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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1854. (search)
profession; and with this view he attended the lectures of Professor Liebig at Munich and Professor Rose at Berlin. On his way to the former city, he stopped to exa agricultural school of Hohenheim; and he afterwards spent a winter of study in Munich. His friend Horace Furness wrote to James's sister, after his death:— Whined tastes and an almost feminine delicacy. I remember so vividly how once in Munich, on a very warm, enervating spring day, he walked between five and six miles tothe and Schiller. And now, you see, I have at length torn myself away from Munich. Have n't you sometimes had misgivings that I intended to cut you all at home, and had married and settled down in Munich for life? No, I have left, and, what's more, I have seen Nuremberg! I don't think I can make an attempt at description. Kraft, Veit Stoss, and Peter Vischer too. And yet the Bavarian court resides at Munich, a city on a perfect flat, no beauty in the houses, and the worst climate in th
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 5: (search)
Alexander, by founding German universities and appointing German professors to them, have almost brought Bavaria and Russia into the league of letters. In this way, without noise and almost without notice, from Berne to St. Petersburg, and from Munich to Copenhagen, a republic has been formed, extending through all the great and small governments, and independent of the influence of them all, which by its activity unites all the interests of learning, while by its extent it prevents low prejudiderable party of strangers, the Bavarian envoy, the Count de Chastellux, a beautiful English lady by the name of Atterson, etc. Mr. Rose is about forty-five or fifty years old, has long been in the English diplomacy, and came here directly from Munich, a year since, where he has been minister nearly two years. . . . . In his manners he is more American and democratic than English, and even in his dress there was a kind of popular carelessness which does not belong to his nation. He talks, too
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 25: (search)
hought Metternich's system unwise, but the present management of Austria very important to the welfare of all Germany. Enfin, said he, il y a trois systems de politique à present en Europe: il y a d'abord, le systeme du mouvement sans progress, c'est la revolution; il y a le systeme qui veut que tout reste ou il est; et il y a le systeme du progres, par moyen des lumieres. This I took to be downright phrase-making. On the arts he talked better, especially of the schools of Dusseldorf and Munich; but he talked best upon matters of literature, for he is, after all, more of a man of letters, I suspect, than anything else. He said that when Mad. de Stael was here she excited a great sensation, and that she had the men of letters of the time, as it were, trotted up and down before her, successively, to see their paces. I was present, he went on, when Fichte's turn came. After talking with him a little while, she said, Now, Mons. Fichte, could you be so kind as to give me, in f
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 2: (search)
pter 2: From Vienna to Florence. Austrian monasteries. Austrian and Bavarian Alps. Munich. Lausanne. Geneva. Turin. General la Harpe. Count Balbo. Pellico. Manzoni. Journalas not the fashionable watering-place it has since become, and this whole journey from Vienna to Munich was then so rarely made, that its beauties were almost unknown, except to Germans. The facilitiful country, including the remote valley of Gastein, closing their excursions with a few days at Munich, amidst the results of the recent patronage of art, by the reigning King, Ludwig I., whom Mr. The valleys and lakes, and surrounded with the snow-clad mountains of Upper Austria, we turned to Munich. There we passed a week, which was quite filled with visits to the many fine buildings erected onage of the arts. At least, in Bavaria it is obtained at much too dear a cost. . . . . From Munich we intended to have plunged at once into the mountains of the Tyrol, but that was precisely the
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 5: (search)
ake of Como, which is of the same sort; the Tyrol is the most picturesque country, and its people, their costumes and houses, the most curious and striking; the Ortler Spitz, the Jungfrau, and the Mont Blanc are the grandest of the mountains; the Valtelline and the valley of the Inn the loveliest of valleys and at the same time the grandest; the Mandatsch Glacier the most solemn of the glaciers, and next after this, the Glacier of Grindelwald and the Mer de Glace. . . . . After a week at Munich—where they again met Mr. Wordsworth and Mr. Robinson–they parted not only from these English friends, but from their Boston fellow-travellers, Gray, Cogswell, and Ward, and went on to Heidelberg, where they remained nearly four weeks, as a pause and rest after just three months of uninterrupted travelling and sight-seeing. Of his acquaintance and interests there, Mr. Ticknor writes thus:— Creuzer, the classical scholar, whom I knew here twenty years ago, seemed to me little changed. S<
