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nd Grierson's raids Grierson's victory at Egypt Hatch worsted at Honey Hill Foster occupies Pocotaligo Sherman enters South Carolina pushes for the Edisto horrible roads fight near Branchville y Gen. Halleck to make a demonstration inland in behalf of Gen. Sherman, who was expected near Pocotaligo at the end of November, was enabled to spare from his various garrisons but 5,000 men for thisd, after Hardee had fled past to Charleston, he occupied without resistance the Rebel works at Pocotaligo, and at the railroad crossings of the Coosawhatchie and Tullifinny. Gen. Foster was preparingme, accordingly, the 17th corps, Gen. F. P. Blair, was taken by water around by Hilton Head to Pocotaligo, whence it menaced Charleston; as the left wing, Gen. Slocum, with Kilpatrick's cavalry, movedhe 19th corps having been sent by Gen. Grant to form its garrison. Some feints were made from Pocotaligo of an advance on Charleston; Foster's position between the Coosawhatchie and Tullifinny abando
141-2; at second Bull Run, 189; killed at Antietam, 209. Brannan, Gen. J. M., at Chickamauga, 415; attacks Walker at Pocotaligo, 463. Brashear City, La., surprised and captured by Dick Taylor, 337. Breckinridge, Gen. John C., 60, 61; defeateille, Mo., 450. Plaquemine, La., 338. Pleasant Grove. La., 541. Plymouth, N. C., 533. Pocahontas, Ark., 451. Pocotaligo, S. C., 463. Pomeroy. Ohio, 406. Poolesville, Md., 352. Port Conway, Va., 394. Port Gibson, Miss., 297. Port Republl on the Rapidan, 394; his operations in Missouri, 559. Plymouth, N. C., Wessells besieged by Hoke in, 533-4. Pocotaligo, S. C., fight at, 463. Poe, Capt., Engineers, defends Knoxville against Longstreet, 432. Polignac, Prince, beaten bynio, 18. Walker, Gen. W. H. T., at Antietam. 207; defeated at Jackson, 306; at Chickamauga. 415; fights Brannan at Pocotaligo, 463; retreats up Red river before Gen. A. J. Smith, 537; killed at Decatur, Ga., 633. Walker, Capt. (Navy), up the
ngaged at Fort Donelson and Shiloh. Seventeenth Corps. Port Gibson Hankinson's Ferry Raymond Jackson (May 14th); Champion's Hill assault on Vicksburg, May 19th assault on Vicksburg, May 22d); Fort Hill Vicksburg Trenches Siege of Jackson Meridian Expedition Missionary Ridge Big Shanty Kenesaw Mountain Chattahoochie River Nickajack Creek battle of Atlanta Ezra Church Jonesboro Lovejoy's Station Sherman's March Ogeechee River Siege of Savannah Combahee River Pocataligo River's Bridge Edisto River Orangeburg Cheraw Fayetteville Bentonville Benton; Second, or Red River Division. Vaughn's Station; Second, or Red River Division. Jackson (July 6, 1864); Second, or Red River Division. Fort De Russy; Second, or Red River Division. Cloutiersville; Second, or Red River Division. Cane River; Second, or Red River Division. marks ville; Second, or Red River Division. Bayou De Glaize; Second, or Red River Division. Nashville.
r Loaf Hill, N. C. 1 Present, also, at Pocotaligo; St. John's River; Pilatka. notes.--Organ Island, S. C. 19 Deep Bottom, Va. 15 Pocotaligo, S. C. 6 Near Richmond, Va., Oct. 1, 1864 3 Present, also, at Blackburn's Ford, Va.; Pocotaligo, S. C.; Kelly's Ford, Va.; Fredericksburg, Va.;ttles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Pocotaligo, S. C. 4 Wilderness, Va. 20 Picket, S. C., 1burg, Va. (assault, June 15, 1864) 46 Pocotaligo, S. C. 6 Petersburg Trenches, Va. 12 Swift Csland, S. C. 2 Bermuda Hundred, Va. 2 Pocotaligo, S. C. 16 Cold Harbor, Va. 9 Fort Wagner, S.iss.; Jackson. Miss.; Big Black, Miss.; Pocotaligo, S. C.; Sherman's March; Bentonville, N. C. an March, Miss.; Siege of Savannah, Ga.; Pocotaligo, S. C.; Columbia, S. C.; Bentonville, N. C. a, Ga.; Flint River, Ga.; Savannah, Ga.; Pocotaligo, S. C.; Rivers's Bridge, S. C.; Orangeburg, S. avannah, Ga. 1 Picket, July 1, 1864 1 Pocotaligo, S. C. 1 Nickajack Creek, Ga. 4 Congaree Cre[2 more...]
