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town, watched this ominous gathering in his front at the head of a Rebel force officially reported by limn at 11,000 in all: 6,000 being required to garrison Gloucester Point, Yorktown, and Mulberry Island; leaving but 5,000 available for the defense of a line of 13 miles. Gen. McClellan says his information placed Magruder's commtion demonstrated a remarkable heroism and spirit. Our little force was adroitly extended over a distance of several miles, reaching from Mulberry Island to Gloucester Point, a regiment being posted here and there, in every gap plainly open to observation, and on other portions of the line the men being posted at long intervals, uarters army of the Potomac, April 10. Hon. Edwin A. Stanton, Secretary of War: The reconnoissance to-day proves that it is necessary to invest and attack Gloucester Point Give me Franklin's and McCall's divisions, under command of Franklin, and I will at once undertake it. If circumstances of which I am not aware make it impos
road, near Meadow Bridge, doing there a little mischief; and thence pushing north-eastward across the Pamunkey near Hanover, and the Mattapony at Aylett's, to King and Queen Court House, and thence south-eastwardly to our lines May 47 at Gloucester Point, on York river. Lt.-Col. B. F. Davis, 12th Illinois, had meantime passed May 3. down the South Anna to Ashland, where he tore up some rails and captured a train of sick, whom he paroled, and crossed thence to Hanover Station on the Centrahe Peninsula; but was stopped and turned aside by a Rebel force at Tunstall's Station, near White House; moving thence northward until he fell in with Kilpatrick near King and Queen Court House, and escaped with him to Gen. King's outpost at Gloucester Point. Stoneman, with Gregg and Buford, turned back May 5. from Yanceyville, recrossing the Rapidan at Raccoon ford, and the Rappahannock at Kelly's ford. May 8. Attempts were made to represent Stoneman's movement as successful, when it
on the Peninsula, 120; delay at Yorktown, 121; 122; extracts from report and dispatches of. on battle of Williamsburg, 124; 125-6; his advance reaches the Chickahominy, 127; his general plan of operations, 128; forces required by, 128-9; plan of, agreed to by the President, 129; his estimate of Rebel force in Northern Virginia, 129: his estimate of Rebel force at Yorktown, 130; remonstrates against depletion of his forces, 130; 131; calls for reenforcements, 130. 131-2; fails to attack Gloucester Point, 132; operations of, on the Chickahominy, and retreat to Malvern Hill. 141-170; his report of Fair Oaks. 146; 147-8; opportunity lost by, after battle of Fair Oaks, 147; dispatches from, after battle near Fair Oaks, 149; dispatch from, about McDowell's corps, 150, 151: his dispatches to the President, 151; inactivity of, 151; to the War Department, about Jackson's movements, 152; his over-estimate of the Rebel strength, 154-5; dispatches to the Secretary of War, after his defeat at Gai
. Led by Colonel Emery, it participated in the assault of Strong's Brigade on Fort Wagner, and in the opening fight on Morris Island captured two of the enemy's flags. During the Siege of Fort Wagner its casualties, in the assaults and in the trenches, amounted to 189 in killed, wounded, and missing. In October, 1863, the regiment moved to Black Island, S. C. While there, 416 of the original members reenlisted and received their furlough. On April 18, 1864, the Ninth proceeded to Gloucester Point, Va., where it was assigned to Ames's Division, Tenth Corps. Ascending the James River, the troops landed at Bermuda Hundred, and advanced immediately on the enemy's lines. Severe fighting followed, and in the battle of May 20th, the casualties in the regiment were 9 killed, 39 wounded, and 4 missing. At Cold Harbor, having been transferred to the Eighteenth Corps, it joined in the assault with a loss of 12 killed, 55 wounded, and 5 missing. While in the trenches before Petersburg, on J
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 4 (search)
ding to the bend in its course opposite to Yorktown, and a line of field-works just begun, to connect the inundations with the intrenchments of the village. Gloucester Point, on the north bank of York River, and directly opposite to Yorktown, was also intrenched. Water-batteries had been established at both places, to command thConfederate; the certainty that the Federal rifled cannon, mounted out of range of our obsolete smooth-bore guns, could destroy the batteries of Yorktown and Gloucester Point; and the very strong probability that General McClellan's plan was to open York River to his fleet by demolishing those batteries with his powerful artilleryest, General Magruder's defensive arrangements, as I had done to him, and representing that General McClellan's probable design of molesting our batteries at Gloucester Point and Yorktown, and turning our position by transporting his army up the river, could not be prevented, so that the adoption of a new plan was necessary. M
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
