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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 5.21 (search)
tes. Get that team out of the mud! On the afternoon of April 5th, 1862, the advance of our column was brought Skirmish at Lee's Mills before Yorktown, April 16, 1862. [see map, P. 188.] from a sketch made at the time. to a standstill, with the right in front of Yorktown, and the left by the enemy's works at Lee's mills [see p. 188]. We pitched our camp on Wormley Creek, near the Moore house, on the York River, in sight of the enemy's Vater-battery and their defensive works at Gloucester Point. One of the impediments to an immediate attack on Yorktown was the difficulty of using light artillery in the muddy fields in our front, and at that time the topography of the country ahead was but little understood, and had to be learned by reconnoissance in force. We had settled down to the siege of Yorktown; began bridging the streams between us and the enemy, constructing and improving the roads for the rapid transit of supplies, and for the advance. The first parallel was opened
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Manassas to Seven Pines. (search)
on of Yorktown, and the York River would then have been open. Mr. Davis expresses the opinion that General McClellan certainly might have sent a detachment from his army, which, after crossing York River, could have turned the position at Gloucester Point [II., 90]. That would have been needless; the driving us from Yorktown would have compelled us to abandon Gloucester Point. Then [Vol. II., p. 91] he says: Whether General McClellan . . . would have made an early assault . . . or have Gloucester Point. Then [Vol. II., p. 91] he says: Whether General McClellan . . . would have made an early assault . . . or have waited to batter our earth-works in breach . . . is questionable [II., 91]. We did not apprehend battering in breach, but believed that the heavy sea-coast rifles to be mounted in the batteries, about completed, would demolish our water-batteries, drive us from the intrenchments at Yorktown, and enable the enemy to turn us by the river. Mr. Davis quotes from one of his dispatches to me: Your announcement to-day [May 1st] that you would withdraw to-morrow night takes us by surprise, and m
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 3.24 (search)
uld accomplish in the way of destroying bridges, etc. These different parties all got off by 3 A. M. on the 3d. . . . Colonels Wyndham, Kilpatrick, and Davis were directed either to return or to push on and bring up at either Yorktown or Gloucester Point. The rest were ordered to return to the reserve with myself. Colonel Wyndham and Captain Lord returned the same day. General Gregg and Captains Merritt and Drummond the next day. Colonels Kilpatrick and Davis pushed on through to GloucesteGloucester Point. . .. We remained at Shannon's Cross-roads during the 4th, and on the morning of the 5th moved to Yanceyville, on the South Anna, where we were joined by General Gregg, Colonel Wyndham, and Captains Merritt and Drummond, each with his command. The operations of the column under General Averell are thus described by him in a communication to the editors dated May 11th, 1888: We encountered the enemy's cavalry, two thousand strong, under General W. H. F. Lee on the morning of the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The first day at Gettysburg. (search)
r capturing it, he could send the disposable part of his force to any threatened point north of the Potomac, and was informed that Lee's army, and not Richmond, was his true objective. Had he taken Richmond, Peck's large force at Suffolk and Keyes's 10,000 men The forces referred to consisted (January 1st, 1863) of three brigades and some unassigned commands at Suffolk, under General John J. Peck, and two brigades, and three cavalry commands — also unassigned, stationed at Yorktown, Gloucester Point, and Williamsburg, under General E. D. Keyes. The troops under Peck belonged to the Seventh Corps. Keyes's command was known as the Fourth Corps. Both were included in the Department of Virginia, commanded by General John A. Dix, with headquarters at Fort Monroe. While Lee was invading the North an expedition was sent by General Dix from White House to the South Anna River and Bottom's Bridge to destroy Lee's communications and threaten Richmond.--editors. in, the Peninsula might
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 4.14 (search)
ould not render service proportionate to their numerical strength. All such were depleted to the minimum necessary to hold their positions as a guard against blockade-runners; when they could not do this, their positions were abandoned altogether. In this way ten thousand men were added to the Army of the James from South Carolina alone, with General Gillmore in command. These troops, the Tenth Corps, left the Department of the South during the month of April for rendezvous at Gloucester Point, Virginia.--editors. It was not contemplated that Gillmore should leave his department; but as most of his troops were taken, presumably for active service, he asked to accompany them, and was permitted to do so. Officers and soldiers on furlough, of whom there were many thousands, were ordered to their proper commands; concentration was the order of the day, and the problem was to accomplish it in time to advance at the earliest moment the roads would permit. As a reenforcement to the Ar
