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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, South Carolina Volunteers. (search)
Descent). Organized at Beaufort, S. C., January 31, 1863. Attached to District of Beaufort, S. C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to January, 1864. Barton's Brigade, District of Hilton Head, S. C., 10th Corps, to February, 1864. Service. Before muster, 3 Companies on Expedition along coasts of Georgia and Florrican Descent). Organized at Hilton Head, S. C., June, 1863. Attached to District of Hilton Head, S. C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. South, to January, 1864. Barton's Brigade, District Hilton Head, S. C., to February, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Vodges' Division, District of Florida, to March, 1864. Service. Post duty at Hiltgiment Infantry (African Descent). Organized at Fernandina, Florida, July, 1863. Attached to Post of Fernandina, Florida, Dept. South, to January, 1864. Barton's Brigade, District of Hilton Head, S. C., to February, 1864. 3rd Brigade, Vodges' Division, District of Florida, to March, 1864. Service. Duty at Fernan
eved by General Giles B. Smith's division of the Seventeenth corps, which repulsed the pugnacious Hibernian chief without delay. The loss of the Fifteenth corps during the assault foots up thirty-one killed, one hundred and twenty-six wounded, four missing. Our loss in the whole affair will not exceed two hundred. We played upon the enemy with two batteries. Lieutenant-Colonel Myers, Tenth Mississippi, fell into our hands badly wounded. The bodies of the rebel Colonel Williams and Major Barton fell into our hands In all, seven rebel field-officers were killed and wounded in Hazen's front. It was remarked that the officers behaved during the fight with perfect recklessness. Toward evening the Seventeenth corps advanced, and went into position on the left of the Fifteenth. The Sixteenth corps took position on the right of the Fifteenth, and faced to the south-east. Sixty-eight rebels, all badly wounded, are collected in one of Logan's hospitals. The two rebel corps at
was to be lost to bring our guns into battery, and to throw companies of the Seventh Connecticut volunteers out as skirmishers on our right. The infantry line-of-battle was in cool promptness formed of the brigades commanded respectively by Colonels Barton, Forty-eighth New York volunteers, Hawley, Seventh Connecticut volunteers, and Montgomery, Second South Carolina volunteers. Soon our artillery-fire became hot and hotter, and the musketry incessant. Looking about for a convenient ambulaksonville, however, and of more ambulances I had requested the General to send Surgeon Mulford, Forty-eighth New York volunteers, to Jacksonville and Hilton Head, and this, while not yet informed that a forward movement would take place. But Colonel Barton, his immediate commander, not approving of his surgeon leaving just then, the General cancelled the request, for some days, when at 10 P. M., the command was ordered to have cooked rations prepared, and be ready for the march at daybreak of F
ck of the rebels. Ashby was wounded slightly in the head, and not one of his officers escaped a wound, though none were seriously hurt. Fifteen of the gunners were killed. By great efforts the artillerists brought off the limbers and caissons. Belge's First Rhode Island battery, famous all along the coast, for the first time lost a gun — a twelve-pounder brass field piece. Captain Belge is reported wounded in the leg, and a prisoner. The loss of the battery was heavy. Hawley's and Barton's brigades, of Terry's division, Tenth corps, did the hardest fighting on the left of our line. Both organizations suffered severely. We took in all about two hundred rebels prisoners. Among them were several high officers, a colonel, a major, and a score or more of captains and lieutenants. Prisoners tell us that on Sunday night they were reinforced by three. brigades from Richmond, but whether from Lee's army or not we could not determine. Bragg and Jeff. Davis are positively asser
open space of two thirds of a mile in width, beyond which, in a piece of pine woods, the enemy was in force, intrenched. Across the opening General Smith ordered a charge, which was brilliantly executed by Devin's division (brigades of Drake and Barton). The division, though moving at the pas de charge, suffered very heavily from the artillery of the enemy, which had a clean sweep of the field. Drake's brigade especially, had been much cut up, its leader had fallen mortally wounded, and on reaching the rebel ranks began to waver. Barton's brigade, however, emerging from the woods on its right, dashed forward with a yell, cleared the abattis, and gained the enemy's works, taking about three hundred prisoners. Ricketts' division of the Sixth corps, which was formed on the left of Devin's, behaved with equal gallantry, carried the rebel rifle-pits, and also took several hundred prisoners. The enemy, however, still held his position oh the right of Smith, in front of the division of Bro
