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Browsing named entities in Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.).

Found 258 total hits in 82 results.

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Xerxes How true it is. In the loss of so great an armyI have indeed been dealt a blow, wretched as I am. Chorus What that belonged to Persia, unfortunate one, has not been destroyed? Xerxes Do you see this remnant of my royal robe? Chorus Yes, I do indeed. Xerxes And this quiver— Chorus What is this you say has been saved? Xerxes Treasury for shafts? Chorus Truly a small remnant from an ample store. Xerxes We have been deprived of defenders. Chorus Ionia's people shrink not from the spea
Persia (Iran) (search for this): card 1014
Xerxes How true it is. In the loss of so great an armyI have indeed been dealt a blow, wretched as I am. Chorus What that belonged to Persia, unfortunate one, has not been destroyed? Xerxes Do you see this remnant of my royal robe? Chorus Yes, I do indeed. Xerxes And this quiver— Chorus What is this you say has been saved? Xerxes Treasury for shafts? Chorus Truly a small remnant from an ample store. Xerxes We have been deprived of defenders. Chorus Ionia's people shrink not from the spea
Xerxes We have been stricken by misfortune such as will endure for ages. Chorus We have been stricken; it is abundantly clear. Xerxes By strange woe, strange woe! Chorus It was with bad luck that we encountered Ionia's mariners. Unfortunate in war, indeed, is Persia's race.
Persia (Iran) (search for this): card 1008
Xerxes We have been stricken by misfortune such as will endure for ages. Chorus We have been stricken; it is abundantly clear. Xerxes By strange woe, strange woe! Chorus It was with bad luck that we encountered Ionia's mariners. Unfortunate in war, indeed, is Persia's race.
Athens (Greece) (search for this): card 974
Xerxes Woe, woe is me!They beheld ancient and hateful Athens and with one convulsive struggle (alas, alas !) poor wretches, they lie gasping on the shore. Chorus Did you really lose your trusty eyeThe Persian kings had in their service officers called their “eyes” and “ears,” charged to make report of what they saw and heard.there, that whichcounted tens upon tens of thousands of the Persians, Batanochus' son Alpistus . . . son of Sesames, Megabates' son, Parthos and mighty Oebares, did you leave these behind?Alas, alas, the unhappy men! You speak of woe, surpassing woe, for nob
Memphis (Egypt) (search for this): card 962
Xerxes By the shores of Salamis, dashing against its rugged shore,I left them, fallen in death from a Tyrian ship. Chorus Woe! woe! cry aloud! Where is your beloved Pharnuchus, and the courageous Ariomardus? Where is prince Seualces,or Lilaeus of noble lineage, Memphis, Tharybis and Masistras, Artembares and Hystaechmas? This I ask you.
Ecbatana (Iran) (search for this): card 950
Xerxes Yes, for the Ionian naval force, turning the tide of battle, swept them away, the Ionian host, ravaging the dark sea and the shore of doom. Chorus Woe! woe! cry aloud, learn about the whole disaster. Where is the rest of the multitude of your comrades? Where are those who stood by your side, such as Pharandaces, Susas, Pelagon, Dotamas, andAgdabatas, Psammis, and Susiscanes of Agbatana?
Persia (Iran) (search for this): card 909
Enter Xerxes in tattered robes, and attended by a scanty retinue Xerxes Alas, wretched am I who have met this cruel doomwhich did not give the faintest sign of its coming! In what savage mood has Fortune trampled upon the Persian race? What misery is yet in store for me, unhappy wretch? The strength of my limbs is loosened as I look upon this aged group of citizens.Ah, Zeus,I wish that the doom of death had buried me, too, together with the men who have been laid low! Chorus Alas, my king, for our noble army, for the high honor of Persia's rule,and for the splendor of the men now cut off by Fate! The land bewails her native youth, slaughtered for Xerxes, who has crowded Hades with Persian slain.Many warriors, masters of the bow, our country's pride, a great multitude of men, have perished. Alas, alas, for our trusty defence! The land of Asia, the leading power of the earth,has piteously, yes piteously, been bowed to her knees.
Enter Xerxes in tattered robes, and attended by a scanty retinue Xerxes Alas, wretched am I who have met this cruel doomwhich did not give the faintest sign of its coming! In what savage mood has Fortune trampled upon the Persian race? What misery is yet in store for me, unhappy wretch? The strength of my limbs is loosened as I look upon this aged group of citizens.Ah, Zeus,I wish that the doom of death had buried me, too, together with the men who have been laid low! Chorus Alas, my king, for our noble army, for the high honor of Persia's rule,and for the splendor of the men now cut off by Fate! The land bewails her native youth, slaughtered for Xerxes, who has crowded Hades with Persian slain.Many warriors, masters of the bow, our country's pride, a great multitude of men, have perished. Alas, alas, for our trusty defence! The land of Asia, the leading power of the earth,has piteously, yes piteously, been bowed to her knees.
Cnidus (Turkey) (search for this): card 888
Chorus And he held under his sway the sea-girt islands midway between the continents,Lemnos, and the settlement of Icarus, and Rhodes, and Cnidos, and the Cyprian cities Paphos, Soli, and Salamis,whose mother-city is now the cause of our lament.
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