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ivision marches to Bentonville, Arkansas Description of the country rebel prisoners sent to Springfield they were brought in by loyal Arkansas troops a meteor of great brightnsss observed Reflecservices. Colonel Judson's brigade is encamped at Mt. Vernon, about thirty miles west of Springfield. The cavalry is obliged to keep constantly moving in order to find sufficient forage for the animals. The troops in the vicinity of Springfield do not seem to be making any preparations for an active spring campaign into that section of Arkansas occupied by the enemy. I should like to heabel prisoners, recently captured in the direction of Van Buren. They are to be sent to Springfield, Missouri, in a few days, as we have no facilities for holding prisoners of war in safety. As allnsas troops at Fayetteville will be much isolated, unless, however, some of the troops about Springfield shall move southwest in this direction. It is the intention to immediately commence the cons
e Sterling Price's army out of Missouri into Arkansas, attacking it first at Springfield and then at Sugar Creek, but pursued them to Fayetteville, twenty miles sout troops, except General Sigel's division, were on the main road leading from Springfield to Fayetteville. His division was on the road leading from Bentonville to F, which, as already stated, at this point is about twelve miles west of the Springfield and Fayetteville road. His position was therefore a critical one, and had Gfternoon with General Jeff. C. Davis' division, about two miles west of the Springfield road at the west end of Pea Ridge. Our forces, however, were still divided front north instead of south. General Sterling Price's forces occupied the Springfield road directly north of General Curtis' camp, and the divisions of the enemy mile north of Elk Horn tavern, on the brow of a hill a few yards west of the Springfield and Fayetteville road, I counted thirty-three graves close together, the hea
ing the fall of 1861, as commanding Moonlight's battery, the first light battery raised in Kansas. I think he was also on the staff of General James H. Lane when he marched the Kansas brigade through Missouri to join General Fremont's army at Springfield. No officer has been more active in organizing and fitting out our Kansas troops for the field; nor has any officer been more active in the field than Colonel Moonlight. His sound judgment and counsel no doubt contributed largely to the succ do not want a Commanding General with no decided policy, and who will be continually hampering the movements of troops in the field. A party of dispatch bearers and mail carries just arrived from Neosho, state that a report came therefrom Springfield, that General Hunter has captured Charleston, S. C., after very hard fighting. While we should be greatly delighted to hear of the fall of that rebel stronghold, we are not inclined to credit the report as true. It is amusing to notice the e
camp, using him most of the time as a guide. This considerable force of the enemy's cavalry, so near our troops, indicates; his intention of displaying greater activity as the season advances. Now that we are getting so far away from Fayetteville, about fifty miles, and as we shall probably have our own hands full very soon, Colonel Harrison will have to depend upon his own resources to hold his station. We are unable to understand why so many of our troops are kept in the vicinity of Springfield, as we have heard of no threatened invasion of Missouri by the enemy directly south or southeast of that place. The State Militia could probably preserve order in that section if our volunteer troops should occupy a more advanced position, and prevent the invasion of the State by the organized forces of the enemy. The refugee train arrived to-day (9th) from Neosho, having been ten days en route to this place. The train, which was about a mile long, came in sight about ten o'clock.