7th. The arrival of Smith's and Longstreet's divisions increased the army on the Peninsula to about fifty-three thousand men, including three thousand sick. It was opposed to a hundred and thirty-three thousand Federal soldiers. Franklin's division, of twelve thousand men, was kept on board of transports, in readiness to move up York River. Magruder's division formed the Confederate right wing, Longstreet's the centre, D. H. Hill's the left, and Smith's the reserve. The fieldworks at Gloucester Point and Yorktown, on the left flank, and Mulberry Point, on the right, were occupied by eight thousand men. In this position we had nothing to do but to finish the works begun, between Yorktown and the head of the inundations, and observe the enemy's operations. They were limited to a little skirmishing at long range, and daily cannonading, generally directed at Magruder's left, or Longstreet's right, and the construction of a long line of batteries in front of Yorktown, and beyond th
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
afety reach the post. A portion of the troops drew regularly from Yorktown. Provisions for the regular supply were hauled in wagons from King's-Mill Landing on James River. A few days' supply for a division was kept upon a sloop near Mulberry Island. The reserve for the army was kept at Williamsburg, and issued to the troops as they passed. And the best evidence of no loss at this main depot is the fact that the last divisions were unable to get a day's rations. The small depot at Gloucester Point lost little or nothing. The meat from there came to the army at Baltimore Cross-roads. Small amount, at Jamestown Island, not removed, of little value. To sum up, then: the amount of loss sustained by the department by the withdrawal of the Army I regard as so inconsiderable in comparison with the number of troops as to justify me in stating that the loss was nothing. (Signed) R. G. Cole. Headquarters, Barhamsville, May 7, 1862. General: The enemy has a large fleet of gunbo
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 14: in command of the Army of the James. (search)
of the proposed intrenched lines of Bermuda Hundred, which was the highest point ever reached by the navy until after the surrender of Richmond. The admiral also doubted whether it was possible to make the movement a surprise, and argued strenuously against an attempt by the joint expedition to go above City Point,--Osborn, the point proposed by me, being almost twenty miles beyond by the river. To divert the enemy's attention, all the white troops were concentrated at Yorktown and Gloucester Point, and all the colored infantry and artillery at Hampton, the colored cavalry at Williamsburg, and all the white cavalry at the line beyond Norfolk in the direction of Suffolk. About the 1st of May West Point, at the head of York River, was seized, preparations were made for building wharves and landings, and fortifications were begun, as if with the intention of making this the base of operations for a junction with Grant's army. General Meigs, quartermaster-general, was of opinion
d. From the tone of his letter and my conversation with General Vogdes, I am of opinion that he will not be able to be here, or to even get his troops here, until at least ten days from to-day. I have directed those troops to assemble at Gloucester Point, opposite Yorktown, under the immediate command of General Vogdes, assigning General Smith to the Camp of Instruction at Yorktown, and the command of the troops on both sides of the river. I have information upon which I most implicitly rnces for embarking troops have been a cause of great delay. No greater speed could have been made under the circumstances. Q. A. Gillmore, Major-General. [no. 27. see page 642.] Fortress Monroe, Va., May 4, 1864. Major-General Gillmore, Gloucester Point: Having waited for your army corps from Port Royal. I am not a little surprised at waiting for you here. Push everything forward. Benj. F. Butler, Major-General Commanding. [no. 28. see page 642.] off City Point, Thursday Eve., Ma
lroad between Petersburg and Richmond, 645; reply to, 648; communication from, 649; orders from Butler, 650, 655; at Drury's Bluff, 657, 664; reference to, 671-672; volunteers to lead expedition against Petersburg, 672; his timidity, 677; fails to attack Petersburg, 678; ordered to Washington, 679; orders Chaplain Hudson to New York, 834; publishes a book, 834; conspiracy with Hudson, 835; reference to, 833, 858, 871, 891. Glisson, Capt. O. C., aids Butler, off Hatteras, 343, 347. Gloucester Point, troops concentrated at, 638. Golden Gate, schooner Parallel, exploded, 776. Gordon, of Georgia, reference to, 882; tribute to, 882-883. Gore, Governor, Christopher, Butler isues Fast Day Proclamation of, 970, 974. Gourgand quoted, 997. Grace, Archie, at Drury's Bluff, 663. Gracie's brigade, reference to, 704. Graham, Brigadier-General, raid of, 618; destroys Confederate signal stations on James River, 640; battery of artillery, 679; reconnoitres Fort Fisher, 774; r
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