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Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
Governor Moore did not long survive the war. In June, 1876, he passed away at his home in Rapide Parish, honored by the people of the State which he had so loyally and intelligently served. He died at the ripe age of seventy-three. Henry Watkins Allen Henry Watkins Allen, second war governor of Louisiana, was born in Prince Edward county, Virginia, April 29, 1820. His father, a noted physician, removed to Lexington, Mo., and Henry was placed in Marion college, whence he went to Grand Gulf, Miss., in consequence of .a family dispute. There he became a lawyer, and after creditable service in the Texan war with Mexico, he was elected to the legislature in 1846. Later he settled near West Baton Rouge, and was elected to the Louisiana legislature, in 1853. In 1859 he went to Europe to engage in the Italian struggle for independence, and made a tour of the continent. On his return he again sat in the legislature. When war broke out he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel and sta
pril 16th. When peace had been restored he settled in New Orleans, engaging there in business. In that city he died June 14, 1872. Brigadier-General Henry Watkins Allen Brigadier-General Henry Watkins Allen was born in Prince Edward county, Va., April 29, 1820. His early life was spent in a workshop. His parents removing to the West he became a student at Marion college, Missouri. In consequence of a dispute with his father he ran away from college and opened a school at Grand Gulf, in Mississippi, studying law at the same time. He was soon admitted to the bar and practiced law with great success. In 1842, when President Houston, of Texas, called for volunteers to repel any renewed invasion from Mexico, Allen, who was only 23 years of age, raised a company and joined the forces of Texas, so acquitting himself as to win the confidence and esteem of his men and of his superior officers. Returning home he resumed his law practice. In 1846 he was elected to the legislature.
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Maps, sketches, etc., Pertaining to the several volumes. (search)
ockerville, Tenn. 34 Jasper, Tenn. 35 Liberty Gap, Tenn. 32 McMinnville, Tenn. 34 Manchester, Tenn. 34, 35 Pelham, Tenn. 34 Readyville, Tenn. 34 Salineville, Ohio 94 Shelbyville, Tenn. 34, 35 Taylor's Store, Ala. 80 Tullahoma, Tenn. 31, 34, 35 Woodbury, Tenn. 34 Volume XXIV. Baker's Creek or Champion's Hill 132, 135-C Big Black River Bridge, Miss. 37, 135-C Duckport to Walnut Bayou, La. 35 Fort Pemberton, Miss. 67 Grand Gulf, Miss. 32 Jackson, Miss. 37, 39 Milliken's Bend, La., to Jackson, Miss. 36 Thompson's Hill, Port Gibson, Miss. 31 Vicksburg, Miss. 36, 37 Volume XXV. Chancellorsville, Va. 39, 41, 93, 135 Fredericksburg, Va. 41 Port Royal to Richards' Ferry, Rappahannock River, Va. 39 Salem Church, Va. 41 Spotsylania County, Va. 91 Volume XXVI. Fort Esperanza, Tex. 26 Port Hudson, La. 38 Texas Coast 43 Volume XXVII. Departments of Washingt
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Authorities. (search)
6, 1 Turner, L. C.: Wilmington, N. C., 1863 25, 5 Turtle, Thomas: Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863 95, 1 Twining, William J.: Fort Anderson, N. C., Feb. 19, 1865 135-B, 4 Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864 135-B, 1; 135-C, 5 Tyler, Robert O.: Hanover Court-House, Va., May 23, 1862 21, 4, 5 Ulffers, Herman A.: Atlanta, Ga., July 23-Aug. 25, 1864 88, 1 Atlanta to Savannah, Ga. 101, 21 Champion's Hill, Miss., May 16, 1863 132, 8 Grand Gulf, Miss., May, 1863 32, 4 Jackson (Miss.) Campaign, July 5-25, 1863 37, 5 Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6-8, 1862 10, 3 Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11-21, 1864 70, 2 Vicksburg, Miss., Jan. 20-July 4, 1863 36, 1 U. S. Coast Survey: Fort Fisher, N. C., position of iron-clads off, Jan. 15, 1865 129, 9 Venable, Richard M.: Red River Campaign, March 10-May 22, 1864 53, 1 Vernam, John S.: Chancellorsville Campaign, April 27-May 6, 1863 39, 2 Viele, Egbert L.:
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
1 Granby, Mo. 66, 1; 160, C11 Grand Bayou, La. 156, G9, 156, H12; 158, D13 Grand Coteau, La. 135-A; 156, C4 Grand Ecore, La. 50, 6; 52, 1; 53, 1; 54, 1; 135-A; 155, E1; 158, E14 Grand Glaze, Ark. 135-A Grand Gulf, Miss. 32, 4; 35, 4; 36, 1; 51, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 155, D7; 171 Confederate fortifications, May, 1863 32, 4 Grand Junction, Tenn. 117, 1; 154, B12 Grand Lake, Ark. 154, H6 Grand Lake, La. 23, 8; 135-A; 156, B6, 135-A; 171 Operations against: Dec. 20, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863 27, 2 Jan. 20-July 4, 1863— Big Black River Bridge, May 17, 1863 37, 6, 37, 7; 135-C, 3 Champion's Mill, Miss., May 16, 1863 132, 8; 135-C, 2 Defenses of 37, 1 Grand Gulf, Miss., May, 1863 32, 4 Milliken's Bend, La., to Jackson, Miss. 36, 1 Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863 31, 6 Road from Duckport to Walnut Bayou, La. 35, 4 Siege of, May 19-July 1, 1863 36, 2 Yazoo Pass Expedition,
