislature in extra session at Masonic Hall in Neosho, Newton county......Oct. 21, 1861 General Fremont is relieved by Gen. David Hunter......Nov. 2, 1861 Legislature at Neosho passes an act of secession, Oct. 28, and resolution requesting all members to sign it......Nov. 2, 1861 Indecisive battle at Belmont be
find, that the obedient little plants had turned back, and taken the accustomed track! What is the subtle influence which produces this wonderful result? May it not be the same law which rides on the whirlwind, and directs the storm? The cyclone, of which I am writing, must have travelled a couple of thousand miles, before it reached the Alabama. Its approach had been heralded, as the reader has seen, by several days of bad weather; and, on the morning of the gale, which was on the 16th of October, the barometer—that faithful sentinel of the seaman—began to settle very rapidly. We had been under short sail before, but we now took the close reefs in the topsails, which tied them down to about one third of their original size, got up, and bent the main storm-staysail, which was made of the stoutest No. 1 canvas, and scarcely larger than a pocket-handkerchief, swung in the quarter-boats, Diagram of the cyclone experienced by the Alabama on the 16th of October, 1862. and passed
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