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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 9 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: September 3, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 26, 1863., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 6 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 6 0 Browse Search
A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864. 6 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 6 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 5 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., From Gettysburg to the coming of Grant. (search)
Lee had followed closely, destroying the rail-road as he advanced. After a brief reconnoissance he started in his turn to retreat to the Rapidan. Meade pursued, pressing him closely and rebuilding the railroad as rapidly as he marched. At Gainesville, or Buckland Mills, on October 19th, there was an affair with the cavalry advance in which both Custer and Kilpatrick distinguished themselves, each in his own way. Custer with one brigade became engaged with part of Fitzhugh Lee's command, which retired before him after crossing the stream at Gainesville. The rest of Lee's command had been drawn off to the left for the purpose of attacking in the rear in case Kilpatrick afforded the opportunity, which he promptly did. With his second brigade he moved forward in support of Custer, who needed no support, however, and the enemy's cavalry came in upon Kilpatrick's rear and scattered him. Kilpatrick believed and reported that he had been routed by infantry. General Custer and the evid
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
Bull's Run Mountains at Thoroughfare Gap to Gainesville, where he was joined by Stuart with two cavowell with Sigel and Reynolds, to hasten to Gainesville that night, and there intercept Longstreet e to hold it, and then to hasten forward to Gainesville, where it was expected the impending battle. For that purpose he ordered McDowell, at Gainesville, to move rapidly toward the Junction very eut by all. Sigel, instead of advancing from Gainesville at dawn, as directed by McDowell, did not lcketts yielded to necessity and fled toward Gainesville, rapidly followed early the next morning A the divisions of Hooker and Kearney toward Gainesville, to be followed by Reno, who was to attack ng's division, was to move upon the road to Gainesville from Manassas, for the purpose of turning Jight. At the same time Reno came up by the Gainesville road to the support of the center, and Reynble Zadock Pratt, was mortally wounded near Gainesville. On the same day Colonel Broadhead, of the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
s:--The First, Second, and Fifth Corps, reserve artillery, and general Headquarters, at Warrenton; Ninth Corps on the line of the Rappahannock, in the vicinity of Waterloo; the Sixth Corps at New Baltimore; the Eleventh Corps at New Baltimore, Gainesville, and Thoroughfare Gap ;--Sickles's division of the Third Corps, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, from Manassas Junction to Warrenton Junction; Pleasanton across the Rappahannock at Amisville, Jefferson, &c., with his pickets at Hazel Rivade was famous for good deeds throughout the war. It was distinguished for gallantry in the following engagements before the death of its first leader:--Woodstock, Harrisonburg, Cross Keys, Cedar Mountain, Brandy Station, Rappahannock Station, Gainesville, Bull's Run, Warrenton, and Fredericksburg. After Bayard's death the brigade, was formed into a division, under General Gregg, and served throughout the campaigns in Virginia under Stoneman, Pleasanton, and Sheridan. A portrait of the gallan
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
erward General) Hoffman, it became perfect in discipline, and ever ready for daring service. In Pope's Army of Virginia, at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Grant's campaigns in 1864, it was always conspicuous. So much was the commander loved and honored by the officers and men of his regiment, that they presented him an elegant sword, in 1863, on which was inscribed the names of the battles in which the regiment had then been engaged, namely, Sulphur Springs, Gainesville, Manassas, South Mountain. Antietam, Union, Fredericksburg, Rappahannock, Chancellorsville, Beverly Ford, and Gettysburg. Meredith's iron brigade was immediately to charge into a wood on the left of the road, in rear of the Seminary, and fall upon Hill's right, under General Archer, then pressing across Willoughby's Run. Meanwhile a Mississippi brigade, under General Davis, assailed and flanked the three regiments of Cutler's brigade, on the Chambersburg road, causing them to retire beh
unning into the mining districts. Sir, said a gentleman in conversation on this subject, if the road to heaven went by their front door, they could n't tell you the way there to save themselves from----! Negro-driving of horses. The country is less cultivated — along the turnpike, at least — wood is more plentiful, the fields far larger, and the scenery less beautiful, the nearer you approach to Fauquier county. The first place I came to was a hamlet of a dozen houses, called Gainesville, on the Manassas Gap Railroad, where I asked the price of land of a workman in a field close by. Another white man and a negro woman were working with him. He said, that in this part of the country, land ranged from eight to twenty-five dollars an acre, but advised me, if I wanted to buy, to go further back into the country. How many bushels of corn do you raise to an acre? Well, we don't average more than three barrels--nor that often. (Fifteen bushels.) Are there many northern<
facing along the turnpike from Warrenton to Gainesville, resolved there to give battle. Meantime, Halleck to push Franklin with all speed to Gainesville; and sent orders to Manassas Junction that horoughfare Gap and moved south-easterly by Gainesville, where he was joined by Stuart with two cavwith Sigel and Reynolds, to move rapidly on Gainesville, so as to reach it that night; while Reno, ho held his advance, had not fairly cleared Gainesville at 7 1/2 A. M. Meantime, Jackson, who waefore morning, of King's abandonment of the Gainesville road, had sent orders to Sigel, at Grovetonwas to push forward from Centerville toward Gainesville; Reno following, with orders to attack promivision, was to move from Manassas upon the Gainesville road with all speed, with intent to turn Jan of the commands of McDowell and Sigel, at Gainesville, and Reno and Kearny, at Greenwich, as held sent forward should be sent to my right at Gainesville. I now have at my disposal here about 10[3 more...]