heavy firing, but all the boats were sure to go past. What damage was done there is not known. General Grant to General Halleck.—(Cipher telegram.) near Grand Gulf, Miss., April 27, 1863. Moving troops from Smith's plantation to the Mississippi has been a tedious operation, more so than it should have been. I am now embarkill be effected on the east bank of the river to-morrow. I feel now that the battle is more than half over. General Grant to General Halleck.—(letter.) Grand Gulf, Miss., May 3, 1863. On the 29th of April, Admiral Porter attacked the fortifications at this place with seven iron-clads, commencing at eight o'clock A. M., ands one of the most daring exploits of the war. I am told the whole state is full of men paroled by Grierson. General Grant to General Halleck.—(telegram.) Grand Gulf, Miss., May 3, 1863. We landed at Bruinsburg, April 30th, moved immediately on Port Gibson, met the enemy, eleven thousand strong, four miles south of Port Gibs<
31, 1863. No. 36—(252-256) General Pemberton's report of operations during siege of Vicksburg states that the battalion was sent to reinforce General Bowen, April 15, 1863. (663) Posted at Winkler's Bluff, April 30th; General Bowen's report of the battle of Port Gibson. No. 38—(706-746) Assignment as above. Ordered to remain at Jackson and report to General Adams, April 15, 1863. (755, 756, 761, 773) Ordered to General Bowen, April 17, 1863. General Bowen says: Just arriving, Grand Gulf, Miss., April 21, 1863. (936) Reynolds' brigade, Loring's division, May 30, 1863. (1040) Adams' brigade, Loring's division, July 30, 1863. No. 42—(130) General Maury says battalion was detached from garrison of Mobile and sent to General Bragg, April, 1863. No. 53, No. 56, No. 57, No. 58—In Adams' brigade, Loring's division, to January, 1864. No. 59—(604, 659) Assignment as above, March, 1864. (672) Transferred to army of Northern Virginia, Gen. Joe Davis' br
X., 311. Graham, W. M., IV., 232, 234. Grahamville, S. C., III., 340. Grampus,, C. S. S., VI., 218. Granbury, H. B.: III., 340; X., 157. Grand Army of the Republic: I., 19; III., 347: disbandment of, VIII., 260; IX., 34, 93; organization of society, X., 288; badge of, X., 294; pensions, X., 294; Ladies' Society of, X., 296; membership of, X., 296; commanders-in-chief, X., 296. Grand Coteau, La., II., 346. Grand Ecore, La., VI., 225, 228, 232. Grand Gulf, Miss.: II., 181, 189, 200, 214, 216, 218, 334; III., 219; VI., 148, 318. Grand Junction, Tenn., II., 204. Grand Prairie, Ark., I., 368. Grand Review, 1865, Washington, D. C.: III., 349; Federal Cav. and their reward, IV., 257; Ambulances in, VII., 11; VIII., 39; IX., 109, 233, 235, 237, 259; X., 162, 163, 290. Grand River, Mo., II., 320. Granger, G.: II., 178, 274, 286; headquarters of, at Rossville Gap, Tenn., II., 287, 301, 344; IV., 34; VI., 245, 252, 253,
The battle at Grand Gulf, Miss. heavy fighting — the enemy repulsed — loss heavy on both sides. Jackson, Miss., May 1. --The enemy advanced and fighting commenced at Grand Gulf this morning at 1 o'clock, and continued until 4, when the enemy was repulsed. The battle was renewed at 8 o'clock. The Yankees captured Wade's Virginia Battery, which was retaken by our troops this evening. The enemy has been driven a mile from the battle-field, and firing has ceased.--Loss heavy on both sides. General Bowen's horse was struck four times in a charge on the enem
rebel invasion, is the occasion of much remark in military and political circles. The ing opinion is, that the Governor need not have been in so unseemly a hurry to master the men out of the service, seeing that, even while he was writing the proclamation to that effect, the Harrisburg telegrams must have informed him that the danger of a rebel invasion was now more threatening than ever. Grand Gulf to be evacuated — the movement against Grant's Communications. A letter from Grand Gulf, Miss., of the 9th inst., to the Madison (Wisconsin) Journal, referring to the movements of the 12th Wisconsin regiment, says: We have orders to join our division at Vicksburg, and with this end in view all negroes, horses, mules and extras have been sent up the river, and most likely we shall leave here ourselves in a day or two. This point seem to be destined for complete evacuation by our forces, but a surveillance by gunboats will be kept up to prevent reoccupation by the rebels Si
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