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t, if necessary, but did not become engaged. The result of that fight was a signal repulse to the enemy, though not without severe loss on our side. Inasmuch as I propose to devote a chapter to the operations of the cavalry during the past year I will not now allude further to this fight. On the afternoon of the 10th of June the whole of Ewell's corps left Culpeper C. H., moving in the direction of Winchester, via Front Royal, in the county of Warren, and crossing the Blue Ridge at Chester Gap on the night of the 12th, the whole corps arrived at and near Front Royal, and was disposed as follows. Johnson's division bivouacked near Cedarville; Early's between the north and south forks of the Shenandoah river, at Front Royal, and Rodes's five miles beyond the river, on the road leading to Berryville. On the 13th Johnson, moving on the Front Royal road, and Early, on the Valley pike, approached Winchester. About 12 o'clock Johnson's pickets became engaged with the enemy's pi
at I am not possessed of fuller information. On the 22d Gen. Lee began to fall back from Bunker's Hill, a point twelve miles above Winchester, to the east of the mountains. Robertson came back with Longstreet, who was in the advance, through Chester Gap, and Baker brought up Ewell's rear, which was the last of the infantry corps. On reaching the east side of the mountains, whilst Jones was left to do picket duty on the Lower Shenandoah, the brigades of W. H. F. Lee, Fitz Lee, and Jenkins end the brigades of W. H. F. Lee, Fitz Lee, and Jenkins endeavored by forced marches from Leesburg, through Millwood, to reach Manassas Gap in advance of the enemy, but failed to do so, and crossed at Chester Gap with Hill's corps. I have thus hastily recapitulated the operations of the cavalry during this ever memorable campaign. It is a record that speaks for itself and its gallant commander, and no word of praise is needed to show the fidelity of the one or the efficiency of the other.
remained in the Valley, near Strasburg, as a bait to induce Early to pass on down towards Winchester and annihilate it. But General Jubal Early was not to be caught with chaff. So, crossing the mountain higher up the Valley at Thornton's gap, and making a "Stonewall" march, he struck Sheridan unawares, and before he had well come from the mountain into the plain, smote him, hip and thigh, and drove him pell-mell back through the gap into the Valley, followed him up in his retreat through Chester gap, pursued him so closely as to capture some of his rear guard at the Shenandoah river, and sent him flying through the town of Strasburg. Nor did the vain-glorious barn burner halt until he had crossed Cedar creek, several miles from the village, where he halted for the first time. Had General Early done as Sheridan hoped he would do — pass on down the Valley and attack the remaining corps of his army — the two corps which crossed the mountain would have gotten the start of our troop
of our men, having gone down the Valley to that point, were attacked by the Yankees, who, supposing that it was only a cavalry force, attacked them with some impetuosity. The horsemen fell back, and the enemy following, soon fell in with our infantry, who fell upon them with a vengeance, killing and capturing a very large number. It is said that out of one whole brigade of Yankees only twelve men were left. Nothing further concerning the two corps which had crossed the mountain at Chester gap. Mosey on the grand round. Mosby is again on the grand round. Ten days ago he struck the enemy at Salem, on the Manassas Gap railroad, whipping the Yankee troops, capturing their baggage and trains, and breaking up their railroad-building operations.--The next we hear of him is through the following official dispatch, from which it appears he has suddenly manifested himself at Duffield, on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. We give the dispatch: "Headquarters Army Northern
ut gives no indications of early active operations. Grant is waiting the results of military movements elsewhere. Our scouts report that General Palmer, with a division of infantry and a battalion of artillery, has occupied Bower Hill, eight miles east of Portsmouth. It is suggested that this force is intended to operate against Weldon. Information was received here on yesterday that a column of Sheridan's forces, estimated at eight thousand men, had crossed the Blue Ridge at Chester gap, and were moving towards Gordonsville. Another report put the force of this column at five thousand infantry and cavalry, and four pieces of artillery.--They are said to have reached Madison Courthouse at five o'clock on Tuesday evening. Since then, nothing has been heard from them. Their object is believed to be to cut the Central railroad at Gordonsville. We, however, for reasons that it is not necessary to mention, feel little apprehension for the safety of that point. The teleg
dispatch, received last night, gives an account of the affair, and also details the enemy's preliminary movements. It will be seen that one coil of the anaconda that encircles the Confederacy is broken: "Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, "December 23, 1864. "Hon. James A. Seddon, Secretary of War: "On the 20th, General Early reported one division of the enemy's cavalry, under General Custar, coming up the Valley, and two divisions, under General Torbert, moving through Chester gap, with four pieces of artillery and thirty wagons. "On the 22d, Rosser attacked Custar's division nine miles from Harrisonburg, and drove it back, capturing forty prisoners. "This morning, Torbert attacked Lomax near Gordonsville, and was repulsed and severely punished. He is retreating, and Lomax preparing to follow. "R. E. Lee." From Southwestern Virginia. The following private dispatch contains the latest authentic intelligence we have from Southwestern Virginia.
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