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
ed line, and he prepared to receive McClellan on a second line, on Warwick River. He left a small body of troops on his first line and at Ship Point, and distributed his remaining force along a front of about thirteen miles. At Yorktown, on Gloucester Point opposite, and on Mulberry Island, on the James River, This was sometimes called Mulberry Point, for it is not actually an island now, the channel between it and the former main having been closed. he placed fixed garrisons, amounting in trty thousand three hundred and seventy-eight, whereof one hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and ninety-two were present and fit for duty. Franklin's division, which he so much desired, and with which he promised to invest and attack Gloucester Point immediately, as the preliminary to an assault on Yorktown, was promptly sent to him; but those troops, over twelve thousand strong, were kept in idleness about a fortnight on the transports in the York River, because, as McClellan alleged, h
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
e for some weeks. On the 10th of February 1863. W. H. F. Lee, with his brigade, made an unsuccessful attempt to surprise and capture the National forces at Gloucester Point, opposite Yorktown; and at a little past midnight, a month later, March 8. a small band of mounted men, led by the afterward famous guerilla chief, John S. the Mattapony the next day, May 5, 1863. went raiding through the country without molestation, destroying Confederate property here and there, and reaching Gloucester Point, on the York, on the 7th. Meanwhile Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, with the Twelfth Illinois, swept along the line of the South Anna to the Fredericksburg raile II. he met and skirmished with Confederate cavalry, and being repulsed, he inclined still more to the left, crossed the Pamunkey and Mattapony, and reached Gloucester Point without further interruption. Gregg and Buford had, meanwhile, been raiding in the neighborhood of the South Anna, closely watched by Hampton and Fitzhugh L
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 12: operations against Richmond. (search)
between Hampton and Williamsburg. while cavalry made a demonstration in the direction of Richmond. He also sent the bulk of his army in that direction as far as the old lines of McClellan For an account of the operations of McClellan between Fortress Monroe and Williamsburg, see Chapters. XIV. and XV., volume II. The route from Hampton; the fortifications at Big Bethel, and in the vicinity of Yorktown and Williamsburg, are indicated in the little map on this page. at Yorktown and Gloucester Point; and so successful was the stratagem, that the Confederates were satisfied that Butler was about to move on Richmond in the pathway trodden by McClellan two years before, See chapters XIV., XV., and XVI., volume II. The map on the opposite page, omitted by accident when that record was printed, will not only give the reader an idea of the entire region of stirring operations in Southeastern Virginia at that time, but may be usefully consulted when studying the great and decisive cam
Lee's forces at, 3.57; great battles at, 3.59-3.73; visits of the author to in 1863, 3.76, and in 1866, 3.79; weapons and missiles used at, 3.78; national cemetery at, 3.80; important influence of the national victory at, 3.81, 88. Gillmore, Gen. Q. A., operations of against Fort Pulaski, 2.316; appointed to the Department of the South, 3.198; operations of against the defenses of Charleston, 3.200-3.211. Glasgow, Ark., capture of by Price, 3.279. Glendale, battle of, 2.430. Gloucester Point, attempt of W. H. F. Lee to surprise, 3.21. Goldsboroa, N. C., Foster's expedition against, 3.181; capture of by Gen. Schofield, 3.494; junction of Schofleld's, Terry's and Sherman's forces at, 3.503. Goldsborough, Commodore Louis M., naval operations of on the coast of North Carolina, 2.166-2.175. Grafton, National troops at, 1.497; McClellan at, 1. 531. Grand Ecore, Porter's gun-boats at, 3.256. Grand Gulf, batteries at passed by Porter's fleet, 2.603; abandoned by the
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 34: (search)
at a good deal of damage was inflicted upon the fort in spite of a heavy sea, which rendered the firing from the vessels somewhat uncertain. The gun-boats themselves suffered little damage. On May 5, 1862, Yorktown was evacuated by the Confederates, and General McClellan telegraphed to Captain Wm. Smith of the Wachusett to assist in communicating with Gloucester and to send some of the gun-boats up York River to reconnoitre. The flotilla was immediately underway, and proceeded to Gloucester Point, where the American flag was hoisted. The Corwin, Lieutenant T. S. Phelps, and the Currituck, Acting-Master W. F. Shankland, pushed on some twelve miles further up. Commander T. H. Patterson, in the Chocura, proceeded up the river as far as Lieutenant-Commander (now Rear-Admiral) T. S. Phelps. West Point, which had been deserted by the enemy. White flags were flying all along the river. A few small vessels were captured, but the enemy had fled from that quarter. About the 7t
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