equipage, and retreated towards Van Buren. They will, however, doubtless return again shortly, as our troops have now been all withdrawn from that section. They will not only return, but they will probably return and carry their arms still further north and west until they meet with resistance from our forces. Colonel Harrison, instead of joining Colonel Schaurte at the State line, abandoned Fayetteville, and retreated to Cassville, Missouri, a small town on the main road leading to Springfield. It is much regretted that Colonel Harrison did not display a little more nerve, and that he has felt the necessity of abandoning his post, for it leaves the Union people of northwestern Arkansas without any protection whatever. If his supplies were running too short to enable him to stand a seige of a week or so, and if he could get no assurance of reinforcements in the event of a seige, then there may be some justification for his action. The enemy have been reinforced since the enga
. We find that we shall be obliged to remain here perhaps a week to await dispatches from Springfield. Colonel Harrison will probably endeavor to justify his action before the Department Commandlso several companies stationed at Mount Vernon, thirty miles northeast of this place, and at Springfield there are probably between three and four thousand effective troops. The Missouri State tolonel Cloud, with a force of two thousand men and a battery of light artillery, was to leave Springfield immediately for this point. But he has not put in an appearance yet. He has probably marchednge around the old brick Court House at Cassville. The dispatches and mail have arrived from Springfield; our horses have rested and fared moderately well in regard to forage, and we now leave for Fps at Cassville, nor do they propose to return to Fayetteville until they are reinforced from Springfield. Nothing of interest occurred the first day of our return march, but the second day, betw
make an advance all along our lines, east and west, and overthrow the enemy at every point. Several Indian women who have just arrived from near the Arkansas line a few miles south of Maysville, state that it was currently reported when they left, that General Brown, commanding the Missouri State troops in southwest Missouri, recently had a fight with General Marmaduke's cavalry and defeated it with considerable loss. We do not hear much about the movements of our troops southwest of Springfield and around Cassville, but hope that they have not been idle. We have expected however, that they would have moved forward and re-occupied Fayetteville before this. Had they done so a month ago, it would have relieved us of the necessity of using so many of the troops of this command is watching the movements of the enemy along the Arkansas line to the east of us, and our isolation would not have been so complete as it is at present. Even at this moment it is probable that a force of t
e recent military operations in Missouri shows that the enemy have lost more by the invasion than they gained. The supply train started on the 28th instant for Fort Smith; General Blunt accompanies it. The escort is composed of the Second Kansas colored infantry, two companies of the Fourteenth Kansas cavalry, Captain Smith's battery of light artillery of four rifled guns, one battalion of the Twelfth Kansas infantry, and General Blunt's escort. General McNeil and Colonel Cloud left Springfield about three days ago, for Fort Smith, and will not likely leave undisturbed any considerable force of the enemy that might be in northwestern Arkansas. On account of the rain and snow-storm which has prevailed in this section for several days past, the roads are heavy, and the progress of the train will be slower than usual. And the infantry, too, will find it disagreeable marching. A few days' march, however, will bring them into a region where the roads are firmer. Some of the troop
usket for one of our best new patterns. If they can afford to weaken their own cause by pride, we surely need not regret it. They are too blind to see that they are fluttering around the lamp of their own destruction. A dispatch from Springfield, Missouri, of the 6th instant, states that General Marmaduke, with a force of about two thousand men and several pieces of artillery, was, on the 3d instant, encamped on White River in Arkansas, near the southern line of Missouri. It is believed that he either intends to make a raid on Springfield, or to endeavor to capture our supply trains en route between that place and Fort Smith. There are, probably, nearly three thousand State troops in southwest Missouri, and should he invade the State, they will likely soon to be able to check his movements, and put him to flight. The energy with which they pressed General Shelby last October, and their success in capturing his artillery, has given them great confidence in their ability to me
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Mr. Lincoln and the force bill. (search)
cord my vote against it, which they promised to do; I, on my part, promising to report to them the particulars of my proposed interview. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when I left the Capitol, and driving rapidly to Willard's, where the President-elect had a suite of rooms fronting the avenue, the first person I met on reaching the hotel was an old acquaintance from the county of Berkeley, Virginia, Colonel Ward H. Lamon, Mr. Lincoln's law partner and compagnon de voyage from Springfield to Washington, who, on learning my wishes, kindly undertook to ascertain if Mr. Lincoln, whom he had just left alone, would see me. He soon came down with an invitation to walk up stairs, and as I did so, accompanied by the Colonel, I noticed that the corridors were strictly guarded by policemen — an unnecessary but natural precaution under the circumstances of apprehension and excitement that then prevailed in Washington. On being introduced, Mr. Lincoln greeted me with great kindne
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