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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Eighteenth Corps at Cold Harbor. (search)
to me as a reserve. About the same time General Wright, commanding the Sixth Corps, sent to say tispositions to attack to-morrow morning on General Wright's right, and in conjunction with that offi than half their length. I have called on General Wright for about 100,000 rounds of ammunition, anntil 5 P. M. At 7 A. M. I received from General Wright sufficient ammunition to fill up the cartrnce of any military plan, I sent a note to General Wright, commanding the corps on my left, asking hand thus have two corps acting in unison. General Wright replied that he was going to pitch in. Thmn for an assault, thinking then to inform General Wright that I would make with him a combined assaf the Potomac, dated June 3d, 8 A. M.: General Wright has been ordered to assault and to continu assault be continued without reference to General Wright's. General Wright has, but a very short tiGeneral Wright has, but a very short time before the receipt of your communication through Major West, reported that he was waiting your ad
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
and the gun-boats were commanded by Rogers. Another mixed force, under General H. G. Wright Wright's troops consisted of the Fourth New Hampshire, Colonel Whipple; Sixth Connecticut, Colonel Chatom Western Virginia, in the autumn of 1861. Soon after the heavy reconnaissance of Rogers and Wright, the Nationals made a lodgment on Jones's Island, and proceeded, under the immediate direction oown the coast. While Gillmore and Viele were besieging Fort Pulaski, Commodore Dupont and General Wright were making easy conquests on the coast of Florida. Dupont left Port Royal on the 28th of Fer. These were at once occupied by National forces. Fort Clinch was garrisoned by a few of General Wright's troops, and Commander C. R. P. Rogers, with some launches, captured the Confederate steamel, to organize a loyal State Government, when, to the dismay of those engaged in the matter, General Wright prepared to withdraw his forces, two days before the time when the convention was to meet.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
k the offensive. It had been arranged for the right of Warren's line to be assisted by the left of Sedgwick's, under General Wright; but so difficult was the passage through the thick wood, that the latter could not get up in time. Warren's right wa fierce musketry attack upon Seymour's brigade, on the extreme right, which involved first Ricketts's division, and then Wright's. The assailants made desperate attempts to break through the lines, but were easily thrown back, when Sedgwick advancedight he left the front of Hill's corps, and moving silently to the left, guided only by the compass, he took post between Wright and Burnside, near the house of Mr. Brown, to be in readiness for work in the morning. Then in two lines, the first compad captured, and upon them these heavy masses of the foe were thrown. Grant had anticipated this, and provided for it. Wright was ordered up with the Sixth Corps to the assistance of Hancock. He arrived at six o'clock, and, at eight, Warren and B
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 8: capture of Fernandina and the coast South of Georgia. (search)
ybee River was made by Captain C. H. Davis and Commander C. R. P. Rodgers with the Ottawa, Seneca, Ellen, Western World, and the armed launches of the Wabash, accompanied by three transports, having on board 2,400 troops, commanded by Brigadier General H. G. Wright. The expedition crossed the bar, and reached a point nearest Fort Pulaski on its land side. No shots were fired at the vessels, as the enemy had no rifle guns mounted in that quarter, so that the expedition was enabled to accomplishnville, Alabama, Keystone State, Seneca, Huron, Paulina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Potomska, armed cutter; McClellan, armed transport, with a battalion of marines under Major Reynolds, and six transports containing a brigade under command of Brigadier General Wright. The vessels anchored at 10:30 A. M. on the second of March, to examine the channel and wait for the tide. Here the Flagofficer learned from residents of Cumberland Island, that the Confederates had hastily abandoned the defences of
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 9: operations of Admiral Dupont's squadron in the sounds of South Carolina. (search)
nd the gunboats Ottawa, Lieut.-Commanding Stevens; Seneca, Lieut.-Commanding Ammen, and the armed steamer, Isaac Smith, Lieut.-Commanding Nicholson; the Potomska, Lieut.-Commanding Watmough; the Ellen, Master Budd; Western World, Gregory, and the two armed launches of the Wabash, and having in company the transports Cosmopolitan, Delaware and Boston, on board of which were the 6th Connecticut, the 4th New Hampshire and the 97th Pennsylvania regiments, in all 2,400 men, commanded by Brig.-General H. G. Wright. Commander C. R. P. Rodgers accompanied the expedition. The object of this move was to cut off the communication between Fort Pulaski and Savannah. The vessels entered Little Tybee River, or Freeborn Cut, and passed Fort Pulaski, but were not fired into, as the fort was not prepared for an enemy on this side. Preparations were at once made, however, to receive the expedition warmly on its return. The distance was that of long-range guns. The vessels were brought to a sto
