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hich had been greatly reduced during the Hannibalian war. In B. C. 199 he was quaestor, and towards the expiration of his office he sued for the consulship. He was opposed by two tribunes, who maintained that he ought first to go through the offices of aedile and praetor, before aiming at the consulship; but as he had reached the legitimate age, the senate declared that he was entitled to offer himself as a candidate. The tribunes yielded, and T. Quintius Flamininus was elected consul for B. C. 198, together with Sex. Aelius Paetus. When the two consuls drew lots for their provinces, T. Flamininus obtained Macedonia. According to a resolution of the senate, he levied an army of 3000 foot and 300 horse, as a supplement for the army engaged against Philip of Macedonia, and he selected such men as had already distinguished themselves in Spain and Africa. Some prodigies detained him for a short time in Rome, as the gods had to be propitiated by a supplication; but he then hastened withou
Galba 2. Ser. Sulpicius Galba, was elected curule aedile in B. C. 208, and three years later he was one of the ambassadors that were sent to Asia to solicit the friendship of Attalus in the impending war between the Romans and Philip of Macedonia. In 203, he was elected pontiff in the place of Q. Fabius Maximus, and in this capacity he died in B. C. 198. (Liv. 27.21, 29.11, 30.26, 32.7.)
Galba 3. C. Sulpicius Galba was elected pontifex in B. C. 201, in the place of T. Manlius Torquatus, but died as early as B. C. 198. (Liv. 30.39, 32.7.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
city he was one of those appointed to accompany the praetor, M. Pomponius Matho, to inquire into the charge of sacrilege brought by the Locrians against Scipio, as well as his lieutenant, Pleminius. (Liv. 29.20.) Four years later (B. C. 200) he was curule aedile with Sex. Aelius Paetus: they rendered their magistracy conspicuous by the quantity of corn that they imported at a cheap rate from Africa, as well as by the magnificence with which they celebrated the Roman games. (Liv. 31.50.) In B. C. 198 he was elected one of the praetors, and obtained Sicily as his province, with a force of 4000 foot and 300 horse, but his services were confined to the sending supplies to the Roman armies in Greece. (Id. 32.8, 27.) After the customary interval of two years he obtained the consulship, with L. Furius Purpureo, B. C. 196. (Id. 33.24; Fast. Capit.) His great object was to obtain the renewal or continuation of the Macedonian war, to which an end had just been put by Flamininus; but this was fr
when the Achaean army had been disbanded, and the contingents had not been fixed for the different states, that Philip undertook to repel Nabis, on condition that the Achaeans would help him to defend Corinth and some other places. As his object was evidently to involve the Achaeans in his contest with the Romans, his offer was prudently declined, and the assembly at which it was made was dismissed, after a decree had been passed for levying troops against Nabis. (Liv. 31.25.) Philip now (B. C. 198), finding it inconvenient to defend Argos himself, instructed Philocles to give up the custody of the city to Nabis, who, after having betrayed the people into an open expression of the hatred they felt towards him, was admitted by night into the city. He forthwith proceeded to extort the money of the citizens by means similar to those which he had found so successful at Sparta; and then, to secure the support of at least one portion of the community, he proposed a decree for the cancellin
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Paetus, Ae'lius 6. SEX. AELIUS PAETUS CATUS, consul B. C. 198, a jurist. See below.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Paetus, Ae'lius 2. Sex. Aelius Paetus, the brother of Publius, was curule aedile B. C. 200, consul B. C. 198, with T. Quinctius Flamininus (Liv. 32.7), and censor B. C. 193 with Cn. Cornelius Cethegus. (Liv. 34.44, 35.9.) During their censorship, the censors gave orders to the curule aediles to appoint distinct seats at the Ludi Romani for the senators, who up to that time had sat promiscuously with others. The Atrium of Libertas and the Villa Publica were also repaired and enlarged by the censors. Sextus had a reputation as a jurist and a prudent man, whence he got the cognomen Catus. Egregie cordatus homo Catus Aelius Sextus (Cic. de Orat. 1.45), which is a line of Ennius. Sextus was a jurist of eminence, and also a ready speaker. (Cic. Brut. 100.20.) He is enumerated among the old Jurists who collected or arranged the matter of law (juris antiqui eonditor; Cod. 7. tit. 7. s. 1), which he did in a work entitled Tripartita or Jus Aelianum. This was a work on the Twelve Tables,
Phae'neas (*Faine/as), an Aetolian of high rank, who held the office of praetor of the Aetolian league in B. C. 198, and was present at the conference between Flamininus and Philip at the Malian gulf, on which occasion he distinguished himself by the vehemence of his opposition to the demands of the Macedonian king. (Plb. 17.1,3,4; Liv. 32.32, 33, 34.) Early in the ensuing spring (B. C. 197) he joined Flamininus with the Aetolian contingent, and appears to have rendered important services in the campaign that followed (Liv. 33.3,6, 7). But in the conference that was again held between the Roman general and Philip, for the settlement of the terms of peace, after the decisive battle of Cynoscephalae, Phaeneas gave great offence to Flamininus by the pertinacity with which he insisted on the restitution, to the Aetolians of certain cities in Thessaly, and the dispute between them on this occasion is regarded by Polybius as the first origin of the war that subsequently broke out between t
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Philippus V. (search)
g any hostile operations. Philip meanwhile had followed up his victory over the Aetolians by laying siege to Thaumaci, in Thessaly, but the courageous defence of the garrison protracted this siege until so late a period of the year, that Philip was compelled to abandon the enterprise, and return to Macedonia for the winter. (Id. 32.3, 4.) After spending this period of repose in the most active preparations for renewing the contest, he took the field again with the first approach of spring, B. C. 198, and established his camp in a strong position near the pass of Antigoneia, where it completely commanded the direct route into Macedonia, Viilius advanced to a position near that of the king, but was wholly unable to force the pass; and while he was still deliberating what to do, his successor Flamininus arrived and took the command of the army. (Id. ib. 5, 6, 9.) The events of the war from this period till its termination have been already fully given under FLAMININUS. By the peace fin
Phi'locles 2. An officer and friend of Philip V. of Macedon. In B. C. 200, when Philip was compelled by Attalus I. and the Rhodians to winter in Caria. Philocles was with him, and formed a plan, which did not, however, succeed, for gaining possession of the town of Mylasa. In the same year he was sent by Philip into Attica to ravage the country, and made an unsuccessful attempt on Eleusis, and also afterwards, in conjunction with Philip, on Athens and the Peiraeeus. In B. C. 198 he was stationed at Chalcis in Euboea, and failed in an endeavour to succour Eretria, which the combined forces of the Romans, the Rhodians, and Attalus were besieging, and which was taken by them very shortly after the repulse of Philocles. In the same year, however, he compelled L. Quintius Flamininus and Attalus to raise the siege of Corinth, having brought up through Boeotia to the promontory of Juno Acraea, just opposite Sicyon, a reinforcement of 1500 men; and in consequence of this success he was invit
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