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 30 (search)
ss of, 1. 295, 296. Morpeth, Viscount, II. 197. See Carlisle, Earl of. Morris, Gouverneur, I. 256. Morris, Rev. Mr., II. 396. Morrow, Governor, I. 372. Mortemart, Viscomnte and Viscomtesse de, II 61, 66. Mos, Marquesa de, I. 207. Motley, J. Lothrop, letter from, II. 256. Muhlenburg, Dr , I. 111. Mulgrave, Countess, II. 179. Mulgrave, Earl of, I. 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 435, 437, 438. Muller, Johann, I. 115. Muller, Johann, II. 412. Munchhausen, Baron, I. 501. Munich, visits, II. 34, 99. Munster, Count, I. 77, 78. Murchison, (Sir) Roderick, I. 419, 421, II. 155, 176, 179, 371 Mure, Colonel, William, II. 70, 77, 80. Murray, J. A., I. 277, 408. Murray, John, II 147, 255. Murray, John, senior, I. 58, 60, 62, 68, 294. Murray, Mr., II. 149. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, II. 422, 423, 438 and note, 445. Musgrave, Bishop of Hereford, II. 178. Musgrave, Mr., I. 246, 247, 248. Musignano, Charles Bonaparte, Prince (afterwards
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 1: 1807-1827: to Aet. 20. (search)
terial for this account of the student life of the two friends at Heidelberg and of their teachers was chiefly furnished by Alexander Braun himself at the close of his own life, after the death of Agassiz. The later sketches of the Professors at Munich in 1832 were drawn in great part from the same source. As the distance and expense made it impossible for Agassiz to spend his vacations with his family in Switzerland, it soon became the habit for him to pass the holidays with his new friendhave never seen, but I will watch to see whether they are turned inward. . . . Braun to Agassiz. Carlsruhe, August 9, 1827. . . . This is to tell you that I have determined to leave Heidelberg in the autumn and set forth on a pilgrimage to Munich, and that I invite you to be my traveling companion. Judging by a circumstantial letter from Dollinger, the instruction in the natural sciences leaves nothing to be desired there. Add to this that the lectures are free, and the theatre open to
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 2: 1827-1828: Aet. 20-21. (search)
2: 1827-1828: Aet. 20-21. Arrival in Munich. lectures. relations with the professors. Sa nearer view as we advanced, for it encircles Munich at some distance from the town. We arrived hehan that of Heidelberg awaited our students at Munich. Among their professors were some of the most active spirits among the young naturalists at Munich, and was known by the name of The Little Acadealk although it is then dark. The environs of Munich are covered with snow, and the people have bee in my eyes. . . . To his brother Auguste. Munich, December 26, 1827. . . . After my long fase new and more satisfying intellectual life of Munich, it stirred afresh from time to time, not withhem to read usefully? . . . To his father. Munich, March 3, 1828. . . . What you tell me of totany and zoology, whom we had already seen at Munich, and by whom we were most cordially received. side the pupils of the Academy of Fine Arts at Munich, I think that every soul who could paint, were[9 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 3: 1828-1829: Aet. 21-22. (search)
llustravit Dr. L. Agassiz. To his brother. Munich, July 27, 1828. . . . Various things which not my fault. . . . To his sister Cecile. Munich, October 29, 1828. . . .I have never writtethis second vacation trip. To his parents. Munich, September 26, 1828. . . .The instruction fy Alpine excursion. Braun, impatient to leave Munich, had already started the preceding day, promis Mettenius. Alexander Braun to his father. Munich, November 18, 1828. . . .I will tell you ho to be taken of them, etc. To his father. Munich, February 14, 1829. . . . But now I must taminds of the friends. Braun to his father. Munich, February 15, 1829. . . . Last Thursday we ete my medical studies, and for this I came to Munich eighteen months ago. Still I could not make up in the following letter:— To his brother. Munich, May 22, 1829. . . . As it was necessary foon of his medical studies. To his parents. Munich, July 4, 1829. . . . I hope when you read t[4 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 4: 1829-1830: Aet. 22-23. (search)
lness and death of his grandfather. return to Munich. plans for future scientific publications. tnto his hands by the Director of the Museum of Munich. It will be seen with what ardor he threw himrasbourg, M. Voltz, even offered to send me at Munich the whole collection of fossil fishes from the disposed to accept my Fishes. He has been at Munich for some days, and Schimper has been talking wg. For this reason I intend returning soon to Munich to complete the business, since Cotta is to being Munich were completed. To his parents. Munich, November 9, 1830. . . . According to your er. Give all possible care to your affairs in Munich, put them in perfect order, leave nothing to b When you receive this I shall be no longer in Munich; by means of a last draft on M. Eichthal I hav, they near the end. Braun to his father. Munich, November 7, 1830. Were I to leave Munich nrong bent in that direction. My experience in Munich was very varied. With Dollinger I learned to [14 more...]
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