---------- 46 167 12 225 1st Wisconsin Rousseau's ---------- 58 132 14 204 105th Ohio Jackson's ---------- 43 147 13 203 3d Ohio Rousseau's ---------- 43 147 -- 190 98th Ohio Jackson's ---------- 35 162 32 229 79th Pennsylvania Rousseau's ---------- 40 146 30 216 21st Wisconsin Rousseau's ---------- 38 103 56 197 123d Illinois Jackson's ---------- 35 119 35 189 10th Wisconsin Rousseau's ---------- 37 109 4 150 22d Indiana Mitchell's ---------- 49 87 23 159 Pocotaligo, S. C.             Oct. 22, 1862.             47th Pennsylvania Brannan's ---------- 18 94 -- 112 76th Pennsylvania Brannan's ---------- 12 66 1 79 Labadiesville, La.             Oct. 27, 1862.             8th New Hampshire Weitzel's ---------- 12 35 1 48 Prairie Grove, Ark.             Dec. 7, 1862.             20th Wisconsin Herron's ---------- 50 154 13 217 19th Iowa Herron's ---------- 45 145 3 193 26th Indiana Huston's -------
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
mond, Ky. Monocacy, Md. Port Republic, Va. Fredericksburg, Va. Brice's Cross Roads, Miss. Wilson's Creek, Mo. Chancellorsville, Va. Island Ford, Va. Pocotaligo, S. C. Winchester, Va. (1863). Deep Bottom, Va. Maryland Heights, Md. Chickamauga, Ga. Ream's Station, Va. Shepherdstown, Va. Olustee, Fla. Hatcher's Run, Va.520 Oct. 5 Hatchie Bridge, Miss 46 493 31 570 Oct. 8 Chaplin Hills, Ky 845 2,851 515 4,211 Oct. 8, 9 Lawrenceburg, Ky. (Dog Walk) 8 20 13 41 Oct. 22 Pocotaligo, S. C 43 294 3 340 Oct. 27 Georgia Landing, La 18 74 5 97 Dec. 5 Coffeeville, Miss 10 63 41 114 Dec. 7 Hartsville, Tenn 58 204 1,834 2,096 Dec. 7 Pr9 693 Oct. 3-5 Includes loss at Hatchie River, October 5th.Corinth, Miss 505 2,150 2,183 4,838 Oct. 8 Chaplin Hills, Ky 510 2,635 251 3,396 Oct. 22 Pocotaligo, S. C 21 124 18 163 Dec. 5 Coffeeville, Miss 7 43 10 60 Dec. 7 Hartsville, Tenn 21 104 14 139 Dec. 7 Prairie Grove, Ark 164 817 -- 981 Dec. 12-17 Ki
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
----- Hebert's 19 62 -- 81 Chaplin Hills, Ky.             Oct. 8, 1862.             16th Tennessee Donelson's Cheatham's 41 151 7 199 1st Tennessee Maney's Cheatham's 49 129 1 179 9th Tennessee Maney's Cheatham's 32 114 8 154 41st Georgia Maney's Cheatham's 23 125 3 151 27th Tennessee Maney's Cheatham's 16 81 11 108 31st Tennessee Stewart's Cheatham's 17 78 5 100 6th Tennessee Maney's Cheatham's 16 64 11 91 5th Tennessee Stewart's Cheatham's 14 64 12 90 Pocotaligo, S. C.             Oct. 22, 1862.             7th S. C. Battalion Walker's ------------ 3 22 -- 25 11th South Carolina Walker's ------------ 4 15 2 21 Nelson's Battalion Walker's ------------ 4 17 -- 21 Fredericksburg, Va.             Dec. 13, 1862.             57th North Carolina Law's Hood's 32 192 -- 224 48th North Carolina Cooke's Ransom's 17 161 -- 178 1st S. C. Rifles Gregg's A. P. Hill's 21 149 -- 170 14th Georgia Thomas's A. P
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
momentary danger of being cut off. When Colonel Dunovant ordered a retreat, tears of mortification and indignation filled the eyes of Capt. Elliott at the sad necessity. The retreat was admirably conducted, and rendered entirely successful by the prudent energy of Capt. Hanckel, one of Gen. Ripley's aids, who had got together some twelve flats at Station Creek, by which the troops passed safely over to St. Helena Island. From there they passed to Beaufort Island, and reached the train at Pocotaligo without the loss or injury of a man. In this fort none were killed, and but five were wounded, and two of these were wounded by negligence in loading a cannon, by which hot shot was driven on the powder without the wet wad preceding it. The rest of the story is briefly told. Late on Thursday night the garrison of Fort Walker had collected at the landing, in the hope of being able to reach Bluffton by water. Luckily, several small Confederate steamers were within hail. But here a ludi
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 22 (search)
which carried us some three miles down the river, to the steamer W. W. Coit (I think), on board of which we found General Foster. He had just come from Port Royal, expecting to find Admiral Dahlgren in Ossabaw Sound, and, hearing of the capture of Fort McAllister, he had come up to see me. He described fully the condition of affairs with his own command in South Carolina. He had made several serious efforts to effect a lodgment on the railroad which connects Savannah with Charleston near Pocotaligo, but had not succeeded in reaching the railroad itself, though he had a full division of troops, strongly intrenched, near Broad River, within cannon-range of the railroad. He explained, moreover, that there were at Port Roya. abundant supplies of bread and provisions, as well as of clothing, designed for our use. We still had in our wagons and in camp abundance of meat, but we needed bread, sugar, and coffee, and it was all-important that a route of supply should at once be opened, for
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 23 (search)
y in hand about the head of Broad River, say Pocotaligo, Robertsville, and Coosawhatchie, by the 15te of forage and provisions. Howard to be at Pocotaligo by the 15th January, and Slocum to be at Robto protect the rivers as soon as Howard gets Pocotaligo. W. T. Sherman, Major-General. Therefor-point on the South Carolina side, selecting Pocotaligo and Hardeeville as the points of rendezvous on Beaufort Island, and began his march for Pocotaligo, twenty-five miles inland. They crossed the name. All the country between Beaufort and Pocotaligo was low alluvial land, cut up by an infiniteFebruary; so I determined to go in person to Pocotaligo, and there act as though we were bound for Curing the war. The next morning I rode to Pocotaligo, and thence reconnoitred our entire line dowcampaign. We therefore rested quietly about Pocotaligo, collecting stores and making final preparats some respect for my name, for they gave up Pocotaligo without a fight when they heard that the att[12 more...]
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