had rendered Bull Run unfordable, and obliged him to send for pontoons; meantime, the enemy, after skirmishing along his front and making feints of attack, retreated as rapidly as they had advanced, completely destroying the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from Bristow to the Rappahannock — Stuart, aided by a flank attack from Fitz Hugh Lee, worsting Kilpatrick, by force of numbers, in a not very sanguinary encounter Oct. 19. near Buckland's Mills, whence our cavalry fell back nimbly to Gainesville. In this affair, Custer's brigade did most of the fighting on our side; but the enemy was so vastly the stronger, backed by infantry, that Kilpatrick did well to escape with little loss. Stuart claims to have taken 200 prisoners. Lee recrossed the Rappahannock next day; leaving Meade, by reason of his ruined railroad, unable, if willing, to follow him farther for some time. During these operations, General J. D. Imboden, who, with a Rebel cavalry division, had been guarding the ga
ned, 157-8; McClellan's dispatches, 158. Gainesville, battle of, 181; retreat from, 183-7. Gaburg 124; at Malvern Hill, 165; advances on Gainesville, 181-3; killed near Chantilly, 188. KearManassas Junction, 183; fights Jackson near Gainesville, 183. Kingsport, Tenn., Gillem takes 30078; on the Rappahannock, 180; victorious at Gainesville, or second Bull Run, 188; his official repotreats on Manassas Junction, 183; fights at Gainesville, 185; general order respecting Slavery, 237; appeals for rations, &c., 186 defeated at Gainesville by Lee and Jackson, 187; his retreat, 188; nes's Mill, 155-7; at Malvern Hill, 165; at Gainesville, 182-3-5-6; at Antietam, 208. Porter, Adperates with Gen. Sigel, 179; is present at Gainesville, 183; covers the retreat at second Bull RunGaines's Mill, 156; taken prisoner, 157; at Gainesville, 183; at second Bull Run, 189; at Frederickster, Col. D. Fletcher, of Mass., killed at Gainesville, 189. Weed, Gen. S. H., killed at Gettys[5 more...]
s Mill Morell's Fifth 87 8th U. S. Colored Olustee Seymour's Tenth 87 32d Iowa Pleasant Hill Mower's Sixteenth 86 55th Illinois Shiloh Sherman's ------ 86 4th Vermont Wilderness Getty's Sixth 84 22d Massachusetts Gaines's Mill Morell's Fifth 84 13th U. S. Colored Nashville Cruft's ------ 84 10th Ohio Chaplin Hills Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862. Rousseau's ------ 84 49th Ohio Pickett's Mills T. J. Wood's Fourth 83 2d Wisconsin Manassas This loss occurred at Gainesville on the 29th. Hatch's First The First Corps was designated in that campaign the Third Corps, Army of Virginia. 83 48th New York Fort Wagner Seymour's Tenth 83 15th Kentucky Chaplin Hills Rousseau's ------ 82 36th Wisconsin Cold Harbor June 1st, 49 killed; June 3d, 32 killed. Gibbon's Second 81 24th New York Manassas Hatch's First 81 23d U. S. Colored Inf. Petersburg Mine Ferrero's Ninth 81 8th Illinois Fort Donelson McClernand's ------ 81 16th Wisconsin Shiloh
t the 35th, 36th and 37th Brigades. The Army of the Tennessee contained six divisions at Shiloh, and the Army of the Mississippi fought at Iuka without any corps formation. This lack of proper organization did not last long, and in 1863 the Western armies took the field with corps organizations similar to those which General McClellan had instituted in the Army of the Potomac, and which were retained during the remainder of the war. First Corps. Cedar Mountain Rappahannock Gainesville Groveton Second Bull Run South Mountain Antietam Fredericksburg Fitzhugh's Crossing Chancellorsville Gettysburg Mine Run. The First Corps, when at its maximum, contained 46 regiments of infantry and 12 batteries of light artillery. It was organized in March, 1862, with three divisions,--King's, McCall's, and Franklin's. General Irwin McDowell was placed in command. When General McClellan moved the Army to the Peninsula, in April, 1862, McDowell's corps was left in Northern V
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