By starting on diverging roads, the enemy was left in doubt as to our real object, and compelled to watch equally Columbus, Tuscaloosa and Selma. Upton's division, followed by his train, marched rapidly by the most easterly route, passing by Barton's station, Throgmorton's Mills, Russelville, Mount Hope, and Jasper, to Sanders' ferry, on the west fork of the Black Warrior river. Long's division marched by the way of Cherokee station and Frankfort, but being encumbered by the pontoon traie weather was pleasant, and the roads, though rough, were nevertheless very firm and passable. Corps headquarters passed through Cherokee station at twelve M., and at five o'clock P. M., after a march of eighteen miles, camped within a mile from Barton's station. March twenty-third. March began at an early hour; weather fine, country similar in appearance to that passed over on the day before, being hilly and rough. The soil is here sandy and barren, and the population small. General Wils
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix: letters from our army workers. (search)
a pass out of the city to a friend near town. Next day I visited the War Department, found notice of its close, and instructions to all officers to report to General Barton. About noon an order was issued exempting ministers and chaplains from service in the trenches; but as danger was imminent, I went out and remained there (prn, First Corps, and it continued in this position to the surrender, under different commanders. General Armistead was killed at Gettysburg. Our next general was Barton; then George H. Steuart, of Maryland, who remained with it till the surrender. I knew very little about the other regiments—viz., Ninth, Fourteenth, Fifty-third t a time in the army (about ten months), and on so limited a field, that I have but little of interest to narrate. I was chaplain of the Ninth Virginia Infantry, Barton's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Colonel Phillips commanding. I preached to my own regiment every Sabbath when it was in my power; also often to the whole brigad
4 to 6th Battery. Avery, Daniel P.,21Boston, Ma.Nov. 20, 1862Dec. 25, 1863, re-enlistment. Avery, Daniel P.,23Danvers, Ma.Dec. 26, 1863Deserted Jan. .., 1864. Avery, James T.,21Colrain, Ma.Sept. 3, 1864June 11, 1865, expiration of service. Barsantee, Alphonso,29Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Barrett, Charles H.,21Boston, Ma.Jan. 20, 1864Deserted, never joined Battery. Barney, Edward F.,23Southborough, Ma.July 31, 1861Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Barton, Frederick N.,18Heath, Ma.Aug. 30, 1864June 11, 1865, expiration of service. Barnes, Henry Q.,22Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Died Aug. 14, 1862, New Orleans, La. Bartlett, Hiram,24Charlestown, Ma.Dec. 11, 1862Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Bates, William T.,22Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Bellew, John,40Boston, Ma.Jan. 12, 1864Aug. 11, 1865, expiration of service. Benoit, Nazar,18Hadley, Ma.Jan. 4, 1864Died Apr. 18, 1864, New Orleans, La. Bicknell, Ira
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 2 (search)
ious advance of this line soon began to press the handful of Confederates back; but Evans was speedily re-enforced by portions of the brigades of Colonels Bee and Barton, who were at hand near the Stone Bridge, and, by these united forces, a fresh stand was made on a position still west of Young's Branch. But the increasing press imperilled. Jackson, who with his brigade of five regiments had been in reserve not far from the Stone Bridge, went up just at the time that Evans, and Bee, and Barton, who had been holding the advance position, had given way, and were attempting to rally and reform their troops on the plateau. He came not a moment too soon. Bee approaching Jackson, and pointing to the mingled remnants of his own command, and the shattered brigades of Barton and Evans huddled up in the woods, exclaimed, General, they are beating us back. Sir, we'll give them the bayonet, replied Jackson; and Bee, rushing back to his troops, rallied them with the words: There is Jack
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 24: (search)
. Yours faithfully, Geo. Ticknor. To J. G. Cogswell, Esq. Brookline, September 7, 1869. my dear Cogswell,—. . . . We had a most agreeable visit from Mrs. Barton Formerly Miss Cora Livingston, daughter of Mrs. Edward Livingston. See Vol. I. pp. 350, 351. and you, and would gladly have had more of it. Indeed, we had ng both the Shakespeare collection and the miscellaneous library here mentioned, is now among the treasures of the Boston Public Library. It was purchased from Mrs. Barton shortly before her death, in 1873. But I had no opinions to give her different from those I gave her when you were present, to wit, that she should make up her efully and well about Shakespeare or the old English drama, must sit down by the Barton books and study his subject there, or else go to England. But I think Mrs. Barton is not only a very winning and attractive person, but that she has in her character a great deal of her mother, who was one of the most intelligent and acute wo
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