steam frigate Wabash, with twenty other armed vessels, and six unarmed transports, conveying a brigade of volunteers, Gen. Wright, and a battalion of marines, Maj. Reynolds, setting out from Port Royal Feb. 28. swept down the coast to St. Andrew and a Convention called to assemble there on the 10th of April to organize a Union State Government; but, on the 8th, Gen. Wright withdrew his forces from that place, sending an invitation to Gen. Trapier to come and reoccupy it. Of course, the prot ere Gens. Hunter and Benham, with their soldier,, landed June 2. on James island; and three more days elapsed ere Gen. Wright came up from Edisto with the residue of their forces. Such disjointed Gen. Hunter's attack on Secessionville. combaving direction under him in this quarter; but Col. J. G. Lamar was in immediate charge of the works; against which Gen. H. G. Wright advanced at early dawn, June 16. with a force of perhaps 6,000 men, though some 1,500 more were on the island, g
to turn our right flank, which was held by Gen. Wright's division, with Gen. Seymour's provisional York, was severely wounded this day. Gen. H. G. Wright next day succeeded to the command of themove silently to the left, taking post between Wright and Burnside, so as to be ready for work earlyles, approaching the Pamunkey at Hanovertown. Wright's corps crossed directly, and took post to covrnside had come into position on his left, and Wright on his right. Reconnoissances showed the enem been moved rapidly to our left, parallel with Wright's movement, and was here facing us before the now called down from our right to the left of Wright; Warren was directed to extend his left so as e was still on Warren's right and rear; Smith, Wright, and Hancock stretched farther and farther to g off under cover of fog or thick darkness. Wright's and Smith's assaults were less determined — arf, between Charles City C. H. and Westover. Wright and Burnside, crossing the Chickahominy at Jon[4 more...]
endanger the safety of the Capital. The engineer officers under my command and attached to the different divisions were as follows: Capt. D. P. Woodbury and Second Lieut. Charles E. Cross, to the Second Division, under Col. Hunter. Capt. H. G. Wright and First Lieut. G. W. Snyder, to the Third Division, under Col. Heintzelman. Capt. B. S. Alexander and First Lieut. D. C. Houston, to the First Division, under Gen. Tyler. First Lieut. F. E. Prime, to the First Division, under Col. Miles. They have all been most active and zealous in the discharge of the duties devolving upon them. A report from Capt. D. P. Woodbury is herewith annexed. Reports from Capts. Wright and Alexander and Lieut. Prime will be furnished when received. I am, very respectfully, your most obedient, J. G. Barnard, Major Engineers. Major Barry's report. Arlington, Va., July 23, 1861. Capt. J. B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant-General, Headquarters Department N. E. Virginia: Captain: Havi
ennsylvania regiments; in all twenty-four hundred men, commanded by Brigadier-General H. G. Wright. Commander C. R. P. Rodgers accompanied the expedition. The vessels anchored in Warsaw Sound the same evening. On Monday morning Gen. Wright came on board the Ottawa, in which ship I was, bringing with him Major Speidel, commhth, the surveys and examinations were received, and I am deeply indebted to Gen. Wright for taking an active part in them all, and forming, from personal examinatioeen, as always, entirely satisfactory; my special acknowledgments are due to Gen. Wright for prompt and efficient service, voluntarily given, and to Commander C. R. ime that operations should begin in the vicinity of Wall's Cut. Accordingly Gen. Wright, with three regiments, the Fourth New-Hampshire, Col. Whipple, the Sixth Con Savannah, all night, while reconnoissances were made on land and water, by General Wright, Capt. Raymond Rodgers, and Lieut. Barnes. In the morning, Captain John Ro
ard. Transports — Empire City, containing General Wright and staff, and the Fourth New-Hampshire reven o'clock. At half-past 12 o'clock P. M., Gen. Wright and staff were transferred from the Empire is men have since been released by order of Gen. Wright, and sent into the enemy's lines under a fltances would have been different. Possibly Gen. Wright's design may be to conciliate the enemy as prevent plundering this Mecca of the South, Gen. Wright has issued the following order: headqrded to the flag by all civilized nations. H. G. Wright, Brig.-Gen. Commanding. The following ted States Navy. [Approved] S. F. Du Pont, H. G. Wright. The following order was published fory, March twelfth, 1862. By command of Brig.-Gen. H. G. Wright. An order was also issued orderinwithin our lines, and was at once taken to General Wright's headquarters. He gave his name as Davids Army, and the naval boat, by the order of Gen. Wright and Commodore Du Pont, with the same men I [3 more...]
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