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Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 20: Congressman and Governor. (search)
nson know of Booth's plans: a private investigation Crittenden's challenge and Butler's answer greenbacks declared legal tender by Supreme Court proposition for antional Committee wanted my services in Indiana, and promised to Views at General Butler's home at Lowell. Library. take care of my district, I spent many weeks ent chose to give them. Mr. Blaine. Will the gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. Butler] allow me to read one sentence? I answered, Certainly. Mr. Blaine. The nds, James F. Wilson, Iowa. Geo. S. Boutwell, Mass. John A. Logan, El. Benj. F. Butler, Mass. Thaddeus Stevens, Penn. Thos. Williams, Penn. Jno. A. Bingham, Ohiy of the proclamation:-- Commonwealth of Massachusetts. by his excellency Benjamin F. Butler, Governor and commander-in-chief. A proclamation for A day of Hud in the 107th year of the independence of the United States of America. Benjamin F. Butler. By his Excellency the Governor, with the advice and consent of th
mber of our bar and friendly to me, said:-- Butler, why do you take such cases, when you know you if I attend to that, I cannot at this time, Mr. Butler. I hardly supposed you could, I said, andme with a little surprise. Are you aware, Mr. Butler, said he, that there has been one motion for 1860, I was counsel on the same side with General Butler. It was a busy season of the year for lawber facts, important and unimportant, like General Butler. Whatever enters his mind remains there fyou for giving me that case. Well, then, Mr. Butler, I take it you have no fault to find with the with Engraved from a life-size bust in General Butler's library. the hundreds of surgeons and phrwards Engraved from a life-size bust in General Butler's library. most famous as an advocate, G. any counsel? he said: I should like to have Mr. Butler. The horror of defending the murderer of es, and he replied with some severity:-- Mr. Butler, this is a duty which, when the court assign[17 more...]
of War. Washington, Nov. 16, 1863. to Major-General Butler: Your report in regard to place for h about ten thousand men from South Carolina. Butler can reduce his garrison so as to take twenty-tepper Court-House, Va., April 16, 1864. Major-General Butler, Commanding Department of Virginia and ph from Washington, D. C., May 7, 1864. Major-General Butler: No communication from General Grantph from Washington, D. C., May 9, 1864. Major-General Butler: Advices from the front give reason corps, division, and brigade commanders. Benj. F. Butler, Major-General Commanding. [Circular.]y met by telegraph. Very respectfully, Benj. F. Butler, Major-General Commanding. [no. 84. se States, City Point, Va., Dec. 4, 1864. Major-General Butler: I feel great anxiety to see the WilMonroe. If not, notify me by telegram. Benjamin F. Butler, Major-General Commanding. [no. 104. this report is respectfully submitted. Benjamin F. Butler, Major-General. [Official copy.] E. D. [100 more...]
nt through, 175, 181; occupation of, 225, 237; Butler brings troops to, 694; Convention, 982. Ba, 435; Secretary of State, 510; grudge against Butler, 546; caution in displaying it, 548. Benninor Vice-President, 632; reference to 754, 761; Butler reports to, 757. Dodge, Capt., Geo. S., faistice to Butler, 852; official statement, 852; Butler's feeling for, 853; desires a conference with nds James River, 640; sends captured pilots to Butler, 849. Lee, Gen, Robert E., captures John B 217; meets Sixth Massachusetts, 180; appoints Butler senior major-general, 235; interview with, 24107; telegram requesting Butler's removal, 829; Butler's request to, 830; his answer, 830; government hour contest in, 91, 92, 98, 109; City Guard, Butler assists in organizing, 123; reception in, 294;t, 44-46. O Odell investigates causes of Butler's removal, 833; Butler's answer to, 833. Ol69; desires Butler to remain in New York, 770; Butler telegraphs to, 779; relieves Butler of his com[